The Three Percenter’s Make-Believe Army
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 5 months ago
The Three Percenter Club’s imagination is as vivid as the Oathkeepers, and claims its make-believe army is made up of members who have been given “the capabilities and resources necessary to execute Military Strategies to defend against foreign and domestic enemies;” like child refugees and the United States government. Apparently, the Three Percenter club devised its name from “the 3% of colonist (sic) who refused orders by the British Crown to surrender their firearms in the American Revolution.” Apparently, Three Percenters are too childish to understand that no-one has asked any American to “surrender their firearms.” That is a major problem with people that are convinced they live in revolution-era America; they lust to wage war on the United States government as part of their defense of the Constitution they likely never read. The Three Percenter Club’s founder, Mike Vanderboegh, claims the “movement’s core belief is a willingness to offer violent resistance to the United States government,” something definitely NOT in the U.S. Constitution they support.
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A child’s imagination, fantasies, and make believe is a wonder to behold, but when grown men that should be holding down a real job instead of fantasizing they are in a revolutionary war against the United States government and use firearms to confront refugee children, their fantasy makes the traitors against America and cowards for laying in wait for child refugees fleeing violence in Central America.
The real money quotes come from the comments.
But what is the government waiting for? Are they waiting for people to be murdered before they act? This has already gone to far.
If anything like starts happening they need to be crushed with tanks and gunships. You can’t let these anti-American domestic terrorists get away with anything.
These folks are completely delusional if they think for one moment that they can successfully go up against a government with the ability to squash them like the roaches they are with all its firepower.
What? Never heard of fourth generation warfare? Without thinking clearly about it, the readers demonstrate first of all why such a movement is necessary (they would just as soon see their countrymen crushed under tanks and gunships), second that they have no conception whatsoever of what such a civil war would look like (how bitter it would be and how it would affect their own lives), and finally that it isn’t guns they oppose – it is guns in the wrong hands, or in other words, hands of those with whom they disagree.
I’ve always said that liberals and progressives (this web site advertizes that they are all about “real liberal politics”) aren’t libertarian or enlightened in the least. All progressives are collectivists and totalitarians. This is the sad and contemptible offspring of relativism.
For readers at Politicus USA, I won’t try to educated you on the finer points of the foundations for civil society, but I will simply say to you the following: You have no idea what’s coming, how bad it’s going to be, or how to stop it once it begins. And there is nothing make-believe about men who are morally committed, called by God, and dedicated to the very end to ideals you treat as a mere punchline.
On August 14, 2014 at 8:44 am, Paul B said:
For a liberal up is down and left is right. It is amazing to me they can find the door in the morning. Pointing out the logical phallicies in the arguments the propose only make them mad.
If the person you are reasoning with is yelling, they do not have a leg to stand on.
On August 14, 2014 at 10:34 am, Burk said:
Called by god, eh? Are you hearing voices? What is god saying, precisely?
On August 15, 2014 at 12:07 am, oughtsix said:
God has already spoken on such matters.
We can read his word. We do not need Him to speak aloud to each and every one of us.
Natural Law, the Law of the Universe, God’s Law… whatever it may be called, it’s recorded in the writings of the Founders and by the scribes of the Testaments, it is inscribed on the hearts of decent men of perception and is apparent to anyone who has the intelligence and moral character to see it.
We are called as MEN to oppose evil, protect the weak and make every attempt to promote a just and civil society.
That you scoff at such speaks volumes about you.
On August 15, 2014 at 1:11 am, Tom Wolff said:
’06, that was pure eloquence, man. Thanks.
On August 16, 2014 at 4:07 pm, Bill Daigle said:
+ 1 ought
On August 14, 2014 at 10:24 pm, Blake said:
How quickly these people forget someone like Christopher Dorner. Dorner killed 4 and wounded 4. Had Dorner not advertised, LA cops would probably still be losing sleep.
On August 14, 2014 at 11:22 pm, Rick Lakehomer said:
They have not got a clue what is truly coming. They can go ahead and think this about all us evil ‘conservatives’ or whatever they want to smear us as.
Pathetic sniveling mongrels, they are nothing but
collectivist rabble. Their arrogance, ignorance and refusal to see what is coming
will be their downfall. Always has been and always will be. Just how much blood will flow in the street across ameriKKKa before it can be rebuilt from the ashes.
On August 15, 2014 at 1:21 am, Tom Wolff said:
It’s precisely as Mike Vanderboegh stated years ago. They extrapolate and project their own cowardice upon everyone they denigrate, but are so stupid as to believe their fantasy. These are not real American men and women, they are some aberration of social evolution. The fun part will be to eradicate them from the earth as they whine in disbelief, “Oh, you won’t shoot me!”
I think one round just at the bridge of the nose will work, then they can explain to Jesus why they said all those nasty things about Him …
On August 15, 2014 at 8:03 am, ThirtyCal said:
HE will say, again, ‘I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’
On August 15, 2014 at 7:17 am, J 3% said:
The progressives like the constitution when it is convenient. I found this bit amusing. The comments more so. Consider these same people thought all the above in Government were coming for them just 6-7 years ago… This is why they are dangerous. They hope the Government will come for those they disagree with.
On August 15, 2014 at 8:38 am, Kruton said:
7,000,000 Redneck youth will storm into your leftist enclaves and annihilate you! Thats what will happen,you are doomed!
On August 15, 2014 at 8:12 pm, TheLordRegent said:
1. Really?
a. Do you know an ace hacker/cracker who can ID the posters at Politic-us down to their home addresses?
b. How much .mil or expedient combat training do these 7 million rednecks have?
c. How about combat experience, including hits on unsuspecting lefties which wind up looking like “robberies gone bad?”
d. A concentrated storm attack would be an awfully tempting target for arty or an air strike. May want to think about a different approach.
2. Not writing that it should not be done, just pointing out the improbability.
On August 15, 2014 at 8:50 pm, Kruton said:
Your not even worth answering.
On August 11, 2016 at 8:08 am, Swamp Fox said:
I have six years of combat experience and I will take a bullet for what I believe in. How many years do you have? Are you willing to take a round for your country? I would rather die than live under oppression. The Vietnamese were less armed and out numbered, but tenacious in their endeavors, as were the three percent that fought the revolutionary war.
Mortem omnibus tyrannis
On August 16, 2014 at 2:02 pm, History buff said:
If what the 3%’s say is true, they can’t be waging war against the U.S. Govt because the govt is of, by, and for the people. What we have now is an illegal glob of dangerous folks who claim to the uneducated, to be the gov’t. Same as when the non U.S. Govt- brits claimed to the uneducated to be the U.S. Govt, and the uneducated sheeple bought off on it. But the people of the true U.S. Govt fought back and retained their title.
On August 21, 2014 at 10:27 am, I_R_A_Darth_Aggie said:
I’m gonna paraphrase Kip’s Law: every advocate of central planning envisions themself as the central planner.