Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years ago
I understand some have differences, but those are not with JPFO itself, and that’s important enough for me not to automatically abandon my inclination to do what I can to help the organization survive, thrive and grow. If you don’t agree, I’ll not waste any more of your time trying to persuade you. Stop reading and go in peace. This message is intended for those of you who would like to join me in doing what we can to help this entity called JPFO.
I’ve already stated my position. I align myself with people, not organizations. I don’t have a lot of money to donate, but I have a Google page rank of 5. I want to assist David Codrea and Kurt Hofmann. If that means that I assist JPFO in the process, then so be it.
In order to counter the well-financed propaganda effort, Nevadans for State Gun Rights has created a fact sheet that presents counter-arguments to those voters are being exposed to, and that warns against the loss of rights should they heed what the Bloomberg coalition is trying to make them believe. Supporters who object to and wish to respond to Sen. Smith’s Everytown talking point-parroting “editorial” can submit letters to the Gazette-Journal being careful to observe the paper’s requirements, including limiting them to 200 words.
This is simple folks. Do what needs to be done and the gun controllers can be defeated. Don’t be knots on a log. Stop watching idiot TV sitcoms at night. Spend time doing something useful (I know, my readers don’t watch idiot shows anyway, and they’re busy people. Still, please add Nevada into your do-list over the coming weeks and months. Patriots there need you.).
In case you haven’t read Kurt Hofmann’s latest at JPFO, please do so. I previously linked this piece.
Mike Vanderboegh links an article on supply of the Ukrainian military. I’ve discussed this before, and you know I’m a sucker for logistics.
Mike Vanderboegh says we are not all Charlie. Hmm … I think Ned Weatherby said something just like that here.
Mike Vanderboegh, all over America, the government is cracking down on preppers. Wood stoves are mentioned again. The EPA is as out of control as I’ve ever seen anyone or any organization. The regulations on stoves are immoral and obscene and the EPA doesn’t have a God-given right to tell people how they may heat their home. Thus I recommend disobeying those regulations since, being immoral, they have no binding obligation on men.
On January 17, 2015 at 12:31 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
That wood stove nonsense may be just the straw to break the camel’s back – at least in this area anyway. I burn a stove that was EPA rated 10 years ago – when burning full blast, all you see is heat waves coming out the chimney. But that’s now not good enough. So, if I buy the same stove, but with the updated ratings, it will undoubtedly be “not good enough” several years from now. And we live in the largest ponderosa pine forest in the world. It’s severely overgrown, again, thanks to government mismanagement. Now we have in some areas 2000+ ponderosa trees per acre, when the amount should be 16-20 per acre. And we have unbelievable wildfires. Thank you, tree huggers. EnviroNazis have even sued to prevent the harvesting of burnt trees.
EPA essentially shut down a coal burning plant in northern Arizona that had recently updated with modern scrubbers. Then, EPA changed the rules again. This specific plant employs mostly Navajo workmen. Incidentally, it’s downwind of the Grand Canyon, but the EnviroNazis claim it effects the air quality and vistas over the Grand Canyon. EPA, IMO, has simply become the radical enforcement arm of the radical EnviroNazi movement. Worse is better, Comrade. Worse is better.