Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 11 months ago
More fundamental, of course, is the fact that the very reason that for the citizenry to be free, we must have a right to keep and bear arms (not, readers will note, a “right to keep and bear sporting goods”) that shall not be infringed, is that we must have access to weapons with which we can pose a credible threat to the government’s enforcers, if that government makes such action necessary. The M855 rounds are a part of that credible threat–and that is undoubtedly why this administration is trying to neutralize it.
It’s always good to hear truth-telling. Kurt’s comment that we must have access to weapons with which we can pose a credible threat to the government’s enforcers, if that government makes such action necessary” exactly captures the intent of the second amendment and the experience of the founders.
Per Denise Brown of ATF Enforcement Programs and Services in this afternoon’s telephone conversation, this will “not actually be a [regulatory] change, more of a policy along those lines.” Brown said the framework document is a notice only, and will therefore not be published in the Federal Register, characterizing the document’s intent as “information gathering” in order to collect technical information, which could affect the Bureau’s final determination.
How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? It sounds as if the ATF thinks they have found a legal (or pseudo-legal) way around following the rules. This is what your tax dollars do when they hire lawyers for the DoJ. Yea, those dollars. Those hard earned dollars you make with blood, sweat and tears, those dollars that cause gray hair after so many years of fighting the system, or the ground, or those machines. Those dollars taken from you by the power of a badge and gun.
The trick is how do we maintain our rights when all the branches of government in a given state — the legislative, judicial and executive backed up by their willing handmaidens in the press (try looking in a mirror) — are in the hands of people whom the Founders would deem “domestic enemies of the Constitution.” The residents of the aforementioned states have answered that question by refusing to comply and daring the “authorities” to do anything about it.
Refusing to comply and daring the authorities to do anything about it. It really does point to a problem of courage on the part of the authorities, doesn’t it?
A law enforcement officer was injured when his gun accidentally discharged at the Cook County Courthouse in Bridgeview. No one else was hurt.
The officer was transported by ambulance with a gunshot wound to his leg from the courthouse at 10220 S. 76th Avenue shortly before 10 a.m., according to the Cook County Sheriff’s Department. The officer is expected to be OK. No one else was injured.
Earlier Wednesday morning, an alarm at the courthouse malfunctioned, forcing an evacuation of the building. The officer was retrieving a gun from a locker it went off.
I just can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me.
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