Florida, Gun Silencers and Idiots
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 2 months ago
OMG!! Did you hear??!!
Florida has another gun debate!!!
It’s about silencers!!
The NRA wants to allow them for hunters!!
Gun-control advocates can now start screaming about the dangers of silent mass murderers!!
And NRA members can scream about personal freedom, the Second Amendment and their God-given right to quietly blow away deer!!
If you are worked up on either side of this issue, then congratulations — you’ve been played.
[ … ]
The truth is that silencers — most of which don’t silence anything — don’t even crack the top 10 when it comes to concerns about gun violence.
If you lived anywhere close to a gun range, you’d appreciate technology that muffled the noise.
And while some significantly cut down on sound, guns with suppressors can still make as much noise as a motorcycle or jackhammer.
On the flip side, the NRA uses hysteria and nonsense to make suppressors seem like life or death.
It portrays silencers as a public-health crisis, claiming that hearing loss costs America “billions of dollars” and that bans on suppressors “are essentially mandating that firearms produce as much inner-ear-destroying noise as they possibly can.”
Apparently the NRA believes gun owners are incapable of using ear plugs.
That’s right. We all do what the NRA tells us to do. And silencers mean absolutely nothing to hearing protection or safety, because as well all know, the only shooting ever done occurs at the range. Deer hunters don’t go on drives with dogs and have to take spur of the moment shots, no, not at all. And sole hunters in the woods going to and from their stands, and spending all day in the bush, have no problem being without hearing.
Everyone can wear ear plugs, regardless of the fact that a bear may be approaching, a human may be announcing his presence or approaching camp, or the hunter may be listening for his prey. We want men to traipse around in the bush all day with firearms and absolutely no capability of hearing anything. Or, we can all take the time to stop what we’re doing and put earplugs in, regardless of the fact that we might lose the shot.
This is what happens when idiots write commentaries.
On November 19, 2014 at 2:53 pm, Archer said:
“On the flip side, the NRA uses logic and reason to make suppressors seem like life or deaf.”
There. FTFY. ;)
As an aside: Honestly, I think the reason our opposition believes we do and want what the NRA tells us to do and want, is because that’s how every anti-gun organization works. Top-down; leadership leads, supporters follow.
It never occurs to them – doesn’t even cross their little minds – that a bottom-up, grassroots-motivated and self-organized group is possible, let alone capable of being effective. Equally, it never occurs to them that the NRA is organized not unlike a State government: the Board is elected by the members with voting rights, and therefore generally represents their interests. It’s a representative government, roughly parallel to those modeled in the U.S. and State Constitutions. To claim the NRA is irrelevant because it’s a lobby group that doesn’t represent its members’ interests is to claim the State and Federal governments are irrelevant because they’re a law-making group that doesn’t represent their constituents’ interests.
You can also extrapolate from that the antis’ perceived (and desired) role of government: they don’t want citizens to direct from the bottom and take responsibility for themselves, they want someone else – an all-powerful leader – to do it for them. They don’t want a government that serves the people; they want the people to serve the government.
In short, the anti-gun organizations are run the way they want government to run, while the pro-gun organizations are run the way they want government to run. This is one of many reasons why neither side will ever agree with the other and “common ground” is impossible to find – it doesn’t exist; the two viewpoints are mutually exclusive.
On November 20, 2014 at 3:08 pm, Barry Hirsh said:
Not quite. The pro-gun organizations are run the way the Constitution wants the government to run.
On November 20, 2014 at 3:59 pm, Archer said:
Good catch! I stand corrected!
But I maintain that the anti-gun groups’ internal organization serve as a microcosm of how they want the government to run, and that they can’t comprehend – literally, can’t wrap their mind around – any other effective way of running things.
On November 22, 2014 at 5:55 pm, Matheus Grunt said:
Silencers are constitutional because it’s a 2nd Amendment issue protected. The govt has no right to ban them from us or to make it harder for us to buy one which is what’s the case.