Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

“Twenty months into implementation, Colorado’s controversial gun-control laws are mostly unenforceable and have done little to nothing to attain bill sponsors’ goals, according to gun rights advocates and statewide data,” Stephen Meyers observed. Not only are prosecutions statistically almost non-existent, determined gun owners are flouting the law and satisfying their demand for standard capacity magazines in other states.

But of course.  And we won’t obey any of the laws that we consider infringements of our God-ordained rights.  So are you prepared to bust in doors and get shot up in order to enforce those stupid laws?

David Codrea:

Racine’s public air of confidence will be tested as conflicts between courts leave an ultimate judicial ruling on “may issue” vs. “shall issue” concealed carry permits up in the air, while a movement in the states to adopt permitless “Constitutional carry” is growing. The Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to Maryland’s “may issue” law in 2013, but state challenges to “shall issue” rulings before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California could force the High Court’s hand.

As far as I’m concerned, the supreme court is full of cowards, and “may issue” may as well be “shall not issue” since it gives the right to infringe to humans rather than God.

Um, so what’s the deal with Mike Vanderboegh not getting media creds for the upcoming convention?  Can someone from the NRA explain that one to me?  We’re waiting.  Right here in the comments.  Or by email.

Kurt Hofmann:

You see, when, as a 15-year-old, Thrasher was threatened by a thuggish armed hooligan, he modestly reached the conclusion that his experience with guns defines their value, and that, therefore, the Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms is null and void–because he modestly says so.

Kurt makes an outstanding point.  The writer presumes to decide rights for everyone because of (and in spite of) his limited, self-important world view.  But then, don’t all elitist rulers do that?  It’s just that the writer doesn’t consider himself to be an elitist ruler.

Comment of the week from WRSA:

America is the rent-a-cop enforcer who just happens to reside on some good farmland. The mineral rights under his feet have already been sold off and his wife is in bed with a different man every hour while he’s away. He doesn’t care as long as he comes home to a big TV and a cold beer. He’ll pass out in his easy chair and if he doesn’t die from heart failure, one of her lovers will eventually slit his throat.

Gun control in the Ukraine:

Ukrainians can volunteer to surrender their firearms, ammunition, explosives and other weapons to the police, without punishment, from April 1 to 30, the Ukrainian Interior Ministry public security department said.

The ministry noted that citizens who would bring their firearms and other dangerous ordnance to the police would be exempted from criminal liabilities.

In addition, citizens who surrender their hunting guns, cold steel and gas pistols will be able to register these weapons as their property and use them on legal grounds.

Non-lethal weapons firing rubber bullets will be registered in the case and in the procedure established by the Ukrainian legislation, the Interior Ministry remarked.

Note to the Ukrainians.  Don’t do it.  Don’t even think about giving up your guns.

From reader Mack H, this:

As this survey illustrates, animosity toward Christians involves racial, educational, and economic factors; the people most likely to hold negative views of conservative Christians also belong to demographic groups with high levels of social power. Rich, white, educated Americans are major influencers in media, academia, business, and government, and these are the people most likely to have a distaste for conservative Christians.

Mack worries that the progressives are learning and that this may affect their tactics in the fight against gun rights.  Yes, perhaps faster than we are.  Furthermore, reflecting (very briefly) on the recent religious controversy in Indiana, Governor Mike Pence lost some respect from me.  If they had never brought legislation to the table to protect religious rights, I wouldn’t have thought of the issue (as it pertains to Indiana).  But they passed the law, and then walked it back.  Disgusting.  Finally, do you think there is a bit of overlap between “conservative Christians” and gun rights?  Me too.  But what’s this stuff about being “educated” and hating on Christians and conservatives?  I know men who work at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and teach at colleges of engineering across the country who are conservative Christians.  Methinks someone doesn’t know what it means to be educated, if it involves passing humanities courses at Duke, University of North Carolina, American University, Dartmouth and Emory.

Well, it would have worked equally well to shoot the billboards up with several hundred 12 gauge 00 buck loads.

Uncle asks:

I often wonder if I’ve lost my sense of reality because of what is “news”.

Hands up don’t shoot did not happen.

The UVA rape incident did not happen.

Trayvon Martin was not shot in cold blood by a racist white guy.

Indiana’s RFRA doesn’t allow discrimination. It’s a silly law but it doesn’t do that.

The story of the pizza joint not catering gay weddings was bullshit.

There’s a nuclear deal with Iran, except it’s unenforceable and not written down.

Yet, these are prominent narratives among the media and pundits.

No sir, you’re not the one with the distorted sense of reality.  And if any readers believed any of those main stream media narratives, you’re a dumb ass.

Chris Christie Pardons Shaneen Allen

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Gov. Christie on Thursday pardoned a Philadelphia mother who had faced up to five years in prison for bringing a gun into the state that was legally registered in Pennsylvania but not in New Jersey.

Shaneen Allen admitted during a routine traffic stop on the Atlantic City Expressway that she had the firearm in her purse.

Allen, 27, a phlebotomist, was indicted following her October 2013 arrest for illegally bringing a concealed weapon into the state, and in September last year agreed to enter a pretrial intervention program. The program would have required her to give up her .380 caliber Bersa Thunder and complete 25 hours of community service to avoid jail time.

Allen, who said she worked odd hours collecting blood samples from medical patients, contended that she legally purchased the gun after being robbed and beaten twice in her South Philadelphia neighborhood.

The Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office originally denied the woman an opportunity to enter the diversionary program, indicating it wanted to use the case as a deterrent for people bringing guns that aren’t registered in New Jersey into the state.

New Jersey’s gun laws – which are considered among the strictest by national standards – require that even weapons duly registered in the state be transported unloaded and locked in the vehicle’s trunk.

The pardon by Christie was likely to burnish his conservative credentials as he weighs a presidential run.

The governor’s action quickly drew praise from the National Rifle Association.

“This ends a vulgar chapter in an endless series of shameful episodes where political opportunists seek nothing but their own advantage,” Wayne LaPierre, the CEO of the gun-rights lobby, said in a Facebook post. “I compliment Gov. Christie for doing the right thing.”

Ridiculous.  Christie could have pardoned her the first day this was made public by the media.  Instead he waited while Ms. Allen wondered if the exercise of her God-given duty of self defense would bring ruination to her life.  Christie is a putz.

Moreover, none of this changes the fact stated in the article, which is that “New Jersey’s gun laws [are] … considered among the strictest by national standards.”  Chris Christie has argued that the lack of a GOP legislature is the culprit for the onerous gun laws in New Jersey.  Like Christie couldn’t have shut down the ports or the schools until the legislature brought him pro-gun legislation if he wanted to.  This would have happened overnight.

As for “burnishing his creds,” this is what happens with idiots write articles.  Chris Christie will never be president.  As for Wayne LaPierre, he’s a putz for praising Christie.

D.C. Collectivists Not Finished Infringing On Gun Rights

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Washington Times:

Washington, D.C., will drop its appeal of a federal court ruling that overturned the city’s ban on carrying handguns in public, Attorney General Karl Racine announced Wednesday.

City attorneys will instead focus on defending concealed-carry laws adopted by legislators in the months after U.S. District Court Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. declared the ban was unconstitutional.

“We need to focus our energies not on litigating old laws, but defending new ones that our leaders enacted in good faith to comply with court rulings while still protecting public safety,” Mr. Racine said.

[ … ]

… gun owners have criticized the permitting scheme as too restrictive, citing the fact that the Metropolitan Police Department requires proof of a “good reason” why a gun owner would need to carry a firearm for protection.

Right.  Nothing has been won for gun rights.  Like the good communists they are, the D.C. politicians and police will find other ways to prevent the free exercise of God-ordained rights.  When one method runs dry, they go to a different fishing hole.  The fact that the courts have found their infringements unconstitutional means nothing to them.  They only follow the law when they agree with it.

What a bunch of loathsome, terrible, despicable men and women.

How Gun Rights Harm The Rule Of Law

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 11 months ago

Firmin Debrabander in The Atlantic:

But there is an unfortunate lesson playing out for those who have armed themselves to feel safer—and for all of us, too. The gun-rights movement has worked hard to push an increasingly radical agenda that undermines both our personal safety and our civic fabric. To that extent, there is something almost tragic occurring here: The well-meaning citizens who arm themselves in droves, perhaps even in public, are in that very process threatening the peace and order they seek to preserve, and claim to uphold.

Stand Your Ground laws are a prime example …

[ … ]

LaPierre’s argument for being armed boils down to this: Americans are on the verge of—or already sinking into—a state of anarchy, where it is each man for himself. In that state, “the government can’t—or won’t—protect you…Only you can protect you,” he warns …

Another favorite gun rights saying is that “when seconds count, police are minutes away.” In other words, it’s better to have a gun on you, or an armed ‘good guy’ in the midst of a shooting, when police cannot arrive soon enough. But first responders arrived at the scene of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting within three minutes of the first police radio broadcast of the attack. Police arrived on the scene at the Aurora movie theater 90 seconds after being called. How small ought that window be to satisfy gun-rights advocates? Perhaps it can’t be small enough. In their view, guns must be ever-present if society hopes to keep order. This logic implicitly undermines law enforcement’s role in society. The world is just too dangerous, it argues, and cops are outmanned and outgunned (again, thanks to the NRA’s efforts). Armed citizens are therefore needed to fill those gaps when cops are not present—no matter how small or short those gaps may be—in order to keep the peace.

[ … ]

Rule of law is essential for maintaining the peace in civil society. It is also an act of faith: People presume and trust that everyone else around them will act lawfully and safely. For example, I must presume that the driver in front of me will obey the laws of the road; I must also presume that he will not, Mad Max-style, swerve around to aim a rifle at me and start firing.

Good grief.  There are so many problems with this article that it’s hard to know where to start.  I can only offer several rejoinders and let the readers fill in the blanks or complete the analysis.

The “rule of law” as the author sees it has to do with ordered collectivism, but the problem is that collectivism is only ordered for the benefit of the ruling elite.  As to the question “How small ought that window be to satisfy gun-rights advocates? Perhaps it can’t be small enough,” the window will never be small enough.  There is no perhaps about it, so Debrabander doesn’t have to wonder.

Assuming that the police are always there to benefit the innocent and defend the just is tantamount to dereliction of duty to yourself and your family.  And there is the rub between Debrabander and many readers.  His article of faith, that he “must presume that the driver in front of me will obey the laws of the road; I must also presume that he will not, Mad Max-style, swerve around to aim a rifle at me and start firing,” not only runs contrary to the facts, but he has no reason to believe such a thing.

I prefer Gordon H. Clark’s definition of faith: it is a belief system, not a set of irrational propositions that have no relation to any other propositions.  I have reasons for my belief system.  Mr. Debrabander has no rational excuse for his stated belief that everyone will obey all laws.  He read that nowhere, he heard that nowhere, he cannot ensconce or place that proposition syllogistically within any belief system on earth.

Finally, like so many collectivists, he misses the point of ownership and bearing of arms.  Since he believes in tyranny, he doesn’t understand that tyranny must be rectified. Arms are for the amelioration of tyranny.  Kurt Hofmann and I agree that guns are for self defense, as long as one defines self defense in the context of both personal self defense against ne’er-do-wells and defense of self, family and community against the state.  Only when Debrabander comes to terms with this concept will he differentiate himself from the Nazi’s of Germany, who also believed in the rule of law as they sent Jews (and also Christians) to their deaths by the millions.

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