Guns, Bad Cartoons, Poor Taste
BY Herschel Smith10 years ago
Kurt Hofmann sends this along.
First of all, the folks carrying the cartoon are rude and ill mannered. The cartoon is poorly done. I don’t mean just in poor taste, I mean poorly done. It’s an awful cartoon. My dog could draw better than this. Second, the cartoon is in poor taste. Blood dancing is in bad form no matter who the dancer or victim.
There are good cartoons and bad ones, and I don’t even have to agree with the cartoonist in order to appreciate good art and clever ideas. For example, a very liberal cartoonist with whom I seldom if ever agreed, Doug Marlette, once gave us this after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.
The Eagle cries. Now one doesn’t have to agree with huge government programs in order to appreciate Doug’s having captured the moment with a cartoon. Furthermore, as an engineer I know full well how Morton-Thiokol had ignored their own engineer’s warnings concerning temperature and O-rings. The failure never had to occur.
Still, whether one agrees with the cartoon or not, Doug wasn’t blood dancing. He was showing true grief and sorrow over needless deaths. The folks at CSGV have latched on to crap and made it their own. Very well. It suits them.
On January 4, 2015 at 10:48 pm, SunwolfNC said:
I feel stupider for having read some of the comments there… so glad I’m not on the facepage any more…
On January 11, 2015 at 1:45 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
With you on the comments, Sunwolf.
There has to be a hint of fact in a political cartoon for it to actually work. Ever seen any political cartoons depicting Asians during WWII? They all have buck teeth and thick glasses. Now the PC crowd craps all over themselves if any minority group is depicted in what they consider to be a nefarious way. That is, except NRA members – always shown as a fat, redneck idiot, or white males. Those are the two categories that are acceptable to insult by Prozi cartoonists.
Even the nihilists at Charlie Hebdo had a problem insulting just anyone, except Christians, Muslims, and white, hetero males. Some of their “cartoons” regarding the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are blasphemous – at least to me. But they knew Christians wouldn’t murder them for their slander. I obviously don’t mean they deserved to be murdered by members of the Religion of Peace for cartoons, however.
Incidentally, re the hash tag “I’m Charlie Hebdo.” Well, I’m NOT Charlie Hebdo. These selective “nihilist” hypocrites believe(d) certain speech should be outlawed:…
They apparently believed that any self-identified sexual sub-group and/or race (other than white male heterosexuals, Christians and Muslims) were to be protected with typical Prozi (and, in this case, nihilist) “special” status. Charlie Hebdo even fired a cartoonist over a perceived
slight regarding Judaism: This cartoonist was also then prosecuted by the state. MSM cartoonists from various countries are apparently as hypocritical as most MSM urinalists. Free speech, my eye.
BTW – IMO, it wasn’t the fact that guns are difficult to obtain in France that gave the Hebdo clan little chance of survival, it was the generalized European belief that “guns are bad” that stopped them from possessing and maintaining on their the tools with which to defend themselves.