Detroit Police Officer Charged With Theft During Drug Raid
BY Herschel Smith
DETROIT, MI — A Detroit crime fighter is charged with committing a crime of his own.
Detroit Police Officer Christos Kyriakides, 62, is suspected of stealing a “Scarface movie collage” from the home of a resident where he and other officers were serving a search warrant about 8:20 p.m. Feb. 20.
“It is alleged that Officer Kyriakides participated in the execution of a search warrant and while at the location removed a framed Scarface movie collage from the scene and placed it in his scout car and later concealed it in his personal vehicle,” Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s office said in a statement Friday.
Kyriakides is scheduled to be arraigned in Detroit’s 36th District Court at 10:30 a.m. on a charge of larceny from a building.
The charge of criminal misconduct conduct by a Detroit police officer comes about a month after multiple Detroit police officers were named in a lawsuit accusing them of conducting an illegal marijuana raid in Warren, and amid an ongoing FBI probe into wrongdoing by the disbanded Narcotics Unit.
A fellow officer turned Kyriakides in, Police Officer Adam Madera said after the accusation became public.
Gosh, I hate it when that happens to me. I remember the last time I barged into somebody’s home pointing guns. I sure didn’t find anything as cool as a “Scarface movie collage.”
The good news is that there is at least one honest cop in Detroit.
On March 17, 2015 at 7:12 am, Hognose @ Weaponsman said:
Hey, here’s a fellow traveler from Davie, FL: Officer arrested on Extortion Charges.
Then there’s the Detroit (again!) cop who was armed, and inebriated:
Back in Nov 14, a cop in Colchester, VT threw numerous cases into limbo when he turned out to be trading guns from the evidence locker for heroin.
And I was looking for a case I read this week of a cop busted for providing guns to a felon when all those came up.
With a couple million cops out there, even at a very low percentage of bad cops, one or the other of ’em is going to step on his reproductive tackle every day. We sure can do better at handling what comes afterward. A few celebrated drummings-out pour encourager les aûtres would go a long way, IMHO.
On March 31, 2015 at 8:56 pm, Concerned in Detroit said:
RIGHT… honest. Or maybe he set the detective up for a fall.