Black Bear Attack Causes Fatality In New Jersey
BY Herschel Smith
WEST MILFORD, N.J. – Authorities believe a 300-pound black bear attacked and killed a hiker in a North Jersey nature preserve.
West Milford police said five friends from Edison, N.J., were hiking in the Apshawa Preserve when they encountered the bear on Sunday. Police say the group of inexperienced hikers became frightened and ran in different directions at about 3:44 p.m. They noticed one member was missing when they regrouped.
A search team located the body of 22-year-old Darsh Patel at 5:54 p.m. West Milford Police Chief Timothy Storbeck said there was evidence of bite marks and claw marks on Patel’s body.
The bear was about 35 yards from Patel’s body, circling the area, according to West Milford Police Capt. Richard Fiorilla.
Storbeck said members of a search-and-rescue team clapped in an attempt to scare away the bear, but it stayed there as if protecting the body. The bear, which was believed to about 4 years old, Fiorilla said, was euthanized at the scene.
Take note that this isn’t a Western state where we are discussing a brown bear attack or a mountain lion attack. This is the East, and it was a black bear attack.
I’ve said it before. Don’t go into the wilderness without a gun. Of course in New Jersey the problem is that it is a “may issue” state, where one must “specify in detail the urgent necessity for self protection” in order to carry a weapon.
The fact that a bear killed a man wouldn’t be considered an urgent necessity for self protection by the authorities. They would rather see people die at the hands of animals or men than to allow their citizens to go armed.
On September 23, 2014 at 11:18 pm, bubba said:
There are differences in behaviour between black and grizzly bears. Black bears will kill for food; if you don’t fight back – you’re food. Grizzly bears will fight when they are afraid.
On September 24, 2014 at 9:23 am, Paul B said:
Yes, there are differences in behavior between black, brown and grizzlies. It is unknown what the hiker did at the point of contact as the bear would have dragged the body around after death. I am surprised no one has mentioned bear spray, not that it would have worked.
At this time of year, all bears are more aggressive as they are on the last binge before the big sleep.
Making your self as big as possible is a good tactic if nothing else is working. Unloading a hand gun into the mouth will work.
It was also telling that he last bear attack was in 1846. Maybe they need a bear season in that state.