Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
While the dangers of appearing anti-gun are evident to “true champion of the Second Amendment” Harry Reid, who recently tried and failed in his cynical manipulation to divide and conquer gun voters by appealing to the sporting crowd, to guys like Jon Tester, who put on a good front before showing gun owners what he really thinks of the right to bear arms, and to Democrats pressuring Michael Bloomberg to back off from his gun obsession lest he drag them down at the polls, those unable to control their “progressive” impulses are nonetheless itching for a showdown.
Why not encourage it?
I have, and I do. I’ll say it again. Bring it! The fact that so many progs are running from this issue let’s you know just what it means to their constituents. And by the way, the progs know they’re losing, and they’re looking for alternative tactics to fill the gap.
How come you embrace the same monopoly of violence philosophy espoused by CSGV’s Josh Horwitz and his ideological hero, Max Weber, that allowed it all to happen?
Uh oh. Progs don’t like it when you force them to confront the fact that they espouse the very catalyst of the holocaust they that find repugnant, and David is doing exactly that. See my conversation with the Rabbi on gun control, to which he responded, “The title of your latest post in no way reflects the conversation that we have had. I hope you continue to read the column, but I see no point in any further replies to your email.”
Not a bad strategy, really–push laws to try to make guns as useless as possible, then justify further infringements by arguing that guns are already so useless that the new restrictions don’t really affect us much.
The self-fulfilling prophesy (a prediction about the future that ensures its own validity) is actually a formal logical fallacy. This isn’t the only formal logical fallacy the progs make. Their full of them, and we hear them every day. Jay Rockefeller shows us his non sequitur of the day with this bit about engineer-immigrants: “I’m not for throwing people out,” Rockefeller tells National Review Online. “I’ve got a huge interest in science, engineering and math, etc., and those are the folks who are trained in other countries and they come here and we cut their funding. We’ve all benefited from immigrants.”
See Mike Vanderboegh on The Illuminati Did It. Good grief! This is why I spam conspiracy theory comments – that is, they are mostly stupid and from mostly gullible men. And that goes for the notion that the fight in the Ukraine is all about banksters and rivers of money and undercover U.S. operations by the CIA and weapons sales. Good grief. The fight in the Ukraine is about a communist trying to rebuild a communist empire because he is evil and communism is evil. And communism is evil whether in the U.S. or Russia. And banksters are usually very bad men who leech off of the wealth of others, and God hates nations and men who survive off the largesse of debt and usury, like we do. He will not bless us as long as we enshrine debt and usury. But none of that has anything to do with the fight in the Ukraine and it pays to be able to “rightly divide” and properly discern. Pay attention folks, and keep your eye on the ball.
Field & Stream on ARs chambered for big game hunting. I’ll eventually have an AR-10 (or in RRA lingo, LAR-8), chambered for .308. But I wish they would build one in .270.
ABC News on the Southern border.
The federal government is so overwhelmed by the current tide of migrants crossing the border it can’t provide basic medical screening to all of the children before transporting them – often by air – to longer-term holding facilities across the country, ABC News has learned.
The director of refugee health in the federal Health and Human Services Department “has identified a breakdown of the medical screening processes at the Nogales, Arizona, facility,” according to an internal Department of Defense memo reviewed by ABC News.
Finally, John Jay has one up entitled The Burrito That Roared.
scene:mexican mud hut.the family scraps over a moldy tortilla, and muddy water, for breakfast. the extended family of 30, huddled around a meager open campfire, dressed in rags and an occasional serape. the light flickers on their faces, …. , much like the encampment the night before battle, with good king hal speaking to them.juan: (a mysterious, ethereal light focuses on his little beatific brown face.) mommy-cita, i am going to america, to be a yankee, and to play in the nba.mother: but, juan, you are only 4 years old.juan: never mind, blessed little mother, load the packard w/ my things, my good pair of shorts, and a peanut butter sandwich, i am driving to nogales.mother: but, juan, you are only 4 years old, you cannot drive, and you don’t know the way.juan: hush, blessed mother, quit your puerile mutterings, and point me the right way. god will provide.scene:mexican service station.a puzzled attendant.juan: you there, you vacant eyed nit wit, fill ‘er up.attendant: you got some money, you scraggly-assed whelp?juan: impudent one, cannot you tell that i am on a mission from god …
To finish, visit John’s place.
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