Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
An interesting new concept in “smart guns” is now reaching technological maturity, according to All Outdoor. This device, made by Yardarm Technology, has a purpose significantly different from previous “smart guns,” and the idea (for now, at least) is to apply it only to cops’ duty weapons … Still, though, if cops can be forced to adopt this technology, laws mandating it for the rest of us are possible, too …
Yea. Don’t think for a second that the control freaks will stop at law enforcement. If it actually gives us proof of principle (and I’ll believe it when I see it), they will want to mandate it for all of us. This I cannot abide. Besides, the better option for cops that abuse their rights to self defense with people and animals (and even more animal abuse) should have their weapons confiscated, not re-engineered.
The guy has proven time and again, oath to the Constitution be damned, his true allegiance is to unrestrained government. As presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, BuzzFeed noted, Walton “dramatically expanded the ability of the federal government to use controversial techniques to gather intelligence on Americans both at home and abroad that have outraged civil libertarians.” Walton was appointed to that position by Chief Justice John Roberts (the guy who betrayed his backers on Obamacare).
I’ve run across this guy in my reading, and he is an enemy of the constitution and thus an enemy of America. And Chief Justice Roberts is equally a traitor to the country. But the damage that Walton has done on the FISA court is untold and will have to play out over decades, if not longer.
Also read David’s latest on the political terrain in Connecticut.
Via Uncle, free survival books.
Why are anti-gunners so violent?
Mike Vanderboegh has a sneak picture of a new facility Malloy and Lawlor have built for us.
On October 31, 2014 at 4:40 pm, robertsgunshop said:
In the story about the Antiguan violence. I think “trailer park” could be a factor
On November 3, 2014 at 4:03 pm, Bill Daigle said:
Start with the police standing down from all the unconstitutional violence they visit upon the American People, … but do it some other way, say personal responsibility. Leave our rights as they are, they are rights, not permissions. Smart guns come from the same smart people who have almost taken over the United States into socialism.