Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 10 months ago
A significant number of American households own guns, and a significant number of those have disposable income allowing for regular entertainment expenditures. With word spreading that the actors have been going out of their way to disparage the right to keep and bear arms, it’s likely that accounts for some of the reluctance toward giving aid and comfort to Penn and Neeson.
It’s difficult to know details like this, but it isn’t difficult to see the trend. If Neeson had courted the gun rights patron rather than pissing off peaceable gun owners, do you think we’d be having this conversation at all?
David Codrea: “Cities using work permit aliens to enforce gun edicts and laws against citizens.” I’m left speechless.
Nevertheless, B. Todd Jones threw the yellow flag about a month ago, charging the M855 round with “unsportsmanlike conduct.” He, though, intended to impose a penalty of far greater than 15 yards. Perhaps that’s just what the NFL needed to see from their prospective new sheriff in town.
This may be down in the weeds of things we would like to know but never will. Was he booted from the ATF for ham handed handling of the proposed M855 ban? Was this just a great opportunity he couldn’t pass up? Was this a golden parachute? In any case, with an NFL increasingly defined by criminals, self serving and obscene end zone dances, and overall thuggery, Jones deserves the NFL and they deserve him. Both are loathsome.
Useful thoughts on guns and wills.
Here’s what happens when idiots write letters to the editor. The write doesn’t get the fact that it was only those defined as enemies of the state who weren’t allowed to have firearms.
Nineveh Christians. This is so very sad, and as I’ve observed before, partially comes from Christians who simply cannot reconcile the person of Jesus with the notion of self defense. Get your intellectual act together, Christians, before you get run over by criminals, thugs, jihadists, ne’er-do-wells of all stripes. Yes, this means Christians everywhere, not just in Nineveh.
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