Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 9 months ago
That titles of nobility were viewed by the Founders as incompatible with the Constitutional form of government they established is a given. So it should come as no surprise that Michael Bloomberg, one of the foremost advocates for infringing on the right to keep and bear arms, was pleased beyond measure to accept the honorary title of Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, as The New York Times reported Thursday. Also no surprise: He declared the heirs apparent to two wannbe political dynasties, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, to be the only two candidates capable of ascending to the throne.
After all, they are two peas in a pod. And let David remind you of the positions of Jeb and Hillary on the “pathway to citizenship.”
David gives us another piece of the puzzle. You know, people who demand to know sources are idiots. What do they think – that journalists and bloggers are going to give up people who entrusted themselves to give needful reports? I always protected my sources. I expect David and Mike to do the same thing. I would lose respect for them if they didn’t. It’s about more than just expediency. It’s about honor. People who demand to know sources don’t understand honor.
Mike Vanderboegh cites an excellent summary of the sporting purposes conundrum in which the ATF finds itself.
Man shoots at armadillo, hits mother-in-law. Or so he says.
It appears as if South Carolina and Georgia are on the verge of recognizing each others’ carry permits. Should have happened a long time ago. And there shouldn’t be any such thing as carry permits to begin with.
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