Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
Washington State liberty activist Anthony Bosworth was arrested Wednesday outside a federal building for openly carrying a firearm, an announcement on Bosworth’s Facebook page reports. Within hours, he had been released with no criminal charges, his wife informed supporters.
Liberty advocate Kit Lange has fleshed out further details of the arrest on the website for The Patrick Henry Society. The “co-organizer of Arms Expo 2015 was arrested this morning outside the federal courthouse in Spokane as he attended a states’ rights rally with his family,” Lange reports.
Bosworth was arrested in front of his wife and children by agents for the Department of Homeland Security, who “claimed that Bosworth was in violation of federal law by open carrying a firearm on federal property.”
Read the rest of the report at Examiner. I won’t be the first one, but I’ll certainly join the chorus and call bull shit on this one. There is no such law that prohibits firearms on “federal property,” as if all property is subject to a single law. For example, firearms are certainly allowed in national parks and have been since 2010. A military base is technically considered a federal reservation, and firearms are allowed there (even personal ones with approval). The arresting officer just made that one up.
Read Mike Vanderboegh’s take on this. ” I was particularly interested that the FBI was particularly interested in talking to Anthony about me. Nice to know I’m living in their heads rent-free as well. (Maybe they can get with Gottlieb and split the cost.) The FBI, it seems, is particularly interested in the national armed civil disobedience movement. It really must flummox them. We don’t fit any pattern they’ve seen recently …”
Setting the state up for massive gun owner civil disobedience along the lines of what has occurred in California and is currently happening in New York and Connecticut, Democrat State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins filed the Firearms Registration Act with the Secretary of State on Friday. The act was then presented for first reading and referred to the Democrat-dominated Assignments Committee.
Collins’ measure “[p]rovides that every person in the State must register each firearm he or she owns or possesses in accordance with the Act,” the official synopsis declares.
It’s easy for people to file legislation that someone else has to enforce. So send in the enforcers, Ms. Collins. See what happens then. Perhaps you can go on one of the raids yourself, no?
But Dr. Alan Delamater says even exposing young teens to this environment is dangerous.
“It’s another family gaming activity, right? Wrong. I don’t think it’s just another activity. I think this is something that can seriously affect child development and not in a good way,” Dr. Delamater said.
Delamater does not clarify whether or not “exposing” these young men and women–some of whom will in a few short years be serving in the military–to all firearms represents a problem for “child development” (whatever that unspecified “problem” is), or if the danger is restricted to fully-automatic firearms.
What does the man want, for boys to play with dolls and learn how to self actualize each other? Every man needs to know things like engine building, guns, and farm animals. If you don’t, buy a gun and learn to use it, tear an engine down, and volunteer your time at a ranch training horses. And stay away from Dr. Delamater while he wets his pants.
They’re refusing shipment until they know more about how it will be regulated–a pretty strong indicator that they know it’s not regulated now. As Wilson says, there is absolutely no reason for FedEx to be concerned about legal issues, because there are no legal issues with shipping CNC milling machines. Wilson also points out that FedEx ships actual guns and ammunition, both of which are heavily regulated under federal and many states’ laws, and that hasn’t stopped them.
Read the rest of Kurt’s analysis. I think Kurt is right. There has been some dirty dealing going on behind closed doors on this one.
Christian militia takes on ISIS. I want to be careful and very Christian as I respond to this and provide an assessment – as a Christian. Okay, here it goes. May the Christian militia make the streets run red with the blood of the savages and send them to meet their maker who will send them to hell. Godspeed to the militia.
The ATF reaffirms the Sig pistol brace is legal after all. Whatever. This is all being done by a bunch of worthless lawyers who have never used the thing and wouldn’t know it from a 2X4 if it bit them in the ass. Ignore them and do what you want to with the brace. The ATF has turned so paranoid and controlling they have become an undignified, unprofessional, boorish bore, like that uncle who cleans septic tanks for a living, the one with bad breath and creepy looks whom everyone avoids.
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