How Helene Affected The People Of Appalachia

Herschel Smith · 30 Sep 2024 · 11 Comments

To begin with, this is your president. This ought to be one of the most shameful things ever said by a sitting president. "Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?" BIDEN: "We've given everything that we have." "Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?" BIDEN: "No." — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 30, 2024 We must have spent too much money on Ukraine to help Americans in distress. I don't…… [read more]

The GOP And Gun Rights

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

Charles C.W. Cooke is asking why the GOP isn’t focusing on gun rights during the midterm elections?  Oh, I don’t know.  Queue up the reasons.  They have no spine – they are owned and operated by the chamber of commerce and large corporations like Monsanto and Archer-Daniels-Midland – awful people like Karl Rove are too powerful – the establishment is really Northern elitist progressives who want to be in power more than they want rights for Americans.  Pick your poison.  It makes no difference to me where you land.

Here is a recent page from American Rifleman on Thom Tillis from my state of North Carolina.


“Opposes universal background checks.”  Sounds good.  To me this is the most significant risk we face.  There are other good things on the list, like opposing the horrible recent supreme court justices.  He also assisted in passing more favorable gun laws in North Carolina.  For that I thank him.

But note that this advertisement is in American Rifleman, not the Charlotte Observer or the Raleigh News & Observer.  And don’t be so quick to judge.  Here is Thom Tillis on the recent carry law and how it affects state fairs.

Asked about the recent controversy over bringing guns to the State Fair, U.S. Senate candidate Thom Tillis on Tuesday said he would defer to Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler.

Troxler has said he wouldn’t allow concealed weapons permit-holders to bring firearms to the fair, despite a recent state law that allows them in public places that charge admission. A gun-rights group sued to force the State Fair to drop its decades-old prohibition of guns there.

But a Superior Court judge refused to bar the state from banning guns at the fair. The judge said the law was unclear, and he couldn’t determine what the legislature intended.

“It’s a good, wholesome environment,” Tillis told reporters following his appearance on a TV news program in Raleigh. “We have people like Commissioner Troxler and others who just want to make sure families who are going there, having a great time, showcasing our agricultural industries, feel safe and secure there.”

Thom Tillis is for gun rights when it’s convenient.  Otherwise, he’s just after as many swing voters as he thinks he can get.  I guess Tillis sees guns as contrary to a “good, wholesome environment.”  Unfortunately, Kay Hagan is even worse.  Why must the GOP give us men who are only just a little better than the alternative?

Tampa Police Department $5.4 Million Range

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago



Tampa Police broke ground Wednesday on a new $5.4 million gun training range. TPD says it will keep us all safer. But will it be worth that big price tag?

The new firearms training facility is set to be built inside a City of Tampa complex near Port Tampa Bay. There’s little doubt it will be state-of-the-art.

Plans show the new Tampa Police Department shooting range will have a target area with 40 shooting lanes, a classroom, and something called a “shoot house.”

What’s that? It’s a building with movable walls that trainers can use to recreate complex, real-life scenarios.

TPD’s also planning to install a system that automatically gathers and recycles the lead bullets that are fired to keep down the environmental impact.

Money seized from criminals and drug dealers will pay the $5.4 million cost, not taxpayers. Still, that’s a lot of money that could certainly be spent on other law enforcement projects.

Nice range, huh?  Would you like to be able to use it?  Me too.  Could the public use that $5.4 million to defray the costs of city operation?  You bet.

It’s a good deal, no?  Perpetrate a way on drugs with militarized police, confiscate the largesse, and use the largesse to further the war and militarization of the police, thus feeding the monster.  But only if no one holds you accountable and you are in power over others.

God, Guns And I-594

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

It had to happen.  Some misguided clerics think they need to tell folks that God like I-594.

Charles Stephens, the show’s director, was deeply affected by the tragic shooting at SPU. “We rehearsed there, and everything was going great, and then there was the shooting that happened,” Stephens said.

He decided to reschedule the concert, this time as a fundraiser for the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility. That’s the main group pushing I-594. The initiative would institute comprehensive background checks on firearms.

Stephens approached Katie Ladd and asked if he could use her church, the United Methodist Church. She said yes.

“To be a follower of Jesus, who I believe is the Prince of Peace, we have to make stands for peace,” Ladd said. Pastor Ladd feels it’s her responsibility as a Christian to advocate for anti-gun violence laws.

“When asked what the greatest commandment was, you know Jesus says Love the Lord G-d with all of your heart, your mind, your soul and your strength and your neighbor as yourself,” Ladd said. “It seems to me, it’s pretty basic thing to say that we don’t want to kill one another.”

So here’s a question for you lady.  Since you’re so big on not wanting people to perish at the hands of others, how about when a home invader enters your home with the intent of raping and murdering your children?  Isn’t it the case that you’re hating your children and wishing death on them at the hands of the perpetrator by not defending your home?

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

David Codrea:

Noting that the Obama administration will “open the door to as many as 100,000 Haitians, who will now move into the United States without a visa,” The Washington Times warned Monday of a new dimension in that fundamental transformation of America President Barack Obama promised supporters. The revelation was in addition to news that a solicitation from the government seeks a printer for up to 34 million green cards …

The thought strikes, especially in light of letting in foreign nationals from places where all kinds of nasty bugs run rampant in the population, that for those who donate blood, a disqualifier on the required questionnaire is if they’ve been to certain countries. By bringing people from those countries here, especially in large numbers that are then dispersed throughout the land, are conditions not being created that can mirror many of those in their homelands?

Yes.  Conditions are being created in which the wealth ownership and liquidity, gun ownership, level of medical care, health, education and welfare will be decreased to its lowest common denominator.  This is what happens, and it’s exactly what Obama intends.  He is an anti-colonialist, and he bemoans the colonial history of America.  He aimed to change that, and change it he will, and already has.

Kurt Hofmann:

Japan has for decades imposed iron-fisted controls on not only private possession of guns, but on swords, and even long knives, preserving the “government monopoly on force” so beloved of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. That monopoly is now crumbling. Imura was caught because he made no effort to hide his gun making (and indeed actively publicized it). Others will be more circumspect.

And there is very little a government can do about them, in Japan, in the U.S., or anywhere else.

The far East, Japan included, answered the philosophical question of the one and the many in favor of the one millennia ago.  In the end, though, totalitarian regimes collapse under their own weight.  Let’s pray that happens to all such regimes, including here in America.

If you live in the Yukon, you’d better have your sidearm strapped to you at all times, even in your own house.

A begrudging ‘yes’ on open carry in Missouri.  It’s a good day when you get to watch progressives admit defeat.

In South Carolina, Larry Martin is opposed to recall elections.  Of course he is.  He is a totalitarian.  Remember Larry Martin?

Will H&K USA stop hating their customers and everybody else?  Doubtful.  Besides, I don’t like them, so the feeling is mutual.

Via Mike Vanderboegh, this from USA Today:

Now, factor the Islamists — the usual default terrorist suspects — out of this list, and a striking pattern emerges. Contrary to the popular opinion that radical Islam is the primary threat to homeland security, Christianity provides the other four groups with their extremist rationale. All are in one way or another affiliated with the Christian Identity movement, a hodgepodge of anarchist and white supremacist politics dedicated to white Christian activism. It’s all about God vs. government, and shoring up the rights of Anglo-Saxon Americans …

The Bundy standoff — initially presented as prairie populism by popular media well beyond Fox News — reflects violent currents far deeper and older in American, and Christian, history. It needs to be seen for what it is — religious extremism taken to potentially lethal ends. To the extent that we as a society fail to grapple with the religious element in extremist violence, the blood is on all of our hands.

Good grief.  Just good grief.

Guns Tags:

Equipped For Survival

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

First, a wonderful example of being equipped and prepared for survival:

A young teenager lost on a hunting trip is safe with his family Sunday night after he was missing for more than 24 hours in the Southern Colorado wilderness outside Custer County.

Clayton Jones, 13, was found by family friends Sunday morning just after 10:30 a.m.

Jones spent 27 hours on his own in the woods after getting separated from his father and grandfather around 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning.

“I was a bit freaked out,” Clayton said. “It was a little scary, I just wanted to get home.”

This teenager got thanks to his savvy survival skills. More than 12 hours after his ordeal began with no sign of another person let alone his family, Clayton had to seek shelter.

“I did build a fire,” Clayton said. “After I got warm, I saw a cabin and slept the night on their deck. The next morning, I found a road, kept going and ran into friends and they brought me back.”

When he received word his son was safe, Barry Jones started balling.

“I cried for 10 minutes,” Jones said. “I couldn’t even talk. To have a kid missing for that much time, whew, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever been through in my life. I taught him good, but I don’t care how much experience he has. I don’t care if he’s 35, I’m going to worry about him.

Clayton’s survival kit included food, water, rain gear, gloves and a knife.

Barry Jones teaches wilderness survival classes.

The smart lad got off the cold ground, built a fire, had food, water, rain gear and a knife.  I only recommend a few more things.  He did well.

Now for an extremely bad example from some adults.

Three hunters caught out by a snowstorm got a lucky break early this morning.

The trio had returned to their vehicle last night but became stuck. However, they were later airlifted out of the Te Papanui conservation block, 50km west of Dunedin, suffering from mild hypothermia.

Police were alerted about 5pm yesterday and a search and rescue team, which included three four-wheel-drive vehicles and a helicopter, tried to get into the area. However, poor weather stopped them from reaching the stranded hunters.

At 2am, the weather improved enough to allow a helicopter to get into the area and the men were airlifted out.

Constable Donald Peat said that the hunters were not properly equipped for the hunting trip.

”They were not carrying any survival equipment, such as extra clothing, extra food, sleeping bags or a personal emergency locator beacon,” Peat said.

It just doesn’t take much to be prepared: 550 cord, a tarp or rubberized rain poncho, trekking poles, a gun, water, protein bars, a tactical light, redundant means of fire starting, a small water filtration device or a small container of household bleach, a tactical knife, clothing for warmth (e.g., parka, emergency Mylar thermal blankets), and a compass.

With this simple list you can have shelter, fire, self protection, warmth, light, and ability to stay dry.  And if you’re going out in the woods, stop and buy a lighter or Ferrocerium rod.  Do this whether you’re going in the wilderness for one hour, one afternoon, or one week.  Do it regardless of how long you intend to be in the wilderness.

I’ve also explained what I do for fire when intending to go into the wilderness.  For every night I expect to be in the wild, I put a briquette of match light charcoal and a cotton ball soaked in Vaseline into a waterproof container (one piece of charcoal and one cotton ball for each night).  The cotton ball starts immediately, and helps the charcoal to start within seconds.  This makes fire starting quick in the event that you get wet when it’s cold or in the case of wet wood.

Prior: Wilderness Survival

Collectivist Inadvertently Admits No Trust In Background Checks

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago


It’s one thing to accept and understand that plenty of reasonable and responsible people own guns and that is their constitutional right. It is another to be so outrageously afraid of legitimate and sane restrictions that you have a situation in which it is entirely permissible to carry a loaded weapon into an event that carries a threat that the people attending it will “die screaming.”

It is terrifying enough to face a barrage of harassment and threats and continue to work and speak out. It’s harder when what ought to be fairly straightforward safety precautions cannot be taken because of permissive gun laws. This isn’t what freedom looks like. This is what the Second Amendment trouncing the First does. And as Sarkeesian explains it, “To be clear: I didn’t cancel my USU talk because of terrorist threats, I canceled because I didn’t feel the security measures were adequate.” 

The writer is of course talking about the cancellation of the feminist speech at the Utah State University due to a threat, or for reasons as explained above (in protest of “permissive gun laws”).  Ignoring the fact that the two paragraphs cited directly contradict each other and offer differing accounts of the concern, occasionally collectivists open up their true thinking to the world.  We all know what they really believe, but it’s nice to be able to point it out to those who don’t follow these issues.

On the one hand, collectivists like this want universal background checks and talk about things like “plenty of reasonable and responsible people own guns and that is their constitutional right.”  But she didn’t request or advocate that only those who had been issued concealed handgun permits be allowed to carry (trusting in not only the background check, but approval by their CLEO).  She wants no guns at all to be allowed, meaning that she doesn’t really trust approval granted through the background checks or concealed handgun permit.

Collectivists can’t have it both ways.  Either the background check is trustworthy or all guns are a menace, meaning that not even LEOs should be carrying.  On the other hand, perhaps she has inadvertently admitted what we all know.  She doesn’t really care about universal background checks.  That is only a vehicle to a national registry, the next step forward to national control.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

David Codrea:

That’s a different contention than the one reporter Hartocollis began the report with, having used the specific word “carry.” Purchasing a gun, as opposed to obtaining a carry permit, are quite different things in New York, which follows the “may issue” discretion of authorities. The process is even more exclusive in New York City, where permissions are extremely rare, as exemplified by high-profile ones enjoyed by the rich, famous and connected like actor Robert De Niro, “shock jock” Howard Stern, and developer Donald Trump.

Read David’s column for two reasons.  First, he is discussing the issue of New York placing more than 30,000 persons on the no-purchase list for guns.  Make no mistake about it.  If you are former military and have ever been diagnosed with PTSD, you will be on the list.  If you have ever taken any anti-anxiety drugs, you will be on the list.  This list is an obscene intrusion into the personal affairs of people by the state, and goes to God given rights to defend oneself.

The second reason you should read David’s column is for the conflation the author makes of purchase versus carry.  And this is a pet peeve of mine.  May issue states that turn gun ownership and carry on its head by favoring big donors to campaigns, those who can afford to hire expensive lawyers and well connected individuals as opposed to common folk, are perhaps the worst kind of gun control because it feigns second amendment rights while it mocks them.

David Codrea:

So on the one hand, Ashford supports letting loose raging monsters to stalk among us, and on the other, he wants to make it more difficult for their victims to defend themselves. Not that such laws slow down demonic killers like Nikko Jenkins, who, despite his “prohibited person” status, still never missed a beat getting the guns he used to slay his four victims.

Disgusting.  In my world his victims would have been able to defend themselves, while Mr. Jenkins would have been executed and thus unable to perpetrate those crimes.

Via Mike Vanderboegh, much of the economy is a mirage.

NSSF goes after Malloy.  I wish I could feel that they’re doing it for some other reason than the economic well being of manufacturers.  You know, like second amendment rights.

One of the deputies involved in destroying baby Bou-Bou’s life has resigned.

Guns Tags:

Jerry Miculek On AR-15 Grip And Stance

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

Via John Richardson, here is Jerry Miculek on AR-15 grip and stance.

I always watch and listen carefully to Jerry explain anything.  He is an extremely successful competitive shooter.  However, I have never seen him use (or advocate use of) what I’ve called the “aggressive plates forward” stance.  Jerry puts his left leg forward (almost like a modified Weaver stance).  My son Daniel taught me the aggressive plates forward stance which was and is in common use in the USMC.

Also, I see Jerry using the hand-forward C-clamp grip, although not as exaggerated as Chris Costa uses.


I have also seen Travis Haley use a modified version of this grip.  It appears that this grip technique is in common use among competitive shooters, and sometimes when trying to acquire long range stationary or semi-stationary targets.  But this technique isn’t in common use among the U.S. military.

According to my son Daniel, it’s especially not in use when performing room clearing or other close quarters battle, where raising the weapon with a reflex sight (such as an EOTech) is the most important aspect of target acquisition rather being able to sweep from side to side.

University Student Who Had Guns On Campus Gets Two Years In Jail

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

A college student who was arrested after being found with two handguns on campus and a rifle in his SUV pled guilty to weapons charges Friday in what supporters call a big misunderstanding.

William Dong, 23, the now-former University of New Haven student said he carried the handguns for protection against mass shootings but ran afoul of both federal and state charges when it was discovered he had what Connecticut law classifies as an “assault rifle.” He was arrested in 2013 on campus with the two handguns in his possession while a third gun, a Bushmaster rifle, was locked in his SUV just off campus. Dong, who worked at the time for an armored car company, had a clean record and had permits for his firearms, was the subject of a police manhunt on campus after a homeless woman saw the rifle in his vehicle at drugstore near campus and called police.

This led at the time to a campus lockdown until police found Dong and took him into custody. Upon a search of his room, police found newspaper clippings of various mass shootings, which in itself is not a crime but was seized upon by local media. When the smoke cleared, he faced charges for one count of illegal sale or transport of an assault weapon and two counts of having a firearm on unauthorized premises since the university had prohibited guns even with a permit, for which he pled guilty Friday.

“Today’s guilty plea brings an end to a potential tragedy that was prevented due to Connecticut’s new gun safety laws,” read a statement released by Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) just as the plea was announced.

Of course, Malloy is lying.  The operative word here is “potential,” and under this calculus, the fact that a traffic light turned red at the right time, causing a taxi to be late which was carrying a weapons trafficker, who was scheduled to meet a broker, who was going to sell weapons to someone who might have committed a crime with them (or might not have), is reason enough to congratulate the traffic engineers on the light sequence.  Malloy is a imbecile.

It’s a good time to remind some of my readers who weren’t with me from the beginning that I don’t believe in prisons.  I believe in the Biblical ideas of restitution and retribution.  If a man steals from you, he has to pay it back times two or three.  If he can’t, he is your indentured servant for such period of time as the debt is paid.  The notion of “debt to society” is obscene.  If a man steals from you he has a debt to you, not to society.

As far as retribution is concerned, perpetrators of murder, rape and kidnapping are to be executed.  And if a man has shown that he cannot be a part of society without perpetrating violence of upon others (e.g., repeated assault), he should similarly be executed.

Prisons are for societies who believe in rehabilitation.  I do not.  And even if I did, prisons do not effect rehabilitation.  That is asking the impossible of incarceration.  The only problem with my approach is that the so-called criminal justice system in America is broken and run by officers of the court who are themselves thugs, criminals and ne’er-do-wells.

As far as Mr. Dong is concerned, he doesn’t need to be either rehabilitated or incarcerated, and ownership of these weapons should not have been illegal. The unfortunate part about his incarceration is that in order to survive it, he will probably have to become criminalized himself.  This incident will cause losers all around, with nothing good coming from any of it.

And Governor Malloy is an imbecile.

Hispanics And Latinos Favor Gun Control

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 3 months ago

David Codrea has warned you:

Why the “gun control” groups keep quiet about illegal immigration is understandable. Those in it for the long haul, who hope and believe Americans can be disarmed within a generation, recognize that this can give them an unbeatable political majority within a decade or two, to remake the legislatures and courts and reverse all the legislative and judicial victories gained to date.

That explains motives of the gun-grabbers. But what about gun rights organizations? Why has only one national group sounded the alarm?

Also see David here for a followup.  And I have tried to explain that Hispanics and Latinos will vote collectivist because that’s there world view.

“For historical reasons to do with the nationalisation of the land under Lázaro Cárdenas and the predominant form of peasant land tenure, which was “village cooperative” rather than based on individual plots, the demand for “land to the tiller” in Mexico does not imply an individual plot for every peasant or rural worker or family. In Mexico, collectivism among the peasantry is a strong tradition … one consequence of these factors is that the radical political forces among the rural population are on the whole explicitly anti-capitalist and socialist in their ideology. Sometimes this outlook is expressed in support for guerilla organisations; but struggle movements of the rural population are widespread, and they spontaneously ally with the most militant city-based leftist organisations.”

One of the reasons for this reflexive alignment with leftism has to do with the the mid-twentieth century and what the Sovient Union and allied ideologies accomplished.  South and Central America was the recipient or receptacle for socialism draped in religious clothing, or in other words, liberation theology.  Its purveyors were Roman Catholic priests who had been trained in Marxism, and they were very successful in giving the leftists a moral platform upon which to build.  This ideology spread North from South and Central America into Mexico, and thus the common folk in Mexico are quite steeped in collectivist ideology from battles that were fought decades ago.

A very important Pew poll was just released, and The Dallas News headlined it this way: Latinos take more conservative view on pot but not on gun control.

Latinos take a more conservative view on pot legalization and a more-pro view on gun control, according to a fresh report on politics from the Pew Research Center.

About 49 percent of Hispanics polled support legalization of marijuana versus 53 percent for the total U.S. population. Liberalization of pot use is gaining support around the nation. Come January, in Dallas County, there may be some loosening on pot prosecution with a pilot project that gives tickets rather than jail time for simple possession, as we reported here.

On gun control, 62 percent of Hispanics polled by Pew say they support controlling gun ownership, versus 45 percent for the nation.

Nearly two thirds of Hispanics and Latinos are collectivists when it comes to gun rights.  And just consider – there are tens of millions of these new voters being added to the rolls considering the recent Supreme Court losses concerning voter ID laws.  This is in my estimation the most serious threat Americans face.

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