Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Dear Lisa Farbstein

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Free Beacon:

A spokeswoman for the Transportation Security Administration on Tuesday posted photos online of a passenger’s luggage, which contained large amounts of cash, despite admitting it violated no laws or regulations.

Agency spokeswoman Lisa Farbstein posted a photo on Twitter showing a bag she said contained $75,000 in cash. “Is this how you’d transport it?” she asked.

Dear Lisa, I’ve repeatedly said that the TSA is filled with goobers, hicks, pedophiles, perverts and criminals.  It was a bastard idea to begin with, and the TSA should even now be disbanded and sent to do real jobs – like maybe building a fence along the Southern border.  Got post hole diggers?

As for how that would affect you, what would you do?  Perhaps something more in line with your abilities and skills, like cleaning toilets?  Just asking.

As for the money, it’s none of your damn business.

Man “Accidentally” Fires His Gun In Airport

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

The man whose gun accidentally went off inside Bush Intercontinental Airport Monday made his first court appearance.

Investigators said Joseph Austin was at the Delta Airlines ticket counter in Terminal A when he noticed his pistol was still loaded. Austin, 45, was trying to unload the gun when it fired.

Police said the fragment nicked a man’s leg but did not break the skin. The man was able to continue on his flight.

Austin, who was traveling back to Kansas after visiting friends in Houston, was immediately taken into custody and charged with misdemeanor deadly conduct.

Austin posted a $1,000 bond.

The Transportation and Safety Authority requires a gun and ammunition to be separated, and the gun in a locked case, before they allow the weapon to be checked in with luggage and loaded on a plane.

Actually, he put his finger on the trigger of the weapon where it didn’t belong, and he pulled it.  There.  Fixed it.  Actually, the whole problem began when … ahem … he “noticed” that his pistol was still loaded.  I’ve said it before.  If you cannot have someone blindfold you at the door of your home, and follow you as you locate every weapon in your home and state from memory whether it is loaded and a round is chambered, you should sell your guns.

Be a mature and responsible gun owner and things will go better for you.  That’s just my personal view, not legal advice.

Dancing In The Blood Of The Slaughtered

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Via reader Mack, Richmond-Times Dispatch:

The massacre reminds me of a story that helps shape the core of the Christian message. At the end of his life when Jesus was arrested by the politicians of his time, his lead disciple, Peter, pulled out a concealed weapon and went on a rampage. Immediately, Jesus rebuked him for such a show of violence, told him to put the sword away, healed the wound of the Roman servant Peter attacked, and told his followers in no uncertain terms that “those who live by the sword will die by the sword” (Matthew 26:50-52).

This display of nonviolence — alongside Jesus’ words such as “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44), “do good to those who persecute you” (Luke 6:27) and “forgive not only seven times but seventy times seven times” (Matthew 18:21-22) — suggests that following Jesus means displaying a courageous, generous, forgiving and nonviolent way of life.

Oh boy, here’s another “Jesus was a Bohemian hippie pacifist flower child” sermon.  So the solution isn’t difficult in this case.  Jesus is the very one who told them to go get weapons.  In Matthew 26:50-52 He is saying that contrary to popular wish, the Holy Spirit persuades men to believe, not force.  Of course this differentiates true religion from sex and murder cults like Islam, who believe that saying a few words at the business end of a gun turns them into Muslims.

The Kingdom of God comes by His power, not ours (even if He uses our work as secondary causes of things, the primary mover or primary cause is always the sovereign God of the Bible).  This passage of Scripture has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with and isn’t a normative statement on peace, violence, weapons, Biblical self defense or anything else.  The pastor needs to go back to school and learn Biblical hermeneutics.

Man Shoots Himself In The Groin With Pistol

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Lancaster Online:

A 25 year old man accidentally shot himself in the groin at his Lancaster Township home Sunday, police said.

He picked up his .40-caliber pistol to put it away when the weapon accidentally discharged the bullet into his groin area, Sgt. Timothy Ponessa said Monday.

The man was taken to Lancaster General Hospital with an injury that was not life-threatening, police said.

Gosh, I hate it when that happens.  I remember the last time I shot myself in the groin.  From the comments, the negligent discharges might just be beginning for him.

But just to correct the report, he picked up the weapon, put his finger on the trigger where it didn’t belong, and pointed the weapon in an unsafe direction.

There.  Fixed.

Words No Longer Have Meaning

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”  — Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Scalia dissented from the recent SCOTUS Obamacare ruling.

“The Court holds that when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act says ‘Exchange established by the State’ it means ‘Exchange established by the State or the Federal Government.’ That is of course quite absurd, and the Court’s 21 pages of explanation make it no less so,” Scalia wrote.

Scalia added, “Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State.’ It is hard to come up with a clearer way to limit tax credits to state Exchanges than to use the words ‘established by the State.’ And it is hard to come up with a reason to include the words ‘by the State’ other than the purpose of limiting credits to state Exchanges.”

Roberts also dissented, but of course words weren’t so important to him when he created rights out of whole cloth and the supreme court forced every state to accept same-sex marriage.  He wants to pick and choose when words mean something, and get his self-righteousness on when he opposes the policy.

As I had stated to someone else this weekend, you have the political right to advocate what you want, but God will judge us – individually and collectively – for our choices.  But constitutionally, the court has absolutely no business bossing the states around.

This ruling – and many more like it – marks the end of the state.  The grand experiment in states as the laboratories of democracy is finished.  It failed, and not because it couldn’t have worked.  Evil men vandalized the experiment.  If Roberts has his problems, Scalia does too.  In Heller, he stated:

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited.  It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of fire arms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.  Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

“Shall not be infringed” means as little to Scalia as ‘Exchange established by the State’ means to Roberts and the other progressive justices on the supreme court.  Scalia is clever, witty, smart, fun to read and biting in his dissents – and just as inconsistent as the rest of them.  Scalia gets a taste of his own medicine in the Obamacare and same-sex marriage ruling.

As I listened to the quiet conversation and whispers this weekend as I went about my business, I think Mike Vanderboegh’s words will turn out to be prescient.

But even as staunch an anti-communist as I am now — as hard-nosed a supporter of the Founders’ Republic and the Constitution as I have become — I can see that the regime has dealt itself a crippling blow to its own legitimacy. I further note with somber acknowledgement that as bad as this confluence of events is for the country as a whole that it makes our job easier for it confirms everything we have been saying about the regime of both corrupt political parties being destructive of liberty and the rule of law. This will swell our ranks with people who are finally convinced that for the purposes of protecting our liberties, the present system has broken down completely and that the only thing we can count on from this point on is ourselves, alone. And our rifles. I will not celebrate this as a Marxist would but I will give a most sincere, albeit grim, “thank you” to the Supreme Court and the two predatory gangs of a tyrannical regime.

I would add that we can always count on God to honor His promises.  God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7).  His words never change, and will always mean what they have always meant.

Woe To The Nation Whose Religious Teachers Have Become Workers Of Wickedness

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Molly Marshall, Baptist News Global:

This is not the first time a black church has been the target of racial terrorism. Is it because African-American churches are seen as centers of power, where prophetic fire continues to burn for justice? Is it because the black church is outside the control of majority population? Is it because their hospitality, a powerful demonstration of gospel welcome, makes them vulnerable to the machinations of killers?

I have heard too many people suggest that if the pastor had been armed, he could have prevented at least some of the tragic deaths at Mother Emanuel. Perhaps so, but it would mean forfeiting the higher moral ground. I do not believe guns have a place at church.

A more stunning statement of utter disregard for human life (in contrast to God’s view) cannot even be found among the secularists.  She states that even if faced with the situation of saving human lives by the force of arms, she would rather have seen those black churchgoers perish so that she can perch herself on the “higher moral ground.”

Woe to the nation whose religious teachers have become workers of wickedness.

Notes From HPS

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Three important articles, first from Mike Vanderboegh:

So when the reset button gets pushed in the aftermath of the tyrants’ attacks and their defeat, they lose it all. Everything. Every tool of our oppression. This is something they should think about before they rouse their own people to righteous anger. They will lose everything they hold most dear — their power over us, their position, their appetite for our liberty, our property and our lives. That is what “reset” means to them in the context of the civil war they are determined to have. Everything.

Good point.  This is related to another article Mike penned concerning legitimacy, which will get some attention from me momentarily.

David Codrea, whos has a new gig with TTAG:

The way things are, there’s not much more hotel management can do besides offer condolences over their dead and wounded guests, stay in touch with authorities and report any findings to the public.

Hey, as long as the government feels safe from accountability from its citizens, everything is cool.  After all, that’s the reason for gun control.

Kurt Hofmann:

His criticism of those who invest in weapons manufacture is especially puzzling. Anyone, after all, who purchases a weapon could fairly be said to have invested in the manufacture of them. And as it turns out, the Pontifical Swiss Guard, who defend the Vatican and its most famous resident, are lavishly equipped with some pretty hefty investments in Sig-Sauer, Heckler & Koch, Steyr Mannlicher, and Glock semi-automatic handguns, personal defense weapons, assault rifles, and submachine guns, not to mention whomever manufactures the swords, halberds, and other more traditional weapons carried by his guards.

So, will the Vatican be melting all those guns and blades down, to be remanufactured into farming implements, or something similarly non-martial? If not, who is the real hypocrite here, Your Holiness?

Kurt turns his usual logical incisiveness towards the Vatican.  I saw all of that too, including the Pope’s ridiculous dive into AGW (which is just a massive global wealth redistribution campaign).  The pope is a clown.  I would care if I was Roman Catholic, but I’m not.  Kurt made just one mistake in the article – he called the pope “Your Holiness.”  There’s nothing holy about him.  Anyone who claims to be the vicar of Christ deserves the same condemnation the reformers gave him.  Gun control is just one more thing the pope will be accountable for before God.

Do Not Ever Shoot A Gun This Way

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

She’s addressed as “commander” in the video, which comes from Rio de Janeiro.

She’s holding the gun limp-wristed, apparently has two fingers on the trigger, and presumably has never shot a gun in her life.  Here is a picture of me shooting my XDm .45 in Pickens, S.C.  Notice the stiff arms, forward stance, and position of my two hands.

2013B 108

Or if you wish, Jerry Miculek or Rob Leatham can teach you better than can I.  Just seek someone out who knows more than you do before you ever attempt to discharge a firearm the way she did.

So When Is The Right Time To Talk About Guns?

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Andrew Heller:

They hadn’t yet caught the person who murdered nine people in their own church in Charleston, South Carolina, and gun defenders were already telling the TV cameras, “Now is not the time to debate gun control.”

So when is the time? After his trial? After the next full moon? After the next slaughter? Or the one after that? Or the one after that?

The truth is it’s never the right time in this country to talk about guns or racism or the mentally ill, or why a toxic stew of all three so often leads to mayhem.

And that’s why nothing changes. Ever. Not after two disenfranchised high school punks murder their classmates. Not after a nut shoots up a midnight movie, killing 12. Not even after 20 children and six staff are slaughtered in their classrooms.

Nothing, no matter how horrific, moves us off the dime, which makes us cowards, fools or both.

It’s infuriating. And I frankly don’t understand it. Why do we accept this? Because the NRA says we have to? That’s crazy.

Oh Andrew, you’ve fallen for the claptrap hook, line and sinker.  The NRA has nothing to do with it.  We talk about guns here virtually every day, including the day of the shooting or thereabouts.  We’re not afraid to engage in a little truth-telling in these parts.

So if we’re going to have a conversation about guns, you and I, let’s get a few boundary conditions set up front.  We will never comply with weapons confiscations schemes.  We will also never comply with universal background check schemes, or bans against certain kinds of weapons.  None of that will be voluntary on our part.

That means that any of the schemes I strongly suspect you advocate will be met with civil war and blood will run on the sidewalks and in the streets.  I’m guessing you didn’t know that, or if you did you’re okay with it.  So now that nicety is out of the way, I’ll let you fire the first volley – pardon the pun if you will.

God’s Response To Violence

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 9 months ago

Josh Sandburn:

Many pastors argue that arming congregants goes against religious teachings of non-violence and that guns have no place in a place of worship. Many states, including South Carolina, specifically prohibit guns in church. “The presence of a cross in our sanctuary reminds us that God’s response to violence is never greater violence,” Pastor Baron Mullis of Atlanta’s Morningside Presbyterian Church told WGCL-TV. “This is a place of peace. … This is not a place for guns.”

Ridiculous.  God demands violence as a response to threats on our person because of the fact that man is created in God’s image and life is to be preserved.  It is our solemn duty.  Mullis only says those things because he thinks of Jesus as a Bohemian hippie flower child rather than the creator and master of all things.

So although I tire of the constant duty of having to remind everyone of the error, to use Professor John Frame’s analysis, Pastor Mullis makes the error of assigning a single attribute to God’s character.  He uses an “exclusive reduction” to describe God rather than using His attributes as an “emphasizing reduction” (in this case it’s peace).

“God is love” is a truism, but that isn’t the only thing God is.  He is also justice, wrath, anger, righteousness, and so on.  Pastor Mullis is advised to re-study his systematic theology.  This time he should use a meaningful and worthwhile textbook rather than the crap he apparently used in seminary.

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