Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 10 months ago
Via David Codrea, and also via reader Pat Hines, here is the Georgia Carry response to the proposed M855 ban. It’s a good response, and readers will be familiar with the common concepts with which we deal every day, such as the difference between FMJ and MC ammunition (metal case where the tail end is not jacketed). Also see the section on the fact that the “sporting purposes test” is unconstitutional. Of course it is.
That’s what’s going on with eight health organizations, notably the American College of Physicians, joining with the American Bar Association to demand more “gun control” in a “Call to Action” published earlier this week.
I’m glad David is covering this. I saw the media frenzy this week and was uninterested. I don’t think it’s any of my business trying to figure out ways to make the public safer from guns by curtailing the right to be armed. I don’t think it’s any of their business either, but reading David’s piece reminds you that not only is it not their business, it isn’t in their area of expertise. It would be like asking me what drugs to prescribe for congestive heart failure. Doctors are going to have enough things to do under Obamacare (like useless paperwork). They had better get their head in gear to deal with the coming calamity.
In his speech Friday before the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Md., National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre discussed a host of issues impacting gun rights, declaring they all depend on each other. Curiously absent from his speech was any acknowledgment of the danger amnesty for illegal aliens with a “pathway to citizenship” would pose to continued government recognition of the right to keep and bear arms.
And yet, immigration – both legal and illegal – is the most significant threat we face as a nation and a people. It is a clear and present danger. David and I have both pointed that out. Time is running out.
Per Mike Vanderboegh, here is an interview of Anthony Bosworth on his arrest.
Police chief arrested for brandishing gun while intoxicated. Gee, I wouldn’t do something like that. I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have all of that training and expertise that he does, you know, since he is a LEO and everything and I am not.
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