Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 3 months ago
Noting that the Obama administration will “open the door to as many as 100,000 Haitians, who will now move into the United States without a visa,” The Washington Times warned Monday of a new dimension in that fundamental transformation of America President Barack Obama promised supporters. The revelation was in addition to news that a solicitation from the government seeks a printer for up to 34 million green cards …
The thought strikes, especially in light of letting in foreign nationals from places where all kinds of nasty bugs run rampant in the population, that for those who donate blood, a disqualifier on the required questionnaire is if they’ve been to certain countries. By bringing people from those countries here, especially in large numbers that are then dispersed throughout the land, are conditions not being created that can mirror many of those in their homelands?
Yes. Conditions are being created in which the wealth ownership and liquidity, gun ownership, level of medical care, health, education and welfare will be decreased to its lowest common denominator. This is what happens, and it’s exactly what Obama intends. He is an anti-colonialist, and he bemoans the colonial history of America. He aimed to change that, and change it he will, and already has.
Japan has for decades imposed iron-fisted controls on not only private possession of guns, but on swords, and even long knives, preserving the “government monopoly on force” so beloved of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. That monopoly is now crumbling. Imura was caught because he made no effort to hide his gun making (and indeed actively publicized it). Others will be more circumspect.
And there is very little a government can do about them, in Japan, in the U.S., or anywhere else.
The far East, Japan included, answered the philosophical question of the one and the many in favor of the one millennia ago. In the end, though, totalitarian regimes collapse under their own weight. Let’s pray that happens to all such regimes, including here in America.
If you live in the Yukon, you’d better have your sidearm strapped to you at all times, even in your own house.
A begrudging ‘yes’ on open carry in Missouri. It’s a good day when you get to watch progressives admit defeat.
In South Carolina, Larry Martin is opposed to recall elections. Of course he is. He is a totalitarian. Remember Larry Martin?
Will H&K USA stop hating their customers and everybody else? Doubtful. Besides, I don’t like them, so the feeling is mutual.
Via Mike Vanderboegh, this from USA Today:
Now, factor the Islamists — the usual default terrorist suspects — out of this list, and a striking pattern emerges. Contrary to the popular opinion that radical Islam is the primary threat to homeland security, Christianity provides the other four groups with their extremist rationale. All are in one way or another affiliated with the Christian Identity movement, a hodgepodge of anarchist and white supremacist politics dedicated to white Christian activism. It’s all about God vs. government, and shoring up the rights of Anglo-Saxon Americans …
The Bundy standoff — initially presented as prairie populism by popular media well beyond Fox News — reflects violent currents far deeper and older in American, and Christian, history. It needs to be seen for what it is — religious extremism taken to potentially lethal ends. To the extent that we as a society fail to grapple with the religious element in extremist violence, the blood is on all of our hands.
Good grief. Just good grief.
On October 25, 2014 at 3:48 pm, Rob Crawford said:
He has to exclude the most violent sect in the world — with literal bloody borders all around the perimeter of its control — to find a handful of nominally Christian groups that do not disavow violence. Even at that, how many of them actively seek to commit violence, as opposed to being prepared to defend themselves?
Every day Muslims commit the violence ORDERED by their “prophet”. But the left is desperate to find that Christians are really the violent ones.