South Carolina Communists On Gun Laws
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 9 months ago
And so what do Messrs Horton and Sanders recommend? Allowing gun “instructors” to perform eye examinations? Or perhaps forcing gun permit holders to obtain yearly eye examinations and submit the results to the state for approval for continuation of their permit?
This is called corruption, and we in North Carolina have had our share too. Mr. Jim Black was convicted when he pushed legislation through to force minors to obtain eye examinations from Optometrists prior to entering school (and Mr. Black is, not coincidentally, an Optometrist). There is more to this than meets the eye. I want to know what’s in it for Messrs Horton and Sanders.
And as for Mr. Sanders, who ran into serious problems with his eyesight a few years ago and “took care of it,” would he have forced people in similar positions to interact with the state to do what he did? He knows that he isn’t going to be buying a load of bread and “catch a stray bullet” from a blind permit holder. That is perhaps the stupidest thing I have every seen in print, and the “journalist” is a rube and tool for printing it. He’s invoking the “boogeyman under the bed” tactic. Boo! … boo! … be askeerd. Wild gun battles in the streets and stores by blind men!
I think we can safely put Horton and Sanders in the same category as State Senator Larry Martin of Pickens, S.C., who opposed open carry legislation in S.C. because those horrible Negros might open carry around Charleston, affecting the tourism industry (“The word is the SC tourism industry lobby killed the open carry bill. It was feared that “minority youth” walking around Charleston with pistols strapped to their hips would scare off the tourists”). They are all communists. They deserve to be treated as such.
On April 12, 2015 at 11:30 pm, Geoffry K said:
Larry Martin is a RINO along with 3 others on the Judiciary Committee which is made up of 10 Republicans and 10 Democrats. They killed the bill in committee last year. BTW, those 4 RINOs are up for reelection next year.
On April 13, 2015 at 3:31 am, Bubba said:
In Pennsylvania one only needs $26, visit the sheriff, pass a background check and 5-7 days later your permit arrives in the mail.
On April 13, 2015 at 4:59 pm, Blackwatch1 said:
Frankly, it’s a shame that we (pro-2A people, aka, citizens) have acquiesced to the entire permitting scheme. I’ll have to check my files, but I don’t think I had to get a permit to exercise my 1st Amendment rights for going to church or expressing a thought/comment of a political nature……not yet anyway (sarcasm). Just curious, but what permit is required to terminate the life of an unborn child….? Oh, yeah, you don’t need one!
Seriously, by conceding to the terms and necessity of permits on a a God-given right, we accept the statist premise that we need permits (gov’t permission) to exercise our rights.
Semper Fi
On May 13, 2015 at 2:26 pm, LibertyBill_1776 said:
NECESSITY is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
William Pitt