Mike Vanderboegh: Speaking Truth To Power
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 7 months ago
But we are here, now. We ARE acting. Look around you. You know in your heart that for every one here today, there are tens, hundreds, even thousands just like us. People who will not comply. And do you hear that? Listen. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of all those who are not here but who are convinced that this time the tyrannical wolves are indeed coming to our doors. Do you hear it? That’s the sound of cleaning rods moving ceaselessly in thousands of rifle barrels as they are scrubbed to get ready for the coming fight.
The video of Mike’s speech is here. I honestly don’t see how Mike keeps going. Traveling exhausts me. Read Mike’s entire speech, and watch the video.
On June 1, 2015 at 11:54 am, Backwoods Engineer said:
Mike Vanderboegh is one of today’s Thomas Paines. He’ll be remembered when the next civil war is done. Those of us who live through it must be sure to give credit to those like him who warned the forces of tyranny of what would happen should they stay the course.
On June 1, 2015 at 12:16 pm, Archer said:
I don’t have to read it or watch the video; I was there. Shook his hand afterward, too.
Mike gives one hell of a speech. I especially enjoyed the part where he read the “fiscal impact statement” on this new background check law; the collectivists expect to bring in an extra $400,000 per year and get 5-10 extra felony convictions from it. That’s it.
Let me make it clear: they’ll get nothing extra. The non-compliance rate will be shockingly close to 100%, and they’ll get no extra felony convictions (they don’t investigate or prosecute potential straw purchases anyway, they [by definition] have zero control or insight into any unregulated “black” markets, and violating the new law is a misdemeanor and in any case most sheriffs have promised to not enforce it – so I repeat: no extra felony convictions).
It’s all a farce, and everyone knows it. But they’ll hate on Mike Vanderboegh because he has the gumption to say it – to speak truth to power – with a loudspeaker on the capital steps.