Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
David goes on record at Guns Magazine trying to convince hunters and other sportsmen (not the first time he has tried) to be wary of so-called “environmental” and gun control groups and alliances with such ne’er-do-wells. I just don’t see what the debate is all about, despite one commenter. If hunters think for one second that any single so-called “environmental” group or other gun controller has their interests at heart, or cares one iota about game management practices and herd size and health, or the availability of nice bolt action guns for the hunters, they are too stupid to be running around in the fields or in deer stands with guns. The gun controllers think that bolt action rifle of yours with high powered glass is an evil “sniper rifle.” And they don’t want you to carry a handgun to dispatch wounded deer quickly and humanely, because they wouldn’t allow you to shoot the deer at all. Also note that Kurt Hofmann brings up one issue that I’ve brought up in the past.
A leading local civil rights attorney was arrested over the weekend at Cleveland Hopkins Airport for having a concealed handgun in his carry-on bag, The Plain Dealer reported Sunday. David Malik, the original attorney for the family of 12-year-old Tamir Rice who was slain by police in November, spent the night in jail after a .22 caliber handgun and a box of ammunition were discovered by airport security.
“What’s interesting about David is he is such an anti-gun person,” Steve Loomis, president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen’s Association, told the press. “He’s such an anti-violence person, and of all the things for him to get arrested for, that really surprises me.”
Not me. Laws are for the little people, not those who would rule over us.
Suppressors are safety equipment, in that they dramatically reduce the danger of permanent hearing loss. Anyone who opposes more permissive suppressor laws is effectively in favor of Americans suffering damage to their hearing.
Yes they are, and yes they are. Suppressors are safety equipment, as much so as hard hats, safety glasses and SCBAs in confined spaces. And yes, the gun controllers are against any equipment that might save hearing. There is a dark morality to anti-gun beliefs, in that they don’t really care about people as they like you to believe. They only care about guns being in the hands of the ruling elite, or in other words, the government.
No, Sebastian, I don’t want the federal government to allow “green tip” ammunition because it might be a good substitute for lead. I want to use lead too, and whatever else I want. It’s none of the government’s damn business and I don’t need a law substantiating my choices.
So the Canadian armed forces are looking into a Bullpup design? Um, okay, whatever. That puts the explosion right at your ear, which is why I don’t have Bullpup rifles or shotguns.
There is an awful lot of proposed gun legislation in West Virginia. Most of it looks good, at least what I saw.
D.C. gun laws remain the same despite recent court ruling, because D.C. elites don’t care about the difference between right and wrong.
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