Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

The Worst Gun Bill Ever

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

Herald Tribune:

You’re at the range.

A longtime friend comes over and asks if he could try your handgun, as he’s contemplating buying one.

Of course you agree. That’s what gun owners do.

If this scenario occurs in Washington State after the passage of Initiative 594, both of you have broken the law.

Initiative 594 would classify this as a transfer — something that would require paperwork, fees, a waiting period and if it involves a handgun, government registration.

The proposed legislation doesn’t even recognize a loan among family members.

A dad couldn’t loan a shotgun to his son on opening day without the proper paperwork.

I am not kidding.

It’s a registration scheme disguised as  “Universal background check” legislation.

I-594 is perhaps the most ill-conceived ballot initiative I’ve ever seen. Sure, there are gun laws that have been more harmful, such as those with “ban” in the title. Few, however, are so poorly thought out.

As you can imagine, there is a lot of money rolling in to support the ballot initiative. Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates have donated millions.

NRA and other gun groups are getting involved.

Washington gun owners are pushing back hard.  They have created a must-read website, and are getting the word out via social media.

Their handy “pocket guide” explains the bill very clearly.

Well, there are many bad gun laws, and it’s hard to pick out the worst one.  But it’s seems true that the recent surrender on the assault weapons ban by the anti-gunners is a misdirect.  It isn’t what they’re really interested in.  This is what they really want.

The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.

Unfortunately, right now we can’t. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it.  The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them.

All gun control is wicked, but perhaps the most wicked is the government desire to catalog all gun owners and their weapons.  Fight it, never surrender.  Never give one inch.  Never compromise.  Never.  Don’t even consider it.  Ever.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea:

Rejecting calls for more federal gun laws by the Rabbinical Council of America and the Orthodox Union, a dozen rabbis have issued a joint statement rebuking the position of those groups, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership announced Monday in a member alert and press release.

Offering their statement “in support of Jewish law, Jewish life and Jewish self-defense,” the dissenting rabbis refuted justifications given by the religious groups for promoting disarmament edicts … “Jewish history supports self-defense,” the rabbis declared. “It is remarkable that the RCA and OU have ignored the long Jewish history of persecution.

Of course it does.  My Christians, The Second Amendment And The Duty Of Self Defense relies on Biblical law – including O.T. law – for the case for self defense.  Jews are like “Christians” (I use quotes), in that some folks who call themselves Christians are not (perhaps a lot of folks), and while being Jewish is an ethnic thing, believing Biblical law isn’t.  There are many Jews who would sell out their own people.  Jews they are not.  Remember, I’ve talked to one.

Mike Vanderboegh on the hidden hazards of MRAPs.  Yea, that’s not all.  Watch over time and see just how many police forces will give them back or let them rot and rust in the fields or parking lots, unable to pay the thousands of dollars to buy a new tire when one goes flat, or send them back for maintenance because no one around them knows how to work on them.  This is especially true given the unfunded liabilities America faces, helping along the process of telling police that their retirements are in jeopardy (like Memphis had to do), or telling the Miami-Dade police they may no longer have jobs.

Shreveport Times:

Many assume police officers are rigorously trained before being allowed to patrol the streets.

But drive through rural Louisiana and it’s possible to be stopped by a law enforcement officer who’s never experienced a day of police academy and instruction on use of force, stressful scenarios and physical fitness that comes with it. Sometimes, an eight-hour firearms training and on-the-job guidance is all an officer gets before starting work as a salaried, gun-toting, arrest-making officer.

Due to a permissive aspect of state law, a hodgepodge of different standards can crop up from one small agency to the next. It’s a pattern experts say puts police departments, and the public, at risk.

You mean that cops aren’t trained as much as I am, and as much as I pursue on a regular basis for requalification with my firearm?  Actually, I’m not so much convinced that the problem is with training.  The problem stems from seeing themselves as something other than peace officers who are servants of the people.

The U.S. Army is worried about too few black officers and thus is making plans to increase said minority in the officer corps.  And the diminution of the armed forces continues unabated.

Daily Mail:

Islamist police in Saudi Arabia have stormed a Christian prayer meeting and arrested its entire congregation, including women and children, and confiscated their bibles, it has been reported.

The raid was the latest incident of a swingeing crackdown on religious minorities in Saudi Arabia by the country’s hard-line Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. 

The 28 Christians were said to be worshipping at the home of an Indian national in the eastern city of Khafji, when the police entered the building and took them into custody. They have not been seen or heard from since, raising concerns among human rights groups as to their whereabouts.

To all such Islamists: May God bring your plans to naught.  May your families revile you, may you lose your women and children, may you become sick and perish in ignominy.  Before you perish, may you watch as your country diminishes to ashes, may you see your belongings stolen from under your nose, may your children curse and strike you, and may your weeping be loud so that your countrymen can hear your lamentations.

And if you ever try that here, I will shoot your ass off and your intestines out of your stomach and leave your body for the vultures to consume, right after pouring swine innards over your open wounds.

Are Gun Background Check Claims True?

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

Reno Gazette-Journal:

Background checks for all handgun sales make women and police safer: The group cites a different report by Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

In this one, the group uses FBI data to come up with its own conclusions. It does this by compiling data from states with mandatory handgun background checks and those without to arrive at the claim that women and police are about 40 percent less likely to be killed with a handgun in states with mandatory checks.

Fact Checker started re-creating the finding about women but soon stopped after the first four states examined. New Hampshire and Vermont, which have no background check at shows, had much lower rates of women being killed by men than New York and New Jersey, which do require background checks on handguns at gun shows.

But that wasn’t the reason Fact Checker stopped this line of inquiry. The homicide statistics come from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports — and the FBI cautions against people comparing places based on the statistics because not all law enforcement agencies submit their data and there are other factors that can also comparisons, such as more densely populated areas vs. more rural places.

Further, the Mayors Against Illegal Guns report was not peer reviewed, it doesn’t share the numbers used to reach its conclusions, and it treats correlation as causation, strongly implying that lower rates of violence against women and police was caused by handgun background checks without even attempting to deal with all of the factors that would make the statistics less valid. One could just as easily come to the opposite conclusion by pointing to the surge in gun sales with a corresponding drop in murders of women over the past 20 years nationwide.

There has been a peer-reviewed study on this topic worth noting. A 2000 study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association examined data to see if the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act made a difference. The law was implemented in 1994 and instituted background checks and waiting periods for handgun sales. The study concluded that it was not associated with “reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates.”

Mark Robison does a very good job with his analysis.  He begins by addressing the charge that 40% of the firearms sold in the U.S. are sold without a background check, finding it false.  Frankly, I couldn’t care less if it was 100%, since I believe that the federal laws and regulations concerning such sales are an infringement of the Second Amendment.

However, it’s good to see honesty in the media, with the result that the claims of the anti-gunners are proven to be without merit.  Furthermore, the whole issue of peer review is important to me for reasons that I have pointed out before.

Note to the collectivists.  If you want your “studies” to hold any merit at all, analyze it, get a report written and a professional engineer’s seal on it, send it to me and let me analyze it, and then we’ll talk.  Until then, you’re just a nagging old woman making stuff up.

Obama: Then I Didn’t Like Military Contractors, Now I Do

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago


When it comes to private contractors, there is room for private contractors to work in the mess hall providing basic supplies and doing some logistical work that might have been done in-house in the past. I am troubled by the use of private contractors when it comes to potential armed engagements.

I think it puts our troops in harm’s way. I think it creates some difficult morale issues when you’ve got private contractors getting paid 10 times what an Army private’s getting paid for work that carries similar risks.

When it comes to our special forces, what we’ve seen is that it’s a potential drain of some of our best-trained special forces, and you can’t blame them if they can make so much more working for Blackwater than they can working as a master sergeant. That, I think is a problem.

[I]f… you start making decisions on armed engagement based on the availability of private contractors to fill holes and gaps that over time you are, I believe, eroding the core of our military’s relationship to the nation and how accountability is structured. I think you are privatizing something that is what essentially sets a nation-state apart, which is a monopoly on violence. And to set those kinds of precedents, I think, will lead us over the long term into some troubled waters.


Wary of putting combat troops in Iraq, the U.S. government is gauging contractors’ interest in advising the Iraqi Defense Ministry and Counter Terrorism Service in a range of capacities, including force development, logistics and planning and operations.

The U.S. Army Contracting Command posted a notice last month seeking contractors willing to work on an initial 12-month contract, who should be “cognizant of the goals of reducing tensions between Arabs and Kurds, and Sunni and Shias.”

They would focus on administration, force development, procurement and acquisition, contracting, training management, public affairs, logistics, personnel management, professional development, communications, planning and operations, infrastructure management, intelligence and executive development, the notice stated.

Those services “fall within the existing mission” of the Office of Security Assistance-Iraq, “which is to help build institutional capacity of Iraq’s security ministries,” Defense Department spokesman Commander Bill Speaks said in an email.

The rapid advance of Islamic State militants in Iraq in recent months has spurred the deployment of almost 1,000 American troops to protect U.S. diplomatic facilities in Iraq’s capital Baghdad and the northern city of Irbil, in the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region.

Nearly 100 additional servicemembers are there as advisers with the Office of Security Assistance–Iraq, and civilian advisers may not be far behind.

Analysts say hiring contractors is a way to avoid deploying such forces.

David Johnson, a former Army lieutenant colonel who is executive director of the Center for Advanced Defense Studies in Washington, said contractors aren’t considered “boots on the ground” in conflict zones.

“The government always seeks to minimize boots on the ground to reduce domestic political risk,” he said in an email. “The American people and media do not consider a paid contractor to represent them in the same way that they do a soldier.”

It rings hollow to say that this isn’t a combat mission and the contractors will be in no danger.  If that was true, there would be no objection to sending Special Forces to do the training and act as a stopgap (this is a perfect mission for the U.S. Special Forces, or Green Beret, not Special Operations).

But if I was a contractor in Iraq now given the tepid support I sense from Washington, I would make sure I had means of evasion, escape, egress and evacuation.

Obama: “I hated military contractors then, but now I love them.”  Because Obama is a perpetual and incorrigible liar.

Chicago Police Raid Settled Out Of Court

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

Chicago Tribune:

The city of Chicago is expected to pay $150,000 to settle a federal lawsuit brought by a woman who accused police of hitting, threatening and berating her during a July 2013 raid at a North Side tanning salon.

Jianqing Klyzek sued 10 Chicago police officers in May, and the city decided to quickly settle the case in light of video that included “comments from police that we believe could inflame a jury” and lead to a considerably larger judgment, said Leslie Darling, first deputy corporation counsel for the city Law Department.

Police raided Copper Tan and Spa in the Noble Square neighborhood after an undercover officer working as part of a vice squad was allegedly offered sex for money. Video surveillance footage from inside the business showed Klyzek on her knees and handcuffed within seconds of the officers entering. The footage showed an officer standing behind the petite woman slapping her in the head while another threatened to hit her with a Taser “10 f—ing times.”

Another officer then got in her face and began to shout at her, according to the video. “You’re not a f—— American,” the officer yelled at Klyzek, according to the video. “I’ll put you in a UPS box and send you back to wherever the f— you came from!”

Police officers can be seen on the video searching for the surveillance tape, but they were unsuccessful because it was recorded off-site, according to the federal lawsuit Klyzek filed accusing the Chicago Police Department and the officers of brutality and a hate crime.

One of the officers who took part in the raid, Frank Messina, was relieved of his police powers in May when the surveillance video that came to light allegedly showed him striking Klyzek. Messina remains on desk duty as the Independent Police Review Authority continues to look into the incident, according to police spokesman Martin Maloney.

The City Council Finance Committee endorsed settling the lawsuit. The panel also recommended approval of a $1.25 million settlement with the family of Jamaal Moore, who was fatally shot by police in 2012. An officer shot Moore after police chased a vehicle in which the 23-year-old was a passenger, suspecting that the occupants of the vehicle had just committed an armed robbery.

When the vehicle crashed and Moore got out, a squad car struck and dragged him on wet pavement as he tried to get away, Darling told aldermen.

Nice guys.  It’s ironic that police will threaten Asians with deportation (even when they are legal) and yet leave Hispanics and Latinos alone.  In any case, a peace officer can only fight – with hands or weapons – when life or health are at risk.  It’s doubtful that this cop can prove those conditions, even if he stipulated to the requirements (which is doubtful).  And no one needs to be hit with a Taser ten times.  This is the behavior of uneducated, knuckle dragging thugs.

Remember boys and girls.  “To protect and serve.”  I’ll bet they thought a jury would have become “inflamed.”  I wish the victim would have pressed the issue into court.

Civil Rights Update: Open Carry In Missouri

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

St. Louis Public Radio:

Missouri residents who have concealed-carry permits will be able to openly carry their firearms anywhere in the state, as a result of the General Assembly decision to override Gov. Jay Nixon’s veto of a broad gun-rights bill.

The bill prevents municipalities from barring people from openly carrying firearms, lowers the minimum age to 19 for concealed carry permits in the state, and allows school districts to arm teachers. Police officers also will be barred from disarming people unless they are under arrest.

The Missouri House voted 117-39 in favor of the override, with little debate, early Thursday morning.  The supporting votes included state Rep. Rick Stream, R-Kirkwood, who is running for St. Louis County executive.

Also backing the bill were two House members competing for the hot Senate seat in Jefferson County: Democrat Jeff Roorda and Republican Paul Wieland.

Earlier Wednesday, the Senate had voted 23-8 in favor of the bill. The number of supporters was the minimum needed to override a governor’s veto.

Backers say the law is needed to protect gun rights, and to prevent frivolous arrests of people carrying firearms.  Rep. Rick Brattin, R-Harrisonville, recommended that all Missourians be armed. “We live in a world that’s evil, that wants to harm each and every one,” he said.

State Rep. Stacey Newman, D-Richmond Heights, said the bill actually represented “big government” because it would “overrule cities and elected officials around the state” who have passed laws barring the open carry of weapons.

To be precise, Missouri is what’s called an anomalous open carry state, where the state lacks preemption.  Thus, while your open carry rights are recognized by the state, you may travel into locations (counties or cities) where law enforcement is not friendly to it, and run into trouble.  With the passing of this law, what’s good for one Missouri citizen is good for all Missouri citizens.

Next up on the bucket list?  Open carry in South Carolina when we put State Senator Larry Martin in his place.

Cornyn Endorsed By NRA

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

On Monday, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) endorsed Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) for re-election. The NRA-PVF, the political wing of the national gun rights organization, was enthusiastic in their support for Cornyn, noting that he had earned their “A+” rating, their “highest possible rating,” which they noted was used to designate legislators who not only have “an excellent voting record on critical NRA issues,” but also those “who have also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.”

In a press release, Chris W. Cox, the NRA-PVF Chairman, called Cornyn “a leader in the U.S. Senate on self-defense laws,” and praised him for his tenure as Texas Attorney General, being the lead sponsor for the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, opposition to what Cox calls the “Obama-Bloomberg gun control agenda,” including expansion of background checks that “would criminalize the private transfer of a firearm between life-long friends and many family members.”

Of course, there is no mention of Cornyn’s coupling with Lindsey Graham to formulate the so-called Graham-Cornyn Mental Health and Criminal Justice Reform Act.  I still cannot locate good intelligence on this abomination, but it greatly expands the ability to place flags on people in the NICS based on having sought treatment for mental health issues, leaving them flagged for life.

Readers know my position on mental health issues and guns.  There is no need to rehearse it again in this context, but I did learn something else about Cornyn tonight.  He is nonplussed about open carry.

BDS: Gun rights and the Second Amendment are a big part of the March primary in Texas, as you know, and several weeks ago there was a rally at the Alamo where people were encouraged to bring their loaded weapons and display them openly. I’m a gun owner, and I enjoy shooting. But I have to say that that type of display gives me pause. Would you support an expansion of open carry laws, which have been part of some Republican candidates’ message?

JC: I support concealed carry, and the training that people have to go through to get those things is a good thing. I’m not sure what the point is about open carry. I say that as an avid gun owner, but I’m not sure what the attraction is for that.

Nonplussed is a gracious way to put it.  Very well, then I’ll expect Cornyn’s national concealed carry act for all LEOs forcing them to conceal their weapons.  And that won’t happen, of course, because Cornyn doesn’t really believe what he says.

We are where we are today in part because the NRA grants high ratings to politicians who sell out gun owners.  We are expected to vote for the politician who is a little less bad than the alternative, an expectation I simply won’t abide.

Gun Control Groups Have Moved Away From An Assault Weapons Ban

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago


The morning after the Sandy Hook shootings, Shannon Watts, a mother of five and a former public relations executive, started a Facebook page called “One Million Moms for Gun Control.” It proved wildly popular and members quickly focused on renewing the federal ban on military style assault weapons.

“We all were outraged about the fact that this man could use an AR-15, which seemed like a military grade weapon, and go into an elementary school and wipe out 26 human beings in less than five minutes,” Watts said.

Nearly two years later, Watts works full-time as the head of the group, now named Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, is a significant player in a coalition financed by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. But while polls suggest a majority of Americans still support an assault weapons ban, it is no longer one of Watts’ top priorities.

“We’ve very much changed our strategy to focus on public safety measures that will save the most lives,” she told ProPublica.

It’s not just that the ban proved to be what Watts calls a “nonstarter” politically, gaining fewer votes in the Senate post-Sandy Hook than background check legislation. It was also that as Watts spoke to experts and learned more about gun violence in the United States, she realized that pushing for a ban isn’t the best way to prevent gun deaths.

A 2004 Justice Department-funded evaluation found no clear evidence that the decade-long ban saved any lives. The guns categorized as “assault weapons” had only been used in about 2 percent of gun crimes before the ban. “Should it be renewed,” the report concluded, “the ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”

With more information, Watts decided that focusing on access to guns, not types of guns, was a smarter approach. She came to the same conclusion that other gun control groups had reached even before the Sandy Hook shootings: “Ultimately,” she said, “what’s going to save the most lives are background checks.”

So in other words, we (the control freaks) lost, we were wrong, and we admit it.  Or perhaps we don’t admit it so much as we have to give a reason for our “pivot” to universal background checks.  But we all know why you’re interested in that.

The only way we can truly be safe and prevent further gun violence is to ban civilian ownership of all guns. That means everything. No pistols, no revolvers, no semiautomatic or automatic rifles. No bolt action. No breaking actions or falling blocks. Nothing. This is the only thing that we can possibly do to keep our children safe from both mass murder and common street violence.

Unfortunately, right now we can’t. The political will is there, but the institutions are not. Honestly, this is a good thing. If we passed a law tomorrow banning all firearms, we would have massive noncompliance. What we need to do is establish the regulatory and informational institutions first. This is how we do it.  The very first thing we need is national registry. We need to know where the guns are, and who has them.

But you’ve tried that one too.  You lost.  And you’ll lose again, and even if you won, it wouldn’t have any more effect than does your much heralded assault weapons ban.

Because this isn’t about guns and safety and you know it.  As for your pivot, bring it.  ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ.

Concerning TrackingPoint

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

An open letter concerning TrackingPoint from an anti-gunner:

On August 20, 2014, the National Gun Victims Action Council issued a press release calling for a ban of “Smart Scope” Military-Style Precision-Guided sniper rifles, manufactured by Texas-based TrackingPoint, from being sold to the public. These weapons, legally sold to civilians, allow even people who have never fired a gun to hit a target the size of a soup can from 1,000 yards away every time—that’s 10 football fields or over half a mile.

Promptly, the pro-gun outlets, Outdoor Life and Ammoland and Lee Williams of the Herald-Tribune issued pleas for sympathy and “understanding” for this weapon while non-gun extremists remained chillingly silent.

“If we start banning technology like this, what’s next? What scope is next? What firearm is next,” whined poor, victimized TrackingPoint in Williams’ Sept. 2 Herald-Tribune column. “We have to stand together to prevent this kind of erosion of our constitutional rights.”

And stand together they did. We, at NGVAC, received an enormous amount of email from followers of these outlets, explaining how ignorant we are, what a threat to the sanctity and security of our country we represent and how our “gun grabbing” legislation-driven agenda violates “constitutional rights.”

None of the defenders of the “can’t miss” Military-Style Precision-Guided Sniper rifle addressed its dangers to the public’s safety and indeed the safety of our public spaces or the fact that the weapon has no legitimate purpose such as self-defense or hunting by “real” hunters who rely on skill.

So if you’d never heard of Charles Whitman, didn’t know how to shoot a rifle, didn’t know how to use a scope, and didn’t know anything about how effective a bad guy can be with even rudimentary weaponry, and if you thought the second amendment was about hunting, and if you didn’t think much at all about amelioration of active shooter situations, you might write something like this.  But we all know better.

My problem with TrackingPoint has nothing whatsoever to do with how good they supposedly are.  First of all, such gadgetry is too expensive for me.  If I can purchase half a dozen high end rifles and scopes for the money I would pay for TrackingPoint products, I’ll just take the rifles and scopes, thank you very much.

Second, remember what TrackingPoint gave up when they sold out gun owners.

“Developed by military experts and over forty engineers, TrackingPoint precision guided firearms virtually eliminate shooter error,” the ad claims. “Their Tag-Track-Xact system more than doubles the proficiency of a skilled shooter by maximizing accuracy, taking into account a slew of variables such as wind speed, air pressure, and temperature. Such unprecedented accuracy enables shots at distances many shooters have never before attempted – up to 1200 yards.”

What’s not to like?

Well, while the right hand is providing American riflemen (albeit well-heeled ones, if you take a look at some of their prices) a chance to apply for one of their limited supply systems, the left hand is urging the government to adopt its patented technology for the Holy Grail behind the ultimate purpose of so-called “smart guns,” the ability for “authorities” to turn them off. Automatically.

“TrackingPoint patents technique to disable guns near schools and ‘gun free zones,’” Steve Johnson of The Firearm Blog reported on Tuesday.

“The invention uses a GPS or mobile phone towers to determine location, sensors to determine orientation and a mobile/radio network connection to download a list of’ ‘gun free’ locations from a central database,” he explained. “Tracking Point Chairman John] McHale suggests that a ‘Gun Free Zone’ database could be maintained by the BATFE.”

Right.  Just give up control over your weapon to the ATF.  Sounds like a plan to me.  You too can get started for just under $10,000.

Guns Tags:

More On Immigration And Gun Ownership

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea:

Regular readers of this column know it is one of the few venues, following a lead established by Gun Owners of America, warning that the administration’s position — that those who have violated U.S. immigration and residency laws have “earned” the right to citizenship — will lead to an increase of millions of Democrat voters and a political threat to the right to keep and bear arms.

But forget what GOA says, and about past columns here, and again let’s focus solely on that which simply is. To do that, let’s again reference the AP report.

“Hispanics make up nearly 70 percent of the district that she seeks to represent, and nationally, Latinos overwhelmingly support Democrats,” it observes.

And nationally, aside from individual voting records which can be consulted, and aside from being the party from which the overwhelming majority of “gun control” measures are demanded, the official Democrat platform calls for “reasonable regulations … like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole.”

Torres is in lockstep with that program.

I’m glad David has focused on this again.  It bears repeating.  Hispanics and Latinos will vote progressive because that’s their world view.

“For historical reasons to do with the nationalisation of the land under Lázaro Cárdenas and the predominant form of peasant land tenure, which was “village cooperative” rather than based on individual plots, the demand for “land to the tiller” in Mexico does not imply an individual plot for every peasant or rural worker or family. In Mexico, collectivism among the peasantry is a strong tradition … one consequence of these factors is that the radical political forces among the rural population are on the whole explicitly anti-capitalist and socialist in their ideology. Sometimes this outlook is expressed in support for guerilla organisations; but struggle movements of the rural population are widespread, and they spontaneously ally with the most militant city-based leftist organisations.”

One of the reasons for this reflexive alignment with leftism has to do with the the mid-twentieth century and what the Sovient Union and allied ideologies accomplished.  South and Central America was the recipient or receptacle for socialism draped in religious clothing, or in other words, liberation theology.  Its purveyors were Roman Catholic priests who had been trained in Marxism, and they were very successful in giving the leftists a moral platform upon which to build.  This ideology spread North from South and Central America into Mexico, and thus the common folk in Mexico are quite steeped in collectivist ideology from battles that were fought decades ago.

But just to rehearse the events that are occurring at breakneck speed, the GOP is about to be swamped with two million democratic voters.  There is a growing backlog at the immigration courts.

The backlog of pending deportation cases in federal immigration court has risen to nearly 400,000 amid a crush of tens of thousands of unaccompanied children and families caught crossing the Mexican border illegally this year, according an analysis of court data released Friday.

The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University said in its latest report that as of the end of July, 396,552 cases were pending in the Justice Department’s 59 immigration courts. TRAC collects and studies a variety of federal prosecution records.

Cartels are taking over the border, and illegals have been recently responsible for kidnapping and extortion on American soil.

So in addition to ensuring that the civil war the progressives demand occurs, they are adding voters to the rolls to ensure that America is disarmed.  On one side are the bankers, politicians, DEA, DHS, DOJ, ATF, EPA and BLM, and on the other side is you.

Whatever fights you think we’ve had over guns until this point will prove to be skirmishes.  Hard times are coming, and the notion of ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ will take on new meaning.

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