Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years ago
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
Perhaps one day, applying St. Ambrose’s admonishment to Mumbai will mean JPFO members will feel right at home with a “gun culture” that supports the dignity of all peaceable human beings by not infringing on their choices. That’s the beauty of freedom, and something “Ugly Indians” seem incapable of grasping, as they use their media megaphones to demand colonial mindset defenselessness be imposed on the country that welcomed them in.
But letting ideas do battle in the marketplace and recognizing God-given rights to self defense would run contrary to the collectivist world view of our ruling elite! That’s why our ruling elite are so anxious to let so many in who would further empower the rulers.
When elected officials undertake actions that they fear would anger those they claim to “represent”–fear so strongly, in fact, that they seek to hide their involvement from the voters–they dodge accountability for their actions. The residents of these legislators’ states are their employers–their superiors. In what other line of work is it acceptable for the hired help to do their jobs in a manner that’s hidden from their employers?
But if they did things in an open manner that would return us to the very republic our founders envisioned and mitigate the power of the ruling elites. We can’t have that happening.
This opinion piece in the LA Times by Jared Diamond was also mirrored at RealClearDefense. Diamond is no Media Matters collectivist putz. He is a Pulitzer Prize winner and thought of as a deep thinker in certain quarters. So when he writes of “the enemy within,” you have to take him seriously. And who are “the enemy within?” Why us, of course.
Read the piece at Sipsey Street Irregulars. Use of the military would violate the law and recognized historical precedent. But failure to do so would mean that the ruling elite might actually be held accountable for the tyranny they perpetrate. Expect to see more calls for use of the U.S. military in counterinsurgency and stability operations in America, as well as further militarization of the police.
Lead ammunition ban passed in California after the federal government knowingly and intentionally (with malice) withheld key technical data and information. That doesn’t surprise you, does it?
On December 29, 2014 at 11:23 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Wait, I’m sorry Mike V., but – isn’t Jared Diamond the complete effing idiot who wrote, Guns, Germs, and Steel?
To save you the trouble, the basic premise is this: There are folks out there in bumf**k land, who didn’t invent stuff. Even though they’ve had access to this stuff for, in some cases, a century, or more, they still squat around and do squat, simply because wait for it: They DIDN’T INVENT IT. Even though they use it.
Another premise is, these people manage to be able to eke out a living in primitive conditions, and you can’t, because, you guessed it, they have REALLY HIGH I.Q’s. The moron doesn’t take into account the fact that if you took one of them out of the community when young, and raised him or her in our society, the person wouldn’t know how, or what to eat.
The difference is this: These people have access to our tech. They use some of it. The tech has been around, and improving, for hundreds of years.
When I see videos of, say, a poor country in Africa, most are sitting around DOING NOTHING.
My book review is a snapshot. I didn’t waste my time reading the whole BS story.
I have to believe that Mike is being polite, and letting us know that other Prozi asshats believe him to be a scholar.
I, personally, believe him to be a complete idiot.