Free Men Bear Arms
BY Herschel Smith
You know the Founders were as suspicious of unrestrained democracy as they were of absolute monarchy. Both can be tyrannical. Both can be deadly. Both are threats to life and liberty and property. This is why they crafted a constitutional republic. The Founders knew that the mob could be manipulated by cynical elites to rob other citizens of their liberty, their property and their lives – cynical elites, wealthy men, powerful men, with unceasing appetites for more and more power …
Tyranny as you have now experienced with I-594 can be voted into existence by a majority. This does not make it right. This does not make it legitimate. Indeed it is a violation of natural law and natural rights derived from God …
This is one of Mike’s best, and I’ve been thinking about freedom, slavery and God-given rights over the last few days. Slavery in all of its forms is evil. To be sure, forced labor for the benefit of others is theft. Forced relocation is kidnapping, and forced sex is rape. But as heinous as these things are, they are byproducts of the main focus of the evil behind slavery.
Slavery is an interdiction and attempted thwarting of the main institution and building block in God’s economy – the family. When I say “economy,” don’t think money and finances, although that would certainly be included. Think of the role of the family in education, self determination, living location, choice of labor, value system, religious proclivities, and every other aspect of life. Think God’s administration of His created order. The family is central, it is essential, it cannot be harmed without both adverse natural consequences and God’s divine punishment on people, individually and corporately.
Whether it is a totalitarian state that sucks bank accounts dry through taxation, Boko Haram who steals girls from their families for sex, ISIS who beheads teenagers who refuse to relinquish their Christianity and swear allegiance to a false religion, diktats which govern what guns can be owned by whom and when, or whatever the form, it all steps in between the head of a family and his wife and children, a man’s work, a man’s calling before God, a man’s ability and freedom to say how his family will live and how he will care for and protect them. Thus it is an affront to the laws of God, sinful, a cosmic crime against the most high. It is all (what the Bible calls) high-handed sin (Numbers 15:22-31). It is perpetrated by men who raise their fists to God and say they will not bow their knee to His laws.
Men who engage in this high-handed sin might be so bold as to kidnap girls for sex, or they might be so surreptitious as to sell their ideas to the stupid public as for their own safety and protection, such as gun control in the form of dictating what can be owned by whom and what one must do to placate the state if he engages in bartering. Or, in the case of entitlements, it might take the form of “assistance” to families which ultimately destroys the family like it has with minorities in America. But make no mistake about it, it is all high-handed sin, and God will judge it, now and in eternity.
Control over weapons is the final step and the signal accomplishment of a state which seeks to enslave its people. Thus is disobedience to these evil measures a righteous calling.
On December 15, 2014 at 8:38 am, Billy Mullins said:
Thank you, Herschel, for mentioning “a man’s calling before God”. I believe that we are assigned duties by our creator. When I was born first and born male, I believe the Creator assigned me a duty to my parents and siblings. When I asked my wife to marry, I knew I was electing to assume a duty before Creator God to protect she who would become my wife. When we elected to adopt children (the creator did not see fit to gift us with children biologically) I did so knowing I was assuming a duty to those children and theirs. I understood that as husband and father I was accepting the burden of leadership and protection of my clan.
ALL firstborn sons have a duty – BEFORE THE CREATOR – to their parents and any siblings – in the latter case until their majority and beyond if they desire/require it. All husbands assume a duty when they marry and all fathers assume a duty to their children, grandchildren, etc. the moment they become parents. It is possible to refuse to execute one’s duties – indeed many choose to do so either actively or passively – but one cannot get rid of those assigned/imposed duties. One cannot be relieved of that duty absent incapacitating injury/illness and even then the duty is only relieved to the degree of their incapacitation. So long as I remain alive I have the duty. Thus the words I have written for my own epitaph: “His duty done; he’s resting.”
Herschel, I would disagree with you about your final paragraph. I believe that total control over weapons is the FIRST – and MOST ESSENTIAL – step any state desiring to enslave its people must take. A disarmed populace is much easier to control. But revolt is always an option. Remember; the ratio of “chiefs” to “indians” ALWAYS favors the indians.
On December 16, 2014 at 9:56 am, MrApple said:
“Free Men Bear Arms”
Damn right!
On December 26, 2014 at 7:01 pm, Ron W said: