Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
David Codrea says he figured his most recent column would be controversial.
Still, if one is to credit backers of such measures with being sincere, it makes little sense to demand background checks in one case, but to not only turn a blind eye, but to attack people for advocating doing them on the intentionally undocumented. So why haven’t the “gun safety” groups joined in demanding background checks on illegal aliens, particularly with well-documented tie-ins to increases in crimes[?]
Controversial in import, perhaps, but not in facts. We’ve discussed it before. The Democrats want the illegals because of votes. The GOP wants them because they want low paid workers who must live [in part] off the backs of the middle class, thus providing corporate welfare. The GOP is in bed with the crony capitalists. You want to see the NRA’s alleged power evaporate into nothing? Flood the country with another ten million illegals who are given the right to vote.
If the military stumbles upon new technology to make firearms more effective, we the people are owed access to that technology, and we must take it, by whatever means necessary.
Besides, as Kurt notes in his article, this isn’t a one way street. I have always and will continue to claim that a new firearm or design isn’t fully vetted until it is released to the civilian market. Soldiers and Marines work with what they are issued. We get to buy what we want because it works the best. We are the test laboratory, not the military.
What I hear is that Malloy has issued whispered, oh-so-quiet orders not have any enforcement of the Intolerable Act until after his re-election. After that, however, he will turn KGB Lawlor loose to wreak havoc. Voters in CT should be reminded forcefully that a vote for Malloy is a vote for the arrest and possible death of their friends and neighbors. Lord willing, I intend to go to CT just before the election in the last week of October to make that point. I will be in CO the week before that to do the same thing to Hickenlooper.
Go get ’em Mike. I’m sure glad that Mike’s on our side. Let’s support him however we can.
Finally, Muslims declare jihad against dogs. Sorry folks. My dog is a non-negotiable, just like my guns and my theological views. Now pardon me while I go smooch with my Doberman.
On August 1, 2014 at 6:56 pm, madoradataman said:
If we want the 2A to be comprehensive, we must focus on more than firearms — it is after-all, about empowerment to defend yourself.
It sounds like Sci-Fi — but, will we demand the right to laser rifles when the time comes? Or now?
Food for thought!!