Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 10 months ago
Via Mike Vanderboegh, assessment of the Bosworth arrest.
Anthony Bosworth was illegally arrested and detained, which makes it a kidnapping. The judge’s order after the fact means that they knew when they arrested Anthony that they were not within the law. Judge Peterson’s signing of this order sets up any of us to also be arrested and detained. The problem is that her rule violates the Constitution from word one, which means she is guilty of 1) using the law to deprive rights, 2) threatening the use of weapons to deprive those rights, and 3) setting up the people to be kidnapped by the federal government if they do not bend to her will. What happens to the penalty now?
Laws are for little people. The black-robed tyrants, all of whom have been trained in the critical theories of Stanley Fish and Jacques Derrida, decide what is right and wrong and act on their own to effect the proper changes. And not a person or institution in America stops them, any more than the courts stop the police from busting in doors in violation of the Fourth Amendment, or any more than the Congress has the balls to stop Obama’s lawlessness. It’s a sad state of affairs, indeed.
Noted investments counselor Snoop Doggy Dogg or Snoop Lion or whatever he’s calling himself these days has teamed up in a video with some other people many who lead purposeful lives have probably never heard of. This time, Sniff Dogg isn’t starring in a “Girls Gone Wild Doggystyle” video, doing the important work of luring underage girls with drugs to behave like drunken exhibitionist sluts for GGW founder Joe Francis, himself convicted of falsely imprisoning and assaulting women, “grabbing one … by the hair and throat and slamm[ing] her head into the floor.” This time, the Snoopster’s the front man for a campaign to convince investors to divest gun-related companies from their 401K retirement portfolios.
Who is doggy dog and why the hell should anyone pay attention to him? I’ve recommended the same thing. “This is just rich. Guns are still the hottest commodity in America. At a time when cities across America are staring bankruptcy in the face due to the ridiculous deals they cut with the unions, the progressive California State Teachers’ Retirement System and the state of New York have a chance to put their money where their mouth is. Will you divest yourselves of the best money making stocks you own because they make those evil guns? Here’s your chance.”
To date no one has taken me up on this unique chance to prove your point. I wonder why?
As undeniably satisfying as that would be, though, I argue that actually accomplishing that goal might fairly be described as “winning the battle, but losing the war.” It all comes down to something from the previous paragraph–something worth repeating: ” . . . the reason for the very existence of the agency is for the enforcement of blatantly unconstitutional ‘laws.'” There is no reason to anticipate the imminent repeal of the unconstitutional federal gun laws (which is basically another way of saying all federal gun laws). Rep. Sensenbrenner’s bill, as well-intended as it undoubtedly is, certainly would not do so, and indeed would transfer enforcement of federal gun laws to the far larger, better funded, and more powerful FBI. As tireless liberty advocate Mike Vanderboegh has long argued, “I tell you now, I far prefer the devil I know in rehab than the devil I don’t running free with even greater power operating behind a cloak of invisibility, immunity and impunity.”
All federal laws concerning guns are unconstitutional under the second amendment. All of them. That isn’t to say that we’re better off without the ATF. My working theory is that at least with the ATF as part of the DoJ, there are enough lawyers around that still have at least a working knowledge of the constitution that they know when something will likely get overturned in court. Kurt is right. The FBI wouldn’t let that slow them down. We don’t want the FBI enforcing federal gun laws, folks.
Uh oh. Gun stops attack in Queens. Narrative fail. A gun saved a life.
Jihadist threats in Miami. I’d tend to believe them. The solution is simple. Carry guns everywhere you go.
Communist South Carolina state senator Larry Martin continues his controlling ways.
On March 12, 2015 at 7:40 am, Roger V. Tranfaglia said:
S–T……..The above,……… .
.ridiculous, redundent gun”laws”. Rendition centers, like Hermon Square, (plaza?). Illegal immigrints being told they can vote. Thugs (black AND white) running amuck. Financial Corporations running amuck…Irresponsible heads of State running amuck…..(and the last three NOT being held accountable)
. Yea we can vote and write/send emails and letters, comment in the daily news and blogs, attend rallys and demonstrations….even run for office……….NOTHING IS CHANGING………its just getting WORSE.
I doubt Im the only one out here in left field……….its going to happen ….this year?………next year?
Mind you, Cap’n I don’t want it, don’t wish for it, I’ve got more enjoyable things to do. (Not being the young stud I used to be, most likley get captured or worse.)
What say you?
On March 12, 2015 at 7:46 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Re: Judges f**king the little people: Yeah. “Good behavior” is an oxymoron. And no – I won’t pound that dead horse here anymore.
Re:Jihadist threats in Miami – No worries. The police will protect them.
Regarding Sniff Doggy Style: Yeah right. The fiduciaries who are supposed to oversee 401K’s are going to toss the financial instruments that consistently earn money. And no one’s going to howl with indignation when their portfolio is immediately diminished. Panty wetting moron.