Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 1 month ago
GOA stood alone among national gun rights groups in November, warning that passing the bill will result in giving Congressional Democrats control of Congress for the next 10 months, as the “so-called ‘long-term CR [continuing resolution]’ … would set policy and spending until the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2015).” Their solution was to call instead for “a ‘short-term CR’ into January, February, or March. This would allow the newly elected Republican Congress to set spending and policy for the federal government for most of next year.”
And that’s exactly what has happened. The Democratic party is evil, but the GOP is a cowardly shell of humanity, without even so much as a thread of dignity or character left. But the reason I lifted this quote from David’s article is that it reminds me of a comment left here at TCJ when we discussed this.
seriously ? they think the lame duck Senate can pass gun control ? so far the GOP House has stopped everything … quit crying wolf … this is just a fundraising stunt …
Yea, not so much, huh? Read all of David’s piece at Examiner.
If you’re a machinst and live in or near Huntsville, Alabama, Remington wants to offer you a job. If I was a machinst and lived in Huntsville, Alabama I’d take it.
The Texas Legislature is flooded with proposed gun legislation. The legalization of open carry is a no-brainer and shouldn’t take any more than a minute or two to pass, after a couple of hours to craft the law. We’ll see just how smart or stupid the Texas Legislature is.
Nullification works. Of course it does. It just requires the heart, character and stomach to stand up to the federal government.
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