Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Women In Combat: Misunderstandings

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

It isn’t necessary to recapitulate what we’ve discussed concerning women in combat since it is so well rehearsed here on these pages.  But occasionally something comes out that needs correction.

David Martin: Now you’ve been through this training, what’s your own opinion about whether women can serve in the infantry?

Nisa Jovell: My opinion would be that it would be pretty difficult for them. We’re just, unfortunately physically, we are not built for it. And I’m not saying that we can’t do it, what they do. But our body structure is different.

David Martin: So what is it really, physically that you think?

Nisa Jovell: Honestly, it was really just carrying a lot of weight. And learning how to move as fast as you can with it.

David Martin: It’s what? Bone density that wears you down over time?

Nisa Jovell: It’s mainly hips that affect us.

David Martin: Hips?

Nisa Jovell: For females, yes.

David Martin: How does that play out on a 15K or a 20K?

Nisa Jovell: We had to learn how to put on the pack a certain way to like — relieve the stress off of our hip, so the hip problem is definitely a big deal.

No, no, no, no, and a thousand times no!  Any backpack that places the weight primarily on the shoulders will cause spine damage and ultimately cripple a man over the long haul.  Proper designs can be seen in the civilian market, and they place the weight primarily on the hips, not the shoulders.

While trying to emphasize that there is a “workaround” of sorts for the fact that females are designed differently than men and suffer from mechanical disadvantages unique to their structure, Ms. Jovell has in fact highlighted and emphasized those differences rather than the workaround.  And women still aren’t designed for combat, no matter what the progressives want to believe and no matter how much they would like the military to be the grand experiment in gender-neutral homogeneity.

The Ultimate Anti-Gun Astroturfing

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

We’ve directly experienced some astroturfing by the anti-gunners, but this one probably sets a new standard for shamelessness.

Last week, sandwiched between a row of shops and apartments, you may have noticed that a store hawking firearms miraculously opened for two days on Manhattan’s Lower East Side

Had you ventured inside and asked the gruff-sounding owner whether you could take a closer look at, say, a revolver, you probably would have encountered the following sales pitch:

“…this revolver, it’s the easiest gun we have to use. It’s our most popular one. It’s a 22-caliber, six-inch revolver,” the clerk begins. “It’s also a gun that a five-year-old found in his parents’ bedroom, went down and shot his nine-month-old baby brother with it.”

If that sounds a lot like the least effective sales pitch of all time, there’s a reason for that.

An overwhelmingly depressing and frank sales pitch — the kind you won’t hear at any other gun store in the country — was exactly what States United Against Gun Violence was, well, shooting for when it did the unimaginable last week and opened a pretend gun shop in a city known for having some of the strictest gun-control laws in the nation.

“Our goal was to grab people’s attention,” New Yorkers Against Gun Violence Executive Director Leah Gunn Barrett told The Washington Post. “Gun owners often believe that firearms make them safer, but having a gun in your home actually makes you far less safe for homicide, suicide and domestic violence.”

You’re a liar, but that’s beside the point.  Your real goal, Ms. Barrett, was to be the shameless, insulting, intrusive, know-it-all, collectivist, loathsome pricks and assholes you are.

You succeeded.  No, not in turning back the support of legitimate customers seeking self defense and protection for their families, a God-given right and duty, for they will ultimately be in our camp supporting the right of self defense whether they obtain a weapon for their own use or not.  In fact, they already are.  You didn’t win their hearts and minds.  We do that better than you.  Every day we carry around you and refuse to “go crazy” and shoot people like you want us to, every day we own guns and act like the peaceable folk we really are, every day we function in overwatch for those of you who don’t carry and wouldn’t be able to defend your families, is another day we win people to our side.  And everyone knows it.

No, your culpability has to do with what happens to these poor people if they need self defense and they were turned away from obtaining such by your antics.  Then your accountability before God will weigh heavily on your souls, now and in eternity.  Sleep well while you contemplate your responsibility and fate before God.

I see that David Codrea also quickly picked up on this report.

Since the premise of the video is built around a lie, why should we believe any of it? After seeing previous propaganda efforts built around Bloomberg’s “Average Joe gun owner” and’s “proud defender of the Second Amendment,” and noting their identities and affiliations were (and continue to be) intentionally withheld, why should we not question just who the “convinced customers” really are, and if they weren’t in on the scam from the start, and each acting a part?

Seriously, why believe the known deceivers behind the video? And did it never strike them (with their unwarranted sense of superiority and sophistication, it probably didn’t) that reactions from New York City residents might not exactly be representative of any place else?

The biggest thing that stands out though, is how the advocacy group was able to get all of those guns legally into New York City, with its draconian registration requirements.

Read all of David’s piece.  I wondered about that too, and I’ve sent this URL to the contact e-mail addresses associated with both of these anti-gun web sites.  What do you bet I’ll never hear back?  I’ll publish any response I get.

At Least There Is Still The United States Marine Corps

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

Environmental devastation caused by illegal alien crossings has been well-documented, and there is nothing to suggest that won’t increase. After all, if the government was serious about stopping it, or even slowing it down, it could have done so by now.

But following that, what is the additional burden on the environment when tens of millions of “surprise” arrivals add their wants and needs to the infrastructure in cities and communities throughout the land, from energy production and consumption, to water purification, use, and drainage, to waste disposal and more? How much more traffic and transportation activity, with resultant pollutants will be generated? How much more greenhouse gas will be generated? How much larger will the national carbon footprint get?

Will the impact be greater than, say, the occasional citizen firing a gun in self-defense in a national park that encompasses thousands of square miles, millions of acres…?

Those who would impose this on the rest of us permanently have no answers and aren’t interested in finding them, providing one more proof that all the climate noise they’re making is yet another deception to mask and advance a different agenda.

And don’t you doubt for a moment that there is an overarching agenda behind the influx of immigrants into the American system and culture.  But back to the issue of the environmental impacts of immigration for a moment.  There is also the impact of dead bodies laying in the wilderness and the public health crisis on the horizon.  The progressives failed to mention the environment because they are hypocrites.  Or perhaps another way of saying it is that one cardinal tenet of the progressive faith, i.e., impoverishing the middle class and removal of rights to own and bear arms, clashed with another cardinal tenet of the faith, i.e., the environment.  As the saying goes, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.  Saul Alinsky would be smiling from his grave if his soul wasn’t in hell.

Kurt Hofmann:

Might training in which the officer is taught to first fall prostrate to the ground be a more-efficient training exercise? Would falling prone result in fewer accidental killings? Falling to the ground would provide less of a target area, might confuse the offender and would give the officer additional time to evaluate the situation while at the same time studying his shot if needed.

So the advice is to fall down and evaluate rather than conduct defensive maneuvers?  That may be the worst tactical advice I’ve ever heard.  But I agree with #4.

Obama threw a tantrum over the lack of gun control in Congress.  Because you know, they are such meanie pants poo-heads there.

A good modification of South Carolina gun laws for a change?  Notice the “only ones” mentality in SLED, though.

Guns Tags:

Comment Of The Week

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago


“If we as Christians put more faith in Smith & Wesson than we do in God, then we’ve got a problem,” Jackson said,,,,,,,

Well, substitute the words Smith & Wesson with fire extinguisher or fire sprinklers. I’ll bet the state representative put her faith in fire prevention tools. I’ve always been amazed at peoples’ ability to rationalize that a building somehow has magical powers just because we call it a church. I was always taught that the “church” was wherever fellow Christians came together in the spirit of Christ. Tactically speaking, most churches are a nightmare. Everyone is facing away from the ingress/egress routes and focused on a single person. I’ve always carried in church, and always will.

Also, I’ve told fellow Christians that know I carry (even in church) the following: when you can tell me the date, time, and manner of my earthly demise, I’ll “beat my swords into ploughshares”. 10 times out of 10…..crickets chirping is the sound I hear instead of a reasoned response.

Semper Fi,

No Guns In Church In Alabama?

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

News from Anniston:

State Rep. Thomas Jackson worries that Christians who carry guns into church aren’t acting like Christians.

Jackson, D-Thomasville, has filed a bill for the current legislative session that would make doing so illegal. He’s not sure it’ll become law — Democrats are outnumbered in Montgomery — but he hopes the bill will get people talking.

“If we as Christians put more faith in Smith & Wesson than we do in God, then we’ve got a problem,” Jackson said, speaking by phone Thursday.

Jackson, an associate pastor at New Hope Baptist Church in Thomasville, said he was shocked to learn how many people carry guns into church.

That sentiment is echoed by the Rev. Lee Shafer at Grace Episcopal Church in Anniston.

People carry them in their purses, Shafer said.

The matter went largely unknown to Shafer until a church-related meeting not long ago, when the topic came up and folks started talking.

“The saddest thing is that there’s a need for guns anywhere,” Shafer said. “Wouldn’t it be horrible if a child got hold of a gun in church?”

Churches, like private business, can ban guns from their buildings, but Shafer said there is no such ban at her church.

While the idea of having a congregation packing pistols along with their Bibles doesn’t sit well with her, Shafer said, “There’s just too many other things for people to get upset about”  for this topic to concern her greatly.

Shafer was hesitant to try to decipher the Bible’s message on carrying weapons into church.

Call any 10 pastors and you’ll get 10 different biblical interpretations, Shafer explained, but she quoted the biblical commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

“Does this contradict that? Not necessarily, but at the same time Jesus was such a nonviolent presence,” Shafer said.

I once knew some of the good people from Anniston, Alabama.  While there are bad people in Alabama too, there are enough good men and women left that it’s a wonder that any of this has come up in Alabama.

I like the line about putting more faith in Smith & Wesson than in God.  That’s amusing.  I’ll have to remember that one.  I’ll find an opportunity to use it again in some fashion.  Watch for it in the future.  In the mean time, it sounds like Shafer needs to go back to seminary (or at least, attend a good one).  Yes, it’s sad that there is a need for guns in church.  It’s been with us for a very long time, and it’s called original sin.  You should have covered that in your survey of the OT as well as in Systematic Theology (I covered it in Historical Theology And Church History as well).

As for any of those ten pastors who give false interpretations of what God has to say about self defense, I’ve covered that.  If ten of them say that God expects us to become doormats and allow the execution of our loved ones so that we can “be like Jesus,” then ten of them are wrong and they are false prophets, not worthy of your attention.  As I’ve said in the clearest terms I can muster:

God has laid the expectations at the feet of heads of families that they protect, provide for and defend their families and protect and defend their countries.  Little ones cannot do so, and rely solely on those who bore them.  God no more loves the willing neglect of their safety than He loves child abuse.  He no more appreciates the willingness to ignore the sanctity of our own lives than He approves of the abuse of our own bodies and souls.  God hasn’t called us to save the society by sacrificing our children or ourselves to robbers, home invaders, rapists or murderers.

Self defense – and defense of the little ones – goes well beyond a right.  It is a duty based on the idea that man is made in God’s image.  It is His expectation that we do the utmost to preserve and defend ourselves when in danger, for it is He who is sovereign and who gives life, and He doesn’t expect us to be dismissive or cavalier about its loss.  Finally, self-defense may actually result in one of the greatest examples of human love.

I carry in worship every Sunday.  I carry at the grocery store, at work, during haircuts, while walking the dog.  Always.  While I’m not a betting man, I’ll make this wager with Rev. Lee Shafer and Rev. Stan Albright in Alabama.  Here it goes.

You show me a promise in the Scriptures – not moralistic platitudes, not normative statements or observations, not miracles that occurred at specified times in redemptive history for specific reasons, but a promise – always and in every circumstance to deliver God’s people out of the hands of evil-doers if we simply lay down our weapons and subjugate ourselves to their desires and refuse to engage in acts of self defense, and I’ll never carry at church again.

But if you can’t do that, I win, and you must read my entire commentary on Christians and the duty of self defense next Sunday as your sermon, without additional commentary.

So, Stan and Lee and Mr. Jackson, where do we stand with this wager?

Joe Manchin Shows His Anti-Gun Colors Again

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Huffington Post:

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is a self-described “law-abiding gun owner, hunter, card-carrying life member of the National Rifle Association and Second Amendment advocate.”

But on Thursday, he said he “strongly” opposes an NRA-backed bill in West Virginia that would nix permit and training requirements for people carrying concealed guns.

“I have always supported a West Virginian’s right to bear arms,” Manchin said in a statement. “Senate Bill 347 would allow a person to carry a concealed gun without a permit or requirement of safety training and that is irresponsible and dangerous to the people of West Virginia.”

The bill passed the state House earlier Thursday, and the state Senate on Wednesday. Still, Manchin said it was a bad idea.

“There is not one West Virginian whose Second Amendment rights will be infringed without this bill,” Manchin said. “In West Virginia, we believe in gun sense, which is common sense, and it only makes common sense for concealed carry applicants to receive proper training. I commend the brave legislators who voted no and represented their constituents who know that this is irresponsible.

West Virginia is a tradition open carry state (with some limited preemption).  So Joe believes that covering the gun with a shirt means that people needed training and certification by the state that they don’t if they open carry.  Well, Manchin voted for Obamacare, so his voting record is about as lousy at it gets.

When a politician (or anyone else) begins a conversation with “I support the right of the people to own and bear arms, but … ,” or “I believe in the second amendment, but … ,” ignore the balance of their remarks.  They are liars.

Joe doesn’t get a vote in the West Virginia legislature, so his constituency can tell him to butt out.  It’s none of his damn business.

Detroit Police Officer Charged With Theft During Drug Raid

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

News from the great North:

DETROIT, MI — A Detroit crime fighter is charged with committing a crime of his own.

Detroit Police Officer Christos Kyriakides, 62, is suspected of stealing a “Scarface movie collage” from the home of a resident where he and other officers were serving a search warrant about 8:20 p.m. Feb. 20.

“It is alleged that Officer Kyriakides participated in the execution of a search warrant and while at the location removed a framed Scarface movie collage from the scene and placed it in his scout car and later concealed it in his personal vehicle,” Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy’s office said in a statement Friday.

Kyriakides is scheduled to be arraigned in Detroit’s 36th District Court at 10:30 a.m. on a charge of larceny from a building.

The charge of criminal misconduct conduct by a Detroit police officer comes about a month after multiple Detroit police officers were named in a lawsuit accusing them of conducting an illegal marijuana raid in Warren, and amid an ongoing FBI probe into wrongdoing by the disbanded Narcotics Unit.

A fellow officer turned Kyriakides in, Police Officer Adam Madera said after the accusation became public.

Gosh, I hate it when that happens to me.  I remember the last time I barged into somebody’s home pointing guns.  I sure didn’t find anything as cool as a “Scarface movie collage.”

The good news is that there is at least one honest cop in Detroit.

ATF Wants To Go After All 5.56 mm Ammunition, Not Just Green Tip

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Recall when we speculated about why the ATF had decided to hold its “green tip” ban in abatement?  Well, the questions are answered.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives on Thursday raised new concerns about surplus military ammo used in popular AR-15 rifles and pistols just days after pulling back on a proposal to ban the ammo because it could threaten police safety.

In a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, ATF Director B. Todd Jones said all types of the 5.56 military-style ammo used by shooters pose a threat to police as more people buy the AR-15-style pistols.

“Any 5.56 round” is “a challenge for officer safety,” he said. Jones asked lawmakers to help in a review of a 1986 bill written to protect police from so-called “cop killer” rounds that largely exempted rifle ammo like the 5.56 because it has been used by target shooters, not criminals.

His agency’s move to ban the 5.56 M855 version was condemned by the National Rifle Association and majorities in the House and Senate and as a result was pulled back though not abandoned. At the hearing Jones said that nearly 90,000 comments on the proposal were received, many negative.

As a result, he said that the ATF will suspend rewriting the “framework” used to exempt armor piercing ammo from sale or use. “It probably isn’t going to happen any time soon,” he said. Jones also said, “We are not going to move forward.”

The 5.56 M855 round, he said, is military surplus, typically has a green tip and was used in the M-16. There are several versions of the 5.56. The M855carries a bullet that can penetrate police body armor, though shooters often debate that.

The ATF singled it out for a ban because more AR-15 style pistols that can shoot the ammo are being produced and presumably could be used by criminals in police shootouts. The AR-15 can also shoot the less lethal .223 round, which was not targeted by ATF in the ban proposal.

My God, this is one messy article.  There are too many confused issues to sort through in a short amount of time, but I’ll mention just a few.  The 5.56 mm cartridge and the .223 cartridge are very similar but not identical, with chamber leade being the main difference.  There isn’t enough of a difference to distinguish between 5.56 mm and .223 for purposes of this article.  This would be of interest in the gun community for things like slight differences in muzzle velocity, chambering, shooting a cartridge in a gun specified for another, etc.  Presumably, the author of the article inserted this confusion and not Mr. Jones.

But Mr. Jones did indeed insert obfuscation and confusion, and then asked the Congress to use that confusion to add to the regulatory and legal burden placed on citizens.  There is no reason to debate the issue of green tip, despite the URLs the author inserted into the article.  As I’ve explained:

Common 5.56 mm ammunition will penetrate soft body armor, all of it, period.  Kevlar will not stop 5.56 mm ammunition (lead ball) shot at 3200 FPS.  Nor will soft body armor stop most rifle rounds.  Soft body armor is [routinely] tested for 9mm pistol ammunition, not rifle ammunition.

ESAPI (enhanced SAPI plates, or the ceramic ballistic plates worn in ballistic plate carriers) are designed to stop rifle rounds, and are specifically tested for M855.  No cop today (or anyone else for that matter) wearing Kevlar is protected from any rifle round (unless it is from something like a pistol caliber rifle), and the existence of M855 or lack thereof doesn’t change that.  Likewise, a cop (or anyone else) wearing ESAPI plates is protected from rifle rounds, including the M855, and the existence of the M855 round or lack thereof doesn’t change that.  Finally, even ESAPI plates must stop a certain percentage of rounds (so there is some probability of fracture and penetration even with tested and specified rounds regardless of type).

So you understand, don’t you, that the M855 ban has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with LEO safety, the liar in the White House notwithstanding?

Banning green tip does nothing to prevent anyone from using a rifle round (shot from any weapon) to penetrate soft body armor, and wearing ceramic ESAPI plates protects against both frangible 5.56 mm ammunition and green tip ammunition.  Furthermore, a so-called 5.56 mm “pistol” is nothing more than a SBR (short barrel rifle) with a barrel length of less than 16″ and no stock.  It isn’t concealable.

So speculation of course ran wild as to the exact intent of the ATF.  Are they stupid?  Do they not really understand the technical issues they are dealing with?  But today B. Todd Jones answered those questions.  They are concerned about all 5.56 mm cartridges.  Of course they are.  But that .270 pointed soft point, shot from a necked down 30-06 cartridge from my bolt action deer hunting rifle?  Yes, that’s the one.  It will penetrate soft body armor too – lead ball, soft point, all of it.  So will lead ball 30-06.  So will lead ball .308.  So will lead ball 7 mm.  Virtually all rifle rounds (except .22LR and .22 WMR) will penetrate soft body armor because kevlar is specified to 9 mm rounds (as regards mass and velocity).

Jones knows that.  The ATF at large knows that.  What Jones is telling the Congress is that he wants their help in banning rifle ammunition.  Rifle ammunitionAll of it.  They will start with 5.56 mm ammunition, green tip, lead ball, pointed soft point – all of it.  Then they will make it clear that all other rifle ammunition is as lethal as 5.56 mm ammunition, so they need a ban on that too.

Here’s a warning flag to all the Elmer Fudds out there who only care about your bolt action hunting rifles, and think this stuff about AR-15s is all just a bunch of made up theater to bother pampered folk like you.  They want your rifles and ammunition too.  You do understand that, don’t you?

Grieving Texas Dog Owners Want Police To Be Trained In How Not To Kill Animals

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Dallas News:

Grieving dog owners told House lawmakers Tuesday that animal training for police could have prevented the deaths of hundreds of beloved pets across the state.

“This training is mandatory for UPS and FedEx delivery men; why isn’t it for law enforcement?” said Cheri Scholz, who lives near Amarillo. Her 8-year-old blue heeler, Smokey, was fatally shot in 2012 by a police officer responding to a loose dog report.

Smokey had escaped from her yard. The officer attempted to get the dog into his car, but Smokey darted away, Scholz said. Neighbors who witnessed the event told Scholz the police officer then shot and killed the dog, she said.

The House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee considered two bills Tuesday from North Texas representatives that would require police to receive training in encountering animals. The bills were left pending.

Controversial dog shootings have grabbed headlines recently. Since 2009, Texas officers have shot more than 400 dogs, according to the animal advocacy group 4 Keeping Our Pets Safe.

Law enforcement representatives told lawmakers the training — a course that teaches officers how to deal with aggressive dogs and read an animal’s body language, among other things — could prevent officers from being attacked and save families the grief of unnecessary shootings.

“Canine encounter training will help fill this void and provide officers with effective options and valuable knowledge to use when we come into contact with dogs while performing our regular duties,” said Amy Knoll, assistant chief for the Cleburne Police Department.

One of the bills, by Rep. Helen Giddings, D-Dallas, would require all officers to receive training in encounters with animals. Another, by Rep. Nicole Collier, D-Fort Worth, would focus solely on dogs and require new officers and officers seeking promotion to complete a four-hour training program within two years.

The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement would establish and require the training. Departments would absorb the cost.

Committee chairman Rep. Larry Phillips, R-Sherman, indicated that he preferred legislation that includes training for a variety of animals.

Phillips and Rep. Tony Dale, R-Cedar Park, also inquired about offering the course online in an effort to reduce costs, particularly for smaller police departments in far-flung parts of Texas.

“There are a lot of financial costs to training like that, where there’s travel and everything else, so that’s something we’re all going to have to think about,” Phillips said.

Gosh.  I hate it when that happens to me.  Every time Heidi runs off or barks at me or anyone else I haul off and blow her brains out.  I’m on my seventeenth or eighteenth Heidi, now.  It’s getting old, so maybe I need the same training.


Note To Cops And Survivalists: The World If Full Of Animals, Embrace It!

More On Animals, Cops, Logistics And Survival

Michigan Cops Raid Wrong House And Shoot Beloved 15-Year Old Dog

Ventura County Sheriff: Coward

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