Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
It’s not often I find myself in agreement with a “gun control” zealot, but in this case, I’m on board with Rejina 100 percent. By all means, if you don’t want her to think you are a coward, please share. Some may even want to start with these guys.
It might actually be rather nice if the whole thing got a little more legal scrutiny than it has to date.
Perhaps when enough citizens realize the police can’t protect them and won’t allow them to protect themselves, their attitudes and political choices will change, or at least their inclination against proud and defiant civil disobedience. Some of us would love to help, but we can’t force people not to enslave or harm themselves. Meanwhile, those of us who already know the score will continue to protect ourselves and our rights, and oppose that New York state of mind whenever the fascist Mayor of Everytown tries to impose it beyond the five boroughs.
I’ve said before and will continue to drive the point that totalitarians will answer for every crime committed upon their people that could have been prevented or ameliorated if they allowed their people to defend themselves. Politicians and police who lobby against the God-given right of self defense will ultimately answer to the one who gave those rights.
And that’s another problem for your side, Diamond–the principles on which our republic (as opposed to your “democracy”) was founded are indeed worth dying for, in the eyes of many of us, and perhaps an even bigger problem for you, worth killing for. So if you and your “decent Americans” decide to appeal to “authoritarian government” to deal with us, bring it.
As I survey the ideological landscape, it’s not entirely clear to me yet that the totalitarians get the fact that the civil disobedience we see now in New York, Connecticut and Washington are based on irreducibles, axioms that define character and circumscribe actions. Let’s hope they do before they do things from which there is no return.
Mike Vanderboegh:
Faith in God (Part III)
The Long Game (Part II)
Read them all.
On January 4, 2015 at 11:48 pm, Daniel Barger said:
“Politicians and police who lobby against the God-given right of self defense will ultimately answer to the one who gave those rights.”
That is at the heart of the matter. The communists seeking to disarm us don’t believe in God and don’t believe they will ever face judgement. The lack of a belief in an afterlife and accountability is a driving force in their willful conduct…and misconduct….in the present.