Please Stop The GOP Celebration

BY Herschel Smith
10 years, 4 months ago

Mike Vanderboegh: All this GOP triumphalism makes me want to puke.  Yea, me too.

So let’s administer a dose of reality to ourselves like a bad-tasting medicine.  The GOP has pledged to avoid ideological warfare with Obama.  Billionaire gun grabbers got their way in Washington, teaching them the lesson that if they spend enough money and find public too stupid to know any better, they can pass gun control and create the monster of all gun control monsters – a gun registry.

The television is so full of idiot GOP’ers talking about “secure the border first” … did you get that … first … that I can’t log them all.  In yet another bad sign, Colorado democrats won back two seats they lost in the recall elections over gun rights.  Magpul was right to relocate.  Speaking of stupid, recently elected Cory Gardner was on television last night smiling and talking about reducing national debt (upon which our horrible Keynesian, fractional reserve system is based) and – wait, don’t laugh – paying the debt.  That’s right, paying off the debt, as if such a thing is possible.  The U.S. has more unfunded liabilities than the total of the world’s wealth.  That means that we could send our Army and Marines to take over the rest of the world and confiscate all wealth across the globe, and it still wouldn’t be enough to pay all of our unfunded liabilities.  That’s how screwed we are.

Here’s what’s really going to happen.  The gun grabbers suffered a few defeats, but not enough.  They learned the wrong lessons with I-594, and they won’t stop.  They will never stop.  The fight isn’t over – it is never over.  Within the next two years, the GOP will do something to effect some sort of compromise on immigration, even if it’s doing nothing to stop Obama.  Secure the border first, will be the hue and cry, and then they will legitimize the illegals currently here for low wages for the corporations, those corporations relying on the middle class to supply the lower class illegals with medical care, SNAP, housing and anything else they need.  Corporate welfare will be what the public sees.  The GOP may as well write signs and hang them on their backs: “Monsanto Bitch.”  Or if you want, “Archer-Daniels-Midland Bitch.”  Because the GOP is owned and operated by the Chamber of Commerce.

We will continue down our road to increased debt and deficit spending, riding at 80 MPH towards the financial cliff rather than 100 MPH like Obama wants to go.  Nothing will change.  Got that?  Nothing.  This election changes nothing.  I’m sorry to ruin the party.


  1. On November 7, 2014 at 11:41 am, Lina Inverse said:

    Colorado is gone unless and until the New, Improved voting system is changed, it wasn’t yet in place during the recall elections. Only surprise is that the machine had the sophistication to allow some losses, Federal Senator and maybe state senate control, which was 1 seat away from a loss to the Republicans after the recalls and one state senator resigning before she could be recalled.

    Of course, with retention of the other legislative house and the governor, that’s not going to hurt their agenda if they lose the seat in doubt, just pause it some. And we’ve even learned recently, to no one’s surprise, that Democrats win a statistically improbable fraction of close races….

    Only good news about I-594 is that there aren’t necessarily as many billionaires in other states to fund such efforts, this drew in Microsoft Mafia like Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Then again funding these things is near pocket change to Bloomberg, it just looks better when there are locals who pitch in. I’m very glad my state’s voters are voting the right way on the really important initiatives and constitutional amendments, even if the state is nominally Purple.

  2. On November 7, 2014 at 2:21 pm, Will said:


    As soon as the ink was dry on the election, the RINOs and Obola are now heading off to sell our nations sovereignty. our liberties and freedoms down to tube with the Asian TPP.

  3. On November 7, 2014 at 4:53 pm, Lonejack said:

    “…Because the GOP is owned and operated by the Chamber of Commerce.”

    You cannot discuss ownership of the GOP while overlooking the tribal likes of multibillionaire Sheldon Adelson. As for the Dems, same tribe, same agenda, different tentacles – Zionists like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg.

  4. On November 7, 2014 at 5:06 pm, gamegetter II said:

    GOP or Dems-they are both loyal to team .gov inc. above and beyond all else,themselves second-half the time-the loyalties are reversed,and they are busy enriching themselves,family and friends,all the while sucking up to whichever lobbyist is going to get them the best job after they retire from public office,or are defeated in a farce of an election where blue is replaced by red,and red replaced by blue.
    All of the above brought to you by the ever dumber graduates of the leftist indoctrination camps our public schools have become.
    The average American citizen is fat,pathetically out of shape,and oblivious to the freedoms being taken in the name of protecting them from terrorists.
    They are kept fat and lazy courtesy of .gov inc. provided EBT cards which they use to “purchase”the garbage foods that keep them fat and lazy.

    I do not believe it is possible to vote our way back to enjoying freedom and rightful liberty,all politicians,besides being scum-sucking pieces of excrement are playing for the same team-team .gov inc.

  5. On November 7, 2014 at 8:44 pm, GenEarly said:

    This vote may give a slight reprieve nothing more. So we had all better Prepare for the worst now in this brief quiet before the storm. Whether “hurricane, tornado, blizzard,” etc. doesn’t matter TS is going THTF. I personally think Economic, Grid Down, even WW III is possible.
    As a side note: “An Entity” has placed a/several Viruses in the computer systems of the US electrical grid, Pipelines, Water systems, Nuclear plants. One report on fox News at around 4pm, then dropped, no repeats.

  6. On November 7, 2014 at 5:53 pm, Logan said:

    That’s the problem with saying “We don’t want illegal immigrants”. If you say that, then they’ll just do what is implied in this article, and what is implied in the news by the way they speak; which is, they’ll just *legalize* the illegals. The problem’s still there. You still have hordes of Central Americans flooding your small towns and cities, taking all the work, and replacing the native populations. That’s the flaw of trying to meet your enemy’s (the Left) standards.

  7. On November 28, 2014 at 10:04 am, Nikolai Leskov said:

    Very right, Logan – one has to find, and become comfortable with, different ways of saying – ‘no, we are happy to have Hispanic tourists – but not permanent guests’. Or – ways of putting the onus back on the onus-putters, like, ‘for every Hispanic immigrant taken, in the South, Northern states must agree to import an equal amount of reactionary Russian Christians, and Fundamentalist Islamics’ – or some such thing. You’re absolutely right, we cannot allow them to set the parameters- and must find ways of ‘growing empathy’ in them for what they expect of us…

  8. On November 7, 2014 at 6:24 pm, Ned Weatherby said:

    Send this little survey to the folks who think things will now change because of the election:

  9. On November 7, 2014 at 6:58 pm, sunburned said:

    While I agree that nothing will change, I am puzzled by the statement “We will continue down our road to increased debt and deficit spending…”. Why would anyone think that deficit spending is bad. Just look at what happens to our economy every time we have a government surplus.

    It is important to stop the silly statements like “balance the budget” so that we can focus our conversation on policy ideas and productive government spending. Let’s focus on the real problems.

  10. On November 8, 2014 at 12:34 am, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:

    Did I miss a “sarcasm” tag somewhere in there?? Are you truly trying to extol the “virtues” of leverage? or is your tongue planted so firmly in your cheek that you could passably imitate Gene Simmons….

  11. On November 8, 2014 at 9:06 pm, sunburned said: didn’t miss a “sarcasm” tag. Simply look at history and evaluate what happens every time the government runs a surplus. Clue…it equals a Depression.

    With an understanding of the US monetary system, we can start to find ways to reduce government, increase freedom, improve productivity and enhance the quality of life in the U.S. And hopefully, we can end ridiculous commentary about running off of some fictitious financial cliff.

  12. On November 8, 2014 at 10:12 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    You conflated what I said with some fictitious thing you wanted to hear because mommy mistreated you and you wanted to lash out. The government has no business running a surplus. The government has no business running a deficit. The federal government has no business taxing us. There is your monetary policy for you. It’s called liberty.

  13. On November 9, 2014 at 8:03 am, sunburned said:

    Ok… My misunderstanding. You say no federal taxes. How will we maintain a productive and improving economy. My first concern is with rule of law. But you may have better ideas.

  14. On November 9, 2014 at 10:11 am, Herschel Smith said:

    I should probably stipulate the exception of national defense, so I’m willing to throw a few pennies of every dollar for that. As for your question, government doesn’t create wealth or thriving economy, nor ensure the conditions thereto. You’ll have to find some other reason people need you to meddle in their lives. Thanks for playing.

  15. On November 10, 2014 at 2:39 am, HempRopeAndStreetlight said:

    Ok so you’re a fucking idiot. Good to know. Damned Keynesian swine.

  16. On November 8, 2014 at 4:29 pm, Frdmftr said:

    Sent to 3 newspapers in Washington State:

    Just posted to SEATTLE TIMES and cc’d to the Washington State gun
    rights group Washington Gun Rights. (I-594, in case you didn’t know, was a
    statewide referendum to require background checks for every private firearm
    transfer, even making it a felony to hand a buddy your firearm at a gun range
    so he can try it out. Anti-gun thug Bloomberg spent $9.5 million bucks
    supporting it, and the pro-gun side spent a little over $100K against it.)

    Seattle, Washington


    I see with great disappointment that I-594 passed, and now will go
    directly into judicial review; do not pass go, do not collect $200.

    Constitutionally-guaranteed rights are not subject to
    referendum. A background check as a precondition to receiving (or being
    denied) permission by government to exercise a fundamental, Constitutionally-guaranteed
    right, in the absence of probable cause of wrongdoing, is an impermissible
    search under the Fourth Amendment and a violation of due process under the
    Fifth Amendment. It is a search looking for probable cause, and government
    has to have probable cause first.

    I-594 violates the Fourth Amendment right to be secure from a
    search in the absence of probable cause of wrongdoing, violates the Fifth
    Amendment right to due process, and imposes an a priori restraint on the
    Second Amendment right of a citizen to keep and bear arms. No other right
    requires an interrogation under penalty of perjury and a search of citizen’s
    records as a precondition to receiving permission to be exercised. No
    other right requires government permission to be exercised in the first place.

    These defects are so glaringly obvious, it is amazing the State
    legal counsel even allowed this abomination to be on the ballot.

    Donald L. Cline

  17. On November 14, 2014 at 2:10 am, MAC said:

    Oh, those Boehner and McConnell lackeys of the GOP Establishment talk big and tough …just what “we the people want to hear” and what do you think will happen? Oh, not much ..and the dangling carrot will be put away till another election period. So be it but people are getting tired of that “dangling carrot”!

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