Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
And while the numbers of Coloradans transferring their property or ignoring the magazine ban is impossible to measure with accuracy, there’s reason to believe they are substantial — just as are the numbers of gun owners who have refused to comply with infringements in California, Connecticut, Washington State and elsewhere. It’s part of a phenomenon I’ve been calling a “new paradigm,” although in truth, disobedience in defense of freedom has been a time-honored practice among liberty-minded Americans since before the Republic — as the example of Patriots at Lexington and Concord could not have made more clear.
Never obey an immoral law. God does not approve of that. Furthermore, do you notice that the ones who chat up the issue of forcible confiscation, or forcible arrest and detention, or forcible prison time, or infringements on our God-given rights are mostly the rulers who want submission to their every desire, or their loyal minions, the internet trolls who chat this up over the web? None of these people ever volunteer to conduct the raids and get shot enforcing these stupid laws.
In the end, though, it’s fair to ask just how relevant the numerical breakdown is. This is a republic, after all, and not a democracy, in which 51% of the people can vote away the rights of the other 49%. Fundamental human rights cannot be legitimately held to the outcome of a popularity contest. And finally, if the supposedly growing number of people who own no guns want to disarm us, in our supposedly shrinking numbers, we shouldn’t even need the large and growing numbers of guns we each ostensibly own. When defending one’s rights against the unarmed. one gun should be plenty–just be sure to have a good supply of ammunition.
Yea, I caught Mr. Horn’s assessment, and laughed out loud. First of all, what gun owner in their right mind today is going to answer a telephone or internet question on whether he has guns? Such a poll is prima facie ridiculous. Second, this notion that rights aren’t held hostage to favorable statistical outcomes (or the results of polls) is an old and respected one with me and Kurt.
H&K rifle problems. Well, H&K hates you, so why would you have one?
John Kerry appeals to Baal. Will he slash his wrists and bleed out next? (1 Kings 18:28).
One in eight illegal immigrants now has a white collar job. You know. Those jobs that Americans won’t do.
Does Israel really have a thermonuclear weapon? He doesn’t mean that. He meant to say “nuclear weapon,” not thermonuclear weapon (which uses fission to create the heat for fusion to occur). This is what happens when idiots write articles. So dismiss everything else he has to say about everything.
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