The Foolishness Of Militia At The Border
BY Herschel Smith
Mike Vanderboegh links this Zerohedge piece where the following statement is apparently made by someone affiliated with some self-proclaimed militia.
“You see an illegal. You point your gun dead at him, right between his eyes, and you say, ‘Get back across the border or you will be shot.’ …We are not worried about an ‘International’ incident.”
In the clearest possible terms, let me make the following statement to whoever said this: You … are … an … idiot!
Mike further says this:
And if I cannot convince you that the border situation is not the immediate threat that you have to worry about — if you think I am, as some have called me, a “traitor” because I refuse to endorse a precipitate rush to the border — then, okay, fine. But please, do us all a favor and lose the boogeyman face paint. Because Bob is correct, you do look like “dangerous foolish children playing dangerous foolish games.”
Mike is a nice guy, but I’m not. If you are the one wearing paint or doohickey’s around your face, I don’t really care what you think about me or what I’m writing.
But just to pull these threads a little more, those who rushed to the border to stop this catastrophe use your eyes, but you don’t see. You listen, but you don’t hear. You cannot discern the signs of the times because you think you control too much and trust yourself and your power more than you should.
God will humble you, as He will us all. And now I’ll invoke my theological views, and if you don’t want to read this analysis because of that, you’ve been warned. Stop reading now, and don’t whine and bitch in the comments about my theology. I’m not interested. I’ll just delete the comments.
There are times and epochs when God judges nations and peoples. We are in one of those times. The innocent will suffer in the wake of his judgment, for this isn’t personal judgment – it is corporate. He will not let nations get away with what we’ve done without paying the cost.
The threat of illegals may not be immediate, but it is existential and the things that threaten America will prove fatal. Illegal immigration and an evil president are only symptoms of the problem. God has commanded that nations not live with insurmountable debt and usury, and yet our entire economic system is based on that. God has commanded us to protect the little ones, and yet millions have been aborted since the “freedom” provided to women in Roe v. Wade. God commands men to work, and calls one who doesn’t provide for his own “worse than an infidel.”
And yet, there are 92 million Americans who are not in the labor force. The number of unemployed Americans increases by more than 100,000 every month. What are you going to do, militia? Shoot every last one of those 100,000 every month? They represent the same sort of existential threat to the American system as the illegals crossing the border.
You cannot change things. You cannot shoot enough people, you cannot threaten your way to security, you cannot vote your way out of this. The system if beyond repair. America doesn’t exist anymore. It is finished. The seeds of its destruction were sewn long ago and they are coming into bloom as we speak.
It is true that I have recommended that we deploy the Marines to the Southern border with specific RUF/ROE to shoot anyone crossing the border with a weapon, whether they constitute an immediate threat or not. The objection of posse comitatus rings hollow, as border security shouldn’t be seen as a law enforcement function.
But I have also recommended that we see Mexico as an enemy state, close the border to commercial traffic, stop trade and eject all illegals. Those things will not happen because America lacks the heart to protect its children, heritage, or the integrity of its laws.
My late professor, Dr. C. Gregg Singer, said:
That the Western mind is sick unto death and that Western culture and the civilization to which it gave birth are in serious danger of collapse are facts that have become so evident that few observers are prepared to dispute this conclusion and argue for their vitality (From Rationalism to Irrationality, Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company).
This is truth, spoken with sadness of heart, for I knew Singer well. We cannot heal America with furor, we cannot repair what’s wrong with America with our guns. America has a heart problem.
What can we accomplish? We and our guns and ammunition can prepare, plan, protect and secure to the extent God allows, our family, clan and tribe. That should be our focus. Every attempt to heal America will come to failure without a new reformation.
You do have family, clan and tribe, don’t you? They are your first concern, aren’t they?
On August 4, 2014 at 7:59 am, MattBracken said:
Without a serious fence system for the Border Patrol to actually watch and guard, the BP is forced to “defend in depth.” The southern border is 2,019 miles from sea to sea. If the Border
Patrol check points are 40 miles from the border, agents must roam across an area of 80,000 square miles seeking illegal immigrants. This is a fool’s errand, deliberately futile. 80,000 square miles is the size of Idaho or Kansas.
The same number of border patrol agents actually guarding a physical barrier means that every inch of the border is under observation at all times. For example, anybody carrying a ladder to the fence will be seen, and stopped by nearby Border Patrol agents who react to their approach. That is why the San Diego fence is so effective. It needs to be extended across the entire border. Or, we can keep play-acting at border security, with the Border Patrol playing Keystone Kops across 80,000 square miles of rough scrub land terrain.
Here is a meme I created showing the typical unguarded southern border, and the San Diego fence.
On August 4, 2014 at 8:49 am, Heyoka said:
I am 100% with you Matt. Sheet piles driven to a depth of 40 feet with 30 feet extending above the surface would be a good start. Then two such structures about 20 feet wide filled with compacted earth and then topped of for a driving surface with enough space to turn a vehicle around on. This would cut down of boarder patrol travel time and any one between the walls would be like fish in a barrel.
What really rags me is that pursuant to the Constitution, the states have the authority to secure their own borders, repel invasion. Seems like we have enough people and wealth in the conservative ranks to build this border wall. To hell with the Feds. The authority that is merely “delegated” to the Federal Government does not preclude the people from defending themselves and their rights.
Also the term “immigration” is not contemplated to include an invasion of our border in the Constitutional sense of the word. The delegated authority authorizing the Federal Government to regulate immigration does not include lawless unregulated border crossing by other country nationals who intend to evade the immigration laws. They are alien invaders, period.
If you add the fact the organizations like La Raza are intentionally populating the southern states with the intent to over whelm the native population and institute some danged Aztec BS Empire then it is invasion plain and simple and contrary to the requirements of a Republican Form of Government.
This is just a Marxist ploy to stress the system and bring in people who are used to totalitarian governments. But we know this already don’t we???
Fellow Squid
On August 4, 2014 at 10:24 am, MattBracken said:
The San Diego fence in the picture I linked costs $4 million per mile, roughly, times 2,000 miles. 8 Billion, or one aircraft carrier and planes. So the fence you pose would cost probably 80 billion, and it’s not necessary to make it tunnel-proof etc. Tunnels can be detected and blown up. Tunnels are used by cartels for high-value smuggling of heroin etc, not for low income per head human smuggling. The San Diego border fence is all that is required over the border.
On August 27, 2014 at 11:37 am, pjb1 said:
Funny to see one whose books use the theme of escaping to Caribbean islands or points south, advocating a border fence! Is that a little cognitive dissonance? Sounds like a prison to me.
I don’t get confused who my enemies are. They are home-grown assholes in Washington DC, not Jose swimming a river to get work. I wrote an article about border defense here:
On August 4, 2014 at 8:18 am, Blake said:
My thoughts exactly, with one caveat: I think Ebola makes it here and wipes out 35% to 45% of the population. The border rush is already straining health resources to the breaking point, at least, at the border.
An Ebola outbreak overwhelms disease control in the country. Possibly world wide.
I have been praying that God’s judgment is swift, because I believe that would be merciful in the long run.
On August 4, 2014 at 8:50 am, Heyoka said:
I do concur sir…. God help us…
On August 4, 2014 at 9:46 am, Josh said:
Stop fear mongering on Ebola. That disease is incapable of killing 35-40% of the population. It’s a very self-limiting virus, and cannot survive western hygiene, infrastructure, medicine and quarantine protocols. You have a higher risk of dying from influenza than even contracting Ebola.
What you should worry about, if anything, is drug-resistant TB combined with blood parasites such as scabies, bed bugs and lice.
Please do the research on Ebola and stop spreading FUD.
On August 4, 2014 at 10:13 am, Blake said:
The original strain of Ebola that is self-limiting has a 90% death rate.
The current Ebola outbreak has a mortality rate of about 57% and has killed 700+ people so far. The strain of Ebola that is making it’s rounds seems to be somewhat more contagious and the vectors of transmission appear to differ from the higher mortality strain.
I’ve done my research. I question whether you have.
On August 4, 2014 at 10:40 am, Josh said:
A 57% mortality rate is still very self-limiting. Also, there is no evidence the transmission vectors differ at all from other strains. It’s transmitted via bodily fluids, as always. There’s just people like you, claiming this strain is worse (I’ve even heard people saying it’s airborne), with zero evidence or sources.
Historically, Ebola outbreaks have always produced a mortality rate of 60-90%. There is nothing unique whatsoever about this outbreak, except that the sick have more mobility than they did in 1975.
You’ve cited no sources, and are claiming you believe Ebola will make it to the US and wipe out 125.6 million people. That’s preposterous, and exposes a fundamental misunderstanding of the disease.
You will be proven wrong, come mid-to-late fall, when the disease begins its slow process of dying off, according to Spatial SEIR Modeling.
On August 4, 2014 at 11:02 am, Blake said:
You’re moving the goal posts. Not only that, but I laid out a scenario based on my opinion and you are claiming I need to source “my opinion.”
What part of the qualifiers “seems” and “appears” don’t you understand?
You are making blanket statements about this current Ebola outbreak that you really shouldn’t be making. I’m trying to err on the side of caution while you’re playing “nothing to see here, move along.”
I would just as soon be wrong, to be honest. In fact, I’m okay with being wrong. However, are you comfortable with being wrong? Are you so secure in your position that you’re willing to ignore how serious this outbreak is and the possible repercussions if you’re wrong?
The answer to the preceding question is obvious, because you’ve been nothing but rude and condescending.
On August 4, 2014 at 11:23 am, Josh said:
Grow some skin, Blake. This is a comments section of a blog, and we’re having a debate. Or go cry in a corner, I don’t care.
I haven’t condescended to you yet, but I have no qualms about doing so to someone who believes Ebola is going to kill 125 million people in the USA. That’s not even statistically possible, if we take your presented figure of a 57% mortality rate. Your math doesn’t even add up.
Just stop spreading misinformation and FUD about a disease that has no mechanism of survival in North America.
On August 4, 2014 at 11:52 am, Blake said:
It’s not a debate. You’re convinced you’re right and nothing I say will convince you you’re wrong. Nor will anything I say cause you to question the certainty of your position. Whereas I’ve already admitted I could be wrong and would prefer to be wrong.
Bottom line: I can afford to be wrong. You cannot.
On August 4, 2014 at 12:19 pm, Josh said:
Let’s make one thing clear: me being wrong has no consequences or ramifications. If Ebola is to come and take out almost half the population, there is no effect whatsoever my or your current opinions have in it. In that nightmare scenario, there is nothing to be done other than stay indoors or retreat to the wilderness. The Captain has made it clear the southern border is an utterly lost cause, so there are no preventative measures available in that regard. So I can neither afford nor ill afford to be wrong.
One thing you could do to make me rethink my position is provide sources for your claim that there are new transmission vectors.
On August 5, 2014 at 10:23 am, Roger V. Tranfaglia said:
Are you SURE, is that your FINAL ANSWER………
On August 5, 2014 at 10:51 am, Josh said:
I’ve no idea what you’re referring to. Is what my “final answer?”
On August 4, 2014 at 9:27 am, Paul b said:
The rot is so deep in the patient we will kill it excising the rot.
Do what you can now and keep your powder dry. We must be ready to rebuild once we get to the other side.
On August 4, 2014 at 2:14 pm, RRaider said:
So God is going to judge us because of our unemployment rate? LOL, I’m sure this will be deleted by the thin skinned author but that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.
On August 4, 2014 at 2:24 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I won’t delete this post because it is so idiotic that it stands as an example of profound stupidity for all to see. And by the way, do not use LOL. It makes you look like a fool and second grader typing a text message into your cell phone mommy gave you.
God will judge us because of any number of things, but what’s being pointed at in the post pertains to those who can work and who will not. The Bible says that those men are “worse than infidels,” and yet we keep on supporting such men in America. Now, you may disagree with my source, but that has to do with epistemology (my philosophy of truth), not my interpretation of what I read there (which is impeccable).
Moron. Think before you write.
On August 4, 2014 at 3:11 pm, RRaider said:
So you honestly believe 100,000 men every month are just choosing not to work or are you just throwing out big numbers as hyperbole? If you really believe that It’s obvious who the moron in this conversation is, if it’s just hyperbole to justify your conclusion then I guess we know even you don’t really believe what you wrote.
Oh, and btw, I am texting this from a phone my mommy gave me, she rocks!
On August 4, 2014 at 3:18 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Last comment, RRaider. I won’t let you highjack the discussion thread and troll us.
To answer, 100,000 men not working does not equal 100,000 men choosing not to work. Neither does 100,000 men not working equal 100,000 men losing their jobs involuntarily
Really, you should engage your brain before writing. It would go better for you.
Oh, and another edit … LOL … LOL … LOL!!!!!!!!
On August 4, 2014 at 3:51 pm, RRaider said:
Yet you group all 100,000 together and proclaim them all as bad as illegal immigrants. I’m pretty sure most of the LOL’s on this site aren’t directed at me. Anyway, I’ve wasted enough time with your bitter old ass.
On August 4, 2014 at 4:19 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I do not group them all together. I use them as an example and ask what the militia groups are doing about them? Whether the group of people is 100,000 or 50,000 or 25,000, the issue is the same.
Understand what a writer is doing when s/he does this. I have my readers for 2-3 minutes, no longer (usually). I know this from site meter.
If I say something like … “now I understand that not all 100,000 people losing their jobs are doing so voluntarily and yet they may still be a drain on the system, but the moral issue is still the same for the militias … blah … blah … blah,” and drone on and on and on, no one will read it. The article was almost too long as it was.
I wouldn’t read it, and it would bore me to write it. Learn to read a little deeper and fill in the blanks. I don’t actually say everything you need in order to understand the point of the article. You have to think a little bit.
On August 4, 2014 at 5:58 pm, Josh said:
Personally, i find a positive correlation between the length of your articles and my enjoyment of them. I think you should write more long, expositional pieces. But then I’m likely in the minority.
On August 4, 2014 at 7:59 pm, Pat Hines said:
The guy in question wasn’t wearing face paint, in a sense, it was worse. He was wearing a WWF pro-wrestler’s mask, in short, he was “going upon the highway in disguise”, something that I think invokes the US laws against the KKK. That is a stupid decision, whether or not you agree with the founding of the KKK in the late 1860s. Those in the photo series with the masked man were providing an assortment of hand gestures suitable for those riding the short bus to a junior high football game.
On the other hand, those crossing the border are invaders, not “illegal aliens”. As invaders, they trigger a valid militia response that can involve the use of force to repel them, force that may be lethal.
This won’t be easily dealt with, but it damn sure won’t be handled by diplomacy and writing congressmen. Those days are well past over.
On August 5, 2014 at 8:25 am, Josh said:
Two points here. Firstly, while the use of the term “invaders” may be technically accurate, it is only so because the term has a broad definition. It does not clearly ascribe motive or intention. So I would disagree that the simple act of labeling them as “invaders” is enough to trigger a militia response with lethal force. I don’t necessarily disagree with the overall sentiment, but a better and more descriptive justification needs to be presented before people simply go shooting other people dead at the border.
And finally, this is all a moot point anyway. There is no militia. There may be some folks who run around with Gadsden flags and guns, but they lack any mandate to act in an overwhelming (or effective, because it must be overwhelming to be effective) fashion.
I don’t think it will be dealt with at all. I think the horse has left the barn.
On August 4, 2014 at 8:48 pm, moral DK said:
You know, I agree with a great deal of what you say, but you come across as a self-righteous boob. Delete if you like, but please take one bit of advice: Folks will listen much more closely if you don’t condescend.
On August 4, 2014 at 10:01 pm, pjb1 said:
I agree, although I come at it from a different direction.
Washington DC created this problem just to jerk a lot of people’s chains. Running down to the border is just like Pavlov’s dogs salivating when a bell rings.
On August 4, 2014 at 11:01 pm, Lentenlands said:
The globalists are in control and are creating their North American Union by which they will merge America into the chaotic states of the world. The new world order of tyranny and death is upon you whether you like it or not. If you believe in the sovereign United States and it’s Constitution, you are the enemy of these globalists and they will work night and day to eliminate you. Socialism is the common denominator to effect the merger, that is why the push in America is so hard for socialism. They are planning a fascist socialist empire to rule the world and it will not be pretty.
“Order out of chaos,” as they amalgamate North America into a two-class
society for a North American Union, within a New World Order of regional
blocs. The “free trade” fascists have taken their “free flow of goods,
services and people” to another level to include a free flow of
felonies. ”
Take the time to watch and understand:
BLOC HEADS: Builders of the New World Order’:…
On August 5, 2014 at 1:52 pm, Robo said:
So in other words just sit on your ass and continue apathetically pecking away at your keyboard instead of defending your borders, which your government isn’t doing.
On August 5, 2014 at 2:50 pm, Josh said:
Are you the pot or the kettle?
In other words, when you arrive at the border to valiantly stop the “invasion,” do send pics!
On August 5, 2014 at 4:34 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I know it’s visceral. It seems like there is something we should be doing. But it is all orchestrated by those in power.
If they won’t even let the Border Patrol stop it, there is nothing a militia can do. Oh, you can go down to the border, shoot someone, and then get arrested and thrown in a Texas prison, where they have the death penalty, and you will then be unavailable to protect your family, clan and tribe when the SHTF big time.
Is that what you want?
As I said, there are times and epochs … and it isn’t just that elections have consequences. It’s more than that. It’s that the thinking and corruption that got the man elected have left you and their country. America exists no more. It’s over until … until …