Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 4 months ago
New Jersey is going full bore to prosecute a lawbreaker arrested for possessing a handgun loaded with hollowpoint ammunition in violation of state law. Evidently this person is so dangerous that entry into a diversionary program is off the table, and instead, a mandatory minimum 3-year prison sentence will be imposed if a felony conviction is obtained, something that seems probable at this writing … How that will benefit the people of New Jersey is unclear.
It won’t benefit the people of New Jersey. This poor woman is being prosecuted for the same reason that Sergeant Tahmooressi is left to rot in a Mexican prison by U.S. authorities. The people of New Jersey don’t care any more about women trying to defend their loved ones than the authorities care about the U.S. Marines. It’s all about guns, which in turn is all about control.
Via David, there is this from Virginia democrat Mike Dickenson:
Let us pray to god that he infects all members of the @nra with Ebola so they can meet a miserable end, as so many have at the hands of guns
This is an imprecatory prayer. He’d better be careful. I’ve prayed such things, once when the subject of my prayer soon contracted cancer and lost his job (Senator Arlen Specter). But if your heart is dark or you don’t have the mind of God in such matters, you may bear the brunt of your prayers.
Frum, MacGillis and Horwitz would have us believe that cops will continue to morph into storm troopers unless and until we the people submit to further forcible citizen disarmament laws, that we must choose between being “policed” by an army of enforcers indoctrinated to think of the people (the same people they used to claim to “protect and serve”) as enemies; or we must surrender those arms best suited to protection against those who would destroy or oppress us–including out-of-control police. That sounds rather a lot like extortion, and is also a false choice.
The collectivists want it to be a Hobson’s choice. But since we aren’t part of the collective, we mustn’t make any choice at all, except to fulfill the duty to protect ourselves and our families (and tribes).
This picture from Mike Vanderboegh is worth much more than a thousand words. I stared at the screen today looking at that picture for about ten minutes. Burn it into your memory. Don’t ever forget it.
In other news, Al Franken is a loathsome, awful man.
The following year, in 2005, the radio hosts Opie & Anthony played the interview before they welcomed Franken on their XM radio show. The old Franken explains his 2004 interview: “There were a couple guys, and one was smarter than the other,” he said. “There were actually two guys, I think they’re both Down Syndrome, and one actually made a lot of sense. . . . We stayed with each other . . . and then the other guy made no sense.” Prompted by his politically incorrect hosts, he laughs about the use of the term “genetic disaster” to refer to the mentally retarded.
May God give him his due recompense for his bigotry and hatred of the very ones whom God says to protect and love. Shameful.
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