Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 4 months ago
An Ohio woman used her lawfully-carried handgun to prevent a pair of men armed with a baseball bat from abducting her, WBNS 10TV Columbus reported Friday. Per the account Dinah Burns of Lancaster gave to the police and to reporter Jeff Valin, producing her concealed handgun induced the men to stop approaching her and flee.
[ … ]
Not, as colleague Kurt Hofmann noted in a recent JPFO Alert, rights should be dependent on such number-crunching – but what is significant here is the antis always couch that argument by saying more people are killed with guns than kill their assailants with guns. Those who do are intentionally steering the conversation away from the relevant argument. That’s because, as this incident reflects, good people often resolve such situations with the mere presentation of a gun, without firing a shot.
Besides, statistics only matter when you consider yourself part of the collective and subsume your rights under the umbrella of whatever is best for the collective, decided, of course, by the rulers. As for the woman, good for her, although I would have shot enough times to kill the would-be assailant.
Via Say Uncle, here is Hunter the no-hands shooter.
Here is his Facebook page, and more about him. Okay, I promise never to complain about anything at the range ever again, except when someone muzzle flags me.
Apparently, British writers haven’t been beaten on enough (I am seeing a lot less of this among American writers). Someone tell this writer that there is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault rifle.
The shirtless, homoerotic megalomaniac has boasted that he could take Kiev in two weeks. Well, here’s a prediction short boy. Try it. I say that occupation and the resultant insurgency would be your worst nightmare.
On September 5, 2014 at 8:17 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Wow – thanks for posting the link about Hunter. This is the type of personality I like to see. Instead, we find ourselves assaulted by busybody idiots who find the time to be offended about this tiny thing, or that tiny thing:
“In June, in return for taking part in a local volunteer initiative to
plant flower beds in the city’s traffic medians, the diner was awarded a
sign on a lamp post that said “Yield for Sneakers Bacon.” A woman took
issue with the sign, calling it insensitive to those who don’t eat pork…” (We all know who those “someone(s)” are.)
This cretin should be thanking God daily that this is the biggest problem in her life. Or maybe she should meet Hunter, and learn that there are bigger problems out there.
Incidentally, the above links was just an illustration of the douchebaggery that we are assaulted with, and supposed to take seriously.
More power to ya, Hunter. You’re a real man.