Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

It’s Hard To Articulate A Strong Biblical Case For A Heavily Armed Society

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

So says Professor David Gushee of Mercer University.  He says, “That’s not Biblical reasoning; that’s cultural reasoning.”

To which I responded this way directly to Professor Gushee.

Would you care to respond this my article on this subject (it’s one of many)?  Stay orthodox, please.  No deconstruction or other oddball views.

I haven’t heard back from the professor.  I don’t expect to.

That’s One Big Ass Handgun!

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

News From Florida:

Jennifer Bair is a 25-year-old resident of Belvedere Lane in Palm Coast. She owns a beagle called Daisy, which she takes on walks in her neighborhood or in her backyard, on a leash, as was the case Sunday. Bair started carrying a gun after a neighborhood pit bull charged her and her dog on a previous occasion.

On Sunday, as she was walking Daisy in her backyard, the pit bull, known as KimK, charged her again, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s report, “barking and snarling.”

Bair took out her Bersa 38 mm handgun and fired.

You saw it right.  I’m certain that I haven’t seen this particular 38 mm handgun in any gun show or store I have visited.  On the other hand

Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis: Gun Confiscations Will Cause Civil War

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago


Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis’ views about how to enforce the stringent gun laws Maryland passed last year have gone viral.

In a video and print interview with a student journalist, published to YouTube on Aug. 21, Lewis says he’s no fan of government intervention in limiting the constitutionally-protected right to possess firearms.

“As long as I’m the sheriff in this county,” he says in the video, “I will not allow the federal government to come in here and strip my citizens of their right to bear arms. I can tell you this, if they attempt to do that, it would be an all-out civil war, no question about it.”

In another video on YouTube, from Delaware television station WRDE, Lewis offered a clearer critique of Maryland’s latest gun control law, the Firearms Safety Act of 2013, which was passed in the wake of the December 2012 massacre of elementary school students in Newtown, Conn.

“Who am I to tell them what they should or should not protect their families with?” Lewis asked on WRDE. “Who am I to tell them they shouldn’t have a magazine with 30 rounds behind the door when some thug is trying to break into their home? … If you start coming into people’s homes to disarm them solely because you believe they don’t have a Second Amendment right to bear arms, you better stand by. It will be, without a doubt, a civil war.”

The number of Sheriff’s deputies any county has cannot possibly wage civil war on anybody else.  As for everyone else (i.e., gun owners), that’s a different story.  And yes, gun confiscations will cause civil war.

I think the Sheriff gets it.  All county Sheriffs are advised to take a lesson from Sheriff Lewis.  It may save you and your deputies from heartache in the future.


Gun Laws As Attorney-Client Privilege?

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

So says Green Bay:

A group promoting gun owner rights in Wisconsin is suing the city of Green Bay in a dispute that stems from restrictions on guns inside a popular farmers market.

Wisconsin Carry Inc. has asked a judge in Brown County Circuit Court to order Green Bay city officials to relinquish public records that might indicate whether the city has a policy on carrying guns in the open.

The same group previously sued Ashwaubenon and Madison after both municipalities arrested individuals suspected of improperly carrying guns in public.

Nik Clark, president of Wisconsin Carry Inc., said a member of the organization complained this summer after he was told he couldn’t open-carry a gun in a Green Bay downtown farmers market. Police officers told him that guns were not permitted at the Saturday morning event, Clark said.

Afterward, Wisconsin Carry asked the city police department for copies of any procedures or directives on the subject. The department declined, citing attorney-client confidentiality.

Clark said his group decided to file suit because, he said, Green Bay residents have a right to know their city government’s policy on controlling open-carry of guns.

I’m not a lawyer, but this has got to be the most oddball, peculiar application of attorney-client privilege I have ever heard.  Surely they don’t mean that laws and regulations are not subject to public knowledge and scrutiny?  That would be absurd.

More than likely they mean that the officers who stopped the gentlemen didn’t have a basis for doing so and they don’t want to divulge their vulnerability to anyone.  For the stop to have been legitimate there would have to be a specific regulation pertaining to this establishment and/or the establishment would have to post.  Wisconsin is an open carry state with complete state preemption and has only weak stop and identify laws (the one stopped need not follow the request even though an officer can ask for identification).

Perhaps someone who is more familiar with Wisconsin law can weigh in, but it appears to me that the police acted improperly and fear just the sort of lawsuit they are currently facing.

Australia, ISIS And The Role Of Guns

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

Fox News:

Australian counterterrorism forces detained 15 people Thursday in a series of suburban raids after receiving intelligence that the Islamic State militant group was planning public beheadings in two Australian cities to demonstrate its reach.

About 800 federal and state police officers raided more than a dozen properties across 12 Sydney suburbs as part of the operation — the largest in Australian history, Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Colvin told the Associated Press. A sword was removed as part of evidence at one of the homes.

Separate raids in the eastern cities of Brisbane and Logan were also conducted.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the plan involved kidnapping randomly selected members of the public off the streets in Sydney and Brisbane, beheading them on camera, and releasing the recordings through Islamic State’s propaganda arm in the Middle East.

[ … ]

A second man was charged Thursday night in connection with the raids. The 24-year-old, who police didn’t name, was charged with possessing ammunition without license and unauthorized possession of a prohibited weapon. He was released on bail and ordered to appear in court next week.

Most readers probably pondered how ISIS was able to infiltrate a country and the awful acts they were prepared to perpetrate.  I didn’t.  My thoughts ran immediately to the fact that at least one of the individuals had a “prohibited” weapon and ammunition.  As with all gun control, law abiding citizens are unarmed and unprotected, while the criminals have their weapons.

Australia has some of the most restrictive gun control laws on earth.  We’ve discussed this before.  An Australian farmer lost his fight to obtain a handgun to shoot feral hogs because he couldn’t satisfy the woman heading the “administrative tribunal” that he really needed the gun.

The response to the ISIS members in Australia points out several important things.  First of all, gun control doesn’t apply to those in charge.  Law enforcement will always have their weapons.  Second, when law enforcement acts, they do so in order to secure the hive, or the collective.  Their concern isn’t and wasn’t for any particular individual who may have been (or will be) targeted by ISIS, because if it was, they would allow people to be armed for purposes of self defense.  But actions directed against the collective is a threat to their command and control, and will not be allowed.

So do the ordinary people feel threatened?

Never before have I felt so naked.

Now more than ever, I wish I was armed.

 And I’m not alone.

Any and all home-grown Islamic terrorism should be able, if need be, to be met by a well-armed civilian militia. The United Kingdom has had two beheadings of members of the public in the last two years, with neither police nor civilians able to prevent it. It has prohibitive gun laws.

With news of the ISIS plot to randomly abduct members of the Australian public and behead them, Australian sentiment on guns is dramatically shifting.

It appears Australians are finally understanding the importance of gun ownership and craving it at a time when the world is increasingly unsafe.

“I’ll tell you this point blank: I’d feel safer in a country where I was legally allowed to carry around a firearm,” says J. Coughran, 30, a businessman.

According to Coughran, media coverage of Islamic State is fueling the change in heart.

“This ISIS stuff is seeing quite a few people changing their opinions.. one of my mates told me today- he’s coming around on the gun issue. He’s 68 years old, been against guns his whole life- now he’s turning around because of these savages,” he said.

We’ll see what comes of this.  But time is short.  For Australia it may be ISIS or criminal gangs which have become more prominent in Australia lately.  With America the problems run deeper, with a porous Southern border and criminal cartel gangs ravaging country from the border and on up to large cities like Chicago.

Self defense is a luxury when times are safe.  When times become hard, the giggling and jokes go away, and people begin to think grown up thoughts.  Those who want to continue to think as children pretend that the police will take care of them.  Adults know better.

Onerous ATF Rules Threaten To Put Gun Dealers Out Of Business

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

The Washington Times:

Doug Stockman always has had a passion for firearms, so 20 years ago he made a business out of it.

Today, his shop, SSG Tactical, is one of the largest gun dealers in Virginia, with 10 employees, training classes and concealed-carry fashion bags.

Mr. Stockman and co-owner Kurt Sebastian are part of an industry that adds $31.8 billion to the U.S. economy — roughly equivalent to Nigeria’s national budget.

But Mr. Stockman and others in the industry worry that heightened federal scrutiny and government regulations will put them out of business.

Last year, when an inspector from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives dropped by SSG Tactical’s Fredericksburg shop for an unannounced audit, Mr. Stockman thought he was prepared.

Each of the roughly 7,500 guns his business sold that year required a Form 4473, the federal document that the purchaser and seller must complete, in addition to a background check.

The Form 4473 asks questions such as where the purchaser lives and whether the person has ever committed a crime.

Leaving one of the 132 items on the six-page questionnaire blank, or filling it in incorrectly, is an ATF violation. One violation can lead to a license revocation, which would put Mr. Stockman out of business.

Out of SSG Tactical’s 7,500 guns sold, the company could have made as many as 990,000 mistakes from the Form 4473 alone.

Turns out, Mr. Stockman’s team made about 180 errors — a 99.98 percent accuracy rate.

The majority of the violations were on the 4473 and included incorrect information on ethnicity, wrong dates and leaving a box empty when the city and county go by the same name, Mr. Stockman said.

“These mistakes were anything but willful — they were simply human error,” he said. “Now, if anything more turns up, in any future audit, we could lose our license — our business.”

This analysis may anger some folks, but that has never stopped me before.  Let’s begin our analysis by observing that I don’t believe in the ATF.  I believe their existence is an unconstitutional abomination and that all federal gun laws run contrary to the intent of the founders.  Furthermore, even within their framework, the ATF has run amok and is completely off the chain.  Furthermore, since all of the above is true (according to me), form 4473 is equally an infringement of my rights.

Having said all of that, until such time as we can change it, it is the framework within which gun stores must operate if they want to operate at all.  I work in an industry where tens of thousands of procedures steps occur, calculations are performed, and maintenance evolutions occur every day.  We live in a glass bowl, with oversight and scrutiny by both state and federal regulators, as well as from self regulation.

It’s been difficult, but my industry has a lower human error rate than airlines, hospitals or the pharmaceutical industry.  There are means, procedures, techniques, and tools by which human errors can be reduced.  Gun shops are going to have to employ them.

That isn’t to say that one can ever achieve no errors, but constant improvement is the name of the game.  The challenge is for gun shops to do this without increasing prices.  My industry did, and it can be done.  Gun shops don’t need to fight it.  They need to be about their business in getting the training and learning to employ the techniques of human error reduction.  It needs to happen fast.  Their businesses and our access to guns will depend upon it.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

Kurt Hofmann:

The Brady Campaign announced Tuesday that it is suing four online retailers of ammunition, firearm accessories, and body armor, for their ostensible culpability in the murder of 12, and injuries to scores of others, in the Aurora, Colorado theater massacre in 2012. Neither Lucky Gunner, Sportsman’s Guide,, nor BTP Arms pulled any triggers in this atrocity, of course, nor have they been charged with any criminal wrongdoing, and nor is there even any indication that any of them are or have been under investigation for any such crime.

Kurt further observes that “All four of the retailers are accused of wrongdoing for selling these items to an alleged user of illegal drugs–with exactly zero mention of how they were supposed to have been aware of that. Then again, we have seen before that the Brady Campaign believes that gun and ammunition dealers should be punished for their lack of psychic powers.”

Read the rest.  What the Brady campaign really wants is universal background checks as a prelude to confiscation.  The Brady bunch is patient and willing to acquiesce to smaller steps towards their bigger goal.  Fight them with all means necessary.

By the way, Mike Vanderboegh remarks in his post on this subject, “shoot any oddball calibers, that are unlikely to be found at any local shops?  You’re out of luck … and out of ammo.  And that is the whole idea.”  Already thought about it.  I looked in my safe the other day and saw .30 Carbine, 5.56 mm, .270, .40, .45, .38. .357 magnum, etc., and made the decision to divest myself of some of what I had.  I will focus on 5.56 mm, .308, .270, .45 and .38 / .357 magnum.  Not only am I concerned about oddball cartridges, I want to minimize my types and calibers.

David Codrea:

“Attorney General Eric Holder is again asking a federal court to delay the transfer of disputed documents relating to Operation Fast and Furious to a House committee,” Politico reported Tuesday. “In a new court filing Monday night, Justice Department lawyers asked U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson not to require Holder to turn over any of the roughly 64,000 pages of documents to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee until after her rulings can be appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.”

That should come as no surprise to readers of this column. It is, in fact, the only reaction experienced observers of the administration, the attorney general, and the issue should have expected …

Read David’s whole piece here.  This is what happens when people without a moral compass rule others.  Right becomes whatever the powers want it to be, whatever keeps them in power. whatever pet projects they have at the time.  It’s Machiavellian.  What is lawless and immoral for us – the shipment of weapons to criminal cartels so that they can kill other people – is right for them because it advances the anti-gun agenda by justifying their claims that American gun shops are arming the cartels.

The plight of Christians.  “The kids were crying, and [my husband and I] were praying looking for a safe place along the way.”  My goodness, my poor, dear fellow believers.  Why didn’t you arm yourselves when you could, so that you could fight now?

Guns Tags:

The New D.C. “May Issue” Law

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 5 months ago

Is D.C. finally finished fighting the supreme and appeals courts and the constitution of the United States?

Within weeks, civilian gun owners could be free to apply to carry a concealed weapon in the nation’s capital for the first time in decades, after a federal judge’s ruling prompted city leaders to create new firearms law.

The proposed law, set to be unveiled at a Wednesday afternoon news conference, was drafted by city officials after the city’s long-standing ban on carrying firearms in public was declared unconstitutional in July.

D.C. Council Chairman Phil Mendelson (D), who played a lead role in developing the gun-carry proposal and spoke about it ahead of the news conference, said the emergency legislation put together in recent weeks will be scheduled for a council vote on Tuesday.

The bill, Mendelson said, will permit city residents who own duly registered handguns and non-residents who hold state carrying licenses to apply to the D.C. police for a concealed carry permit. So-called open carry, such as the wearing of a weapon in a holster, will not be allowed under the proposed law, he said.

D.C. carry permits will be issued on a “may carry” basis, giving great discretion to D.C. Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier on who will be allowed to carry firearms in the city. Applicants will have to state a reason for seeking a permit, Mendelson said.

So things are not so well in D.C. after all.  “May issue” states become no issue states in practice unless they are forced by law to be otherwise.  The wealthy, politically connected and powerful get their permits, while others have to demonstrate why they need one to the approval of the top cop, as if self defense isn’t good enough and the constitution doesn’t speak loudly enough on the issue.

There is more from The Washington Times: “People who have a “good reason” to feel threatened — for example, stalking victims — would be able to seek a concealed carry permit for a legally owned handgun under a new D.C. law proposed Thursday. But those with generalized fears, such as apprehension about living in a neighborhood with high crime, would not be considered eligible for such a permit, officials say.”

I sense yet another court case – or cases – coming for D.C.  Apparently they haven’t given up being totalitarians.  They like their control and aren’t ready to share it yet.

Anti-Gun Nuts Humiliate Themselves At Salon

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

Someone named Amanda Gailey drones on and on and on about all sorts of unrelated anti-gun propaganda at Salon (does anyone really still read Salon?), and I became rather bored rather quickly with the profuse gushing.  But something wonderful happened in the comments.  This is the summary.


So, if you have a firearm in your pocket, and 100 people decide to randomly attack you in the Kroger’s parking lot, you being scared in that situation is a sign of mental issue in your mind?


You effin moron. We call that a civilized society. If you are afraid of society, use your gun and take yourself out of it.

Some people!! Do you think up of fantastically unrealistic scenarios on a daily basis?

If one person had the gun, and nobody else did, the one with the gun will scare everyone else. They are usually the nutjob.

But this collectivist piling on commenter Xanthro wasn’t enough.  There had to be another.


Thinking that it might happen is a sign of mental illness.

RationalGuy wasn’t being too rational at the time of his reply.  Xanthro responded this way.

It didn’t might happen, it actually happened in early September.

You must feel pretty foolish right about now.

I’m sure they didn’t feel foolish at all.  They just probably went on to the next shouting match.  Of course, Xanthro was talking about the recent mob attack in the parking lot of a Kroger in Memphis.

I read the anti-gunners so you don’t have to.  I read Salon so you don’t have to.  But just occasionally this job ain’t so bad.  Just occasionally something rich and wonderful happens.  When collectivists humiliate themselves in front of others, it’s always nice to watch.  Salon gives us plenty of opportunity to do so – which is the only reason to read Salon that I can find.

Sour Grapes At Remington?

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

Utica Observer-Dispatch:

Jennifer Brown is scared, and with good reason.

When Remington Arms laid off 105 people Aug. 22, they were chosen strictly based on seniority. Now, 26-year-old Jennifer, who was hired in January 2013, is No. 9 on the list.

“I have my family to support,” the mother of two said. “A house, a car payment.”

“The morale in (the Ilion factory) is really low and people are waiting for more,” said her father, Frank “Rusty” Brown, chairman of the UMWA Local 717 Compac Committee.

For a family such as the Browns, more layoffs could be detrimental.

Rusty’s mother, Barbara, 71, joined Remington in the 1970s on the bottom floor, slowly working her way upward in the million-square-foot facility before retiring in 2005. Her husband, Steve, worked there, too.

Rusty and his wife, Lisha, followed in their footsteps in the mid-1990s — Rusty a furnace technician and Lisha working in inventory control.

Now, Jennifer and her sister Jessica have carried on the tradition.

Jessica, 27, was hired in 2009 when Remington Arms was bringing in new product lines, such as Marlin brand firearms.

“I was working at Kmart before there,” she said. “Trying to support a kid off minimum wage is not easy.”

The Brown family epitomizes the Ilion-Remington Arms relationship.

“You’re looking at three generations of people who have the experience, who’ve gone into that factory and have learned from Day One and have advanced through the machinery changes,” Rusty said.

“(Remington Arms is) going to find a big difference in employees when they go to Alabama,” Barbara added.

Rusty doesn’t think the move has anything to do with politics, though.

“I’m tired of hearing everybody say, ‘It’s the SAFE Act and it’s Gov. Cuomo,’” Rusty said. “The company’s not telling anyone that.”

Instead, he said, it’s because business has slowed down.

“The biggest thing with the upsurge that we had in hiring was that we were supposed to be the facility of choice,” Lisha said. “They brought everything to us.”

At its height, Rusty said, the Ilion facility was producing almost 2,000 Bushmasters a day — and that’s just one Remington Arms product.

“We overproduced,” he said. “We did what was demanded, or asked, of us. We met every challenge we had. Now, we see product lines going away.”

And with those lines went the jobs.

So exactly what difference will Remington find in employees when they move to Alabama, except for non-union wages and the corollary company loyalty?  Is he suggesting that the “hicks” in Alabama can’t do what he can do?  There are good mechanics in Alabama too, sir.

To him, it has nothing to do with politics.  It has everything to do with the fact that they did everything demanded of them, they met all obligations and expectations, and so they overproduced and are now in a pickle.

Sour grapes much?  Does he think the union should have held back some on the production line?  Perhaps they would still have a job if the union had just done their job.

And there you have it, folks.  Unions.  Nothing more needs to be said.  Just watching and listening explains everything.

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