Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 9 months ago
“Terri and I made a decision to put this deal together [to] attempt to reconstruct our family’s lives,” Rick Reese noted, explaining to this column why a settlement attempt could spell the end of four years of torment and uncertainty wherein the family has received insufficient outside assistance to press on. Barring surprises from the government reneging on agreements to bring the matter to closure, that reconstruction may be forthcoming.
Hey, if you’re fighting the behemoth of the federal government, this is about as good as it’s going to get. It occurs to me that the government doesn’t need the weapons, and they don’t need the proceeds from the sale of the weapons. They are doing this for vengeance and spite.
David also gives us the following practical note: “Sometimes real life calls. I was out all day yesterday taking care of other business, and unless somebody comes over and volunteers to do my first yard work of Spring for me, I have some rich, full days ahead of me this weekend.” He ends with this: “The thought of sitting under the trees later this afternoon with a book, a beer and a stogie after I finish up today’s labors seems pretty attractive.” Yes, to all of the above. I know how David feels. I am in the middle of a difficult move down the road a piece, and the time it takes to fix every little problem with the house, close on two loans, perform inspections of the new house, and on and on the pain goes, is about to kill me. Please be patient with my lack of posts as well.
Mike is in Colorado. Pray for his success and safety.
Via Mike, Bob Owens doesn’t like the tactical aspects of open carry. I’ve seen this argument before, and I don’t buy it but I don’t begrudge the belief. If someone wants to conceal, that’s just fine with me. But what I don’t like about Bob’s argument is that he seems to blame the crime on the fact of open carry, as if the primary cause of the sin was an innocent person openly carrying a weapon. Of course, that’s a stupid position if Bob is actually saying that. God will by no means leave the guilty unpunished (Ex 34:7, Num 14:18).
You mean to tell me we don’t have universal background checks on aerosol cans, sledge hammers and canes? I’m astonished! I told you this sort of thing would happen, and I demand Congressional action on assault hammers.
On April 19, 2015 at 9:54 pm, Haywood Jablome said:
I’m sorry, but Bob is an idiot. Don’t know what happened to him, but I deleted his site off my favorites months ago and wouldn’t know he was still out there if you didn’t mention him on this site.
On April 21, 2015 at 2:15 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Ditto, Haywood.
I think his stance on open carry is exactly how you described it, Herschel. Between that and his rampant copsucking he became absolutely unbearable and intolerable.
On April 21, 2015 at 3:45 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
I followed the links in the above article regarding the altercation between a citizen carrying his pistol, and the felon who struck him with the tee-ball bat. I’ve had an absence, so I’m reading Captain’s Journal in reverse chronological order, and already made a comment regarding the police officers who shot to death that horribly dangerous, pregnant, knife-wielding woman at the hospital where she was being treated.
What struck me was the differences between the story about a non-LEO, minding his own business, shopping in a store with his three daughters, when he was subsequently struck on the neck and shoulder with a metal tee-ball bat (apparently the goblin missed his head) – and the unrelated story about the police officers (at least 3) who “followed procedure” by shooting the pregnant woman allegedly armed with a knife, and who was having a psychotic episode outside a hospital where she had been, or was in treatment for, the episode.
Story One had a commenter link to a video showing three police officers, at least one officer was quite large. The pregnant woman was not seen in the video – however, she just terrifies all three officers so badly that they shoot her five times. (fn1)
Save the 21′ rule and all that crap. Three men, all wearing vests, and a pregnant woman. Honestly. if you can’t think on your feet fast enough to just keep from blasting her to kingdom come, you should be in a safer profession. Like construction. Oh wait. “Police” doesn’t even make the top ten most dangerous professions. Is that because they just shoot pregnant women, rather then risk a terrible injury – like a sprain?
In story Two, the one about the armed citizen – our good guy is actually struck with a bat wielded by a felon, yet, somehow, against all odds, protects his girls, protects other shoppers, and he somehow manages to do it by himself. He didn’t call for backup, nor did he shoot his attacker. He managed to do this after being struck with a metal bat, without firing any shots at his attacker, and he wasn’t wearing a state sanctioned gang uniform. Is he a superhero?
(fn1) Meaning out LEO’s actually struck her with 5 projectiles – heaven knows how many shots were actually fired. Incidentally, the video of these cowards reminds me of the dangerous rabbit scene from Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail.(Run away, run away). IMO, from the incidence of dashboard cameras on police cruisers to the personal cameras carried by LEO’s we may be subjected to this type of hyperbolically overacted “fear” more and more. However, if what was shown on the video of the incident was not overacting, it further supports my hypothesis that many. or most, LEO’s are suffering from panophobia, and not fit for duty..
On April 21, 2015 at 4:23 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Incidentally – I’ve seen plenty of police in “condition white” while “open carrying.” Including calorie overindulging male and female LEO’s inside of airports, working as part of the DHS airport Kabuki security theater.
Wondering why, if hitting one on the head and relieving same of his gun is an option, why aren’t more LEOs relieved of their weapons? Anybody? Ferris? Bob?