North Carolina Sheriffs Align Themselves With Gun Control Groups
BY Herschel Smith
Gabby Giffords’s super PAC is dropping six-figures into an ad buy in an effort to keep would be gun owners in North Carolina buying gun permits beforehand.
The group, Americans for Responsible Solutions, is coming out swinging with its television ad against a gun reform bill, HB 562, currently in the state House’s Rules, Calendar, and Operations committee that would end the current process of obtaining a Pistol Purchase Permit (PPP), from their local sheriff before one could buy a handgun.
Critics of the scheme contend that it is an outdated process and that current federal background checks more than replace the antiquated system. They further argue that the permit law has racist origins from the Jim Crow-era and was originally designed to deprive African Americans of the right to keep and bear arms.
However, gun control groups would disagree, calling the proposed change dangerous.
They have joined with the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association, a former member of which appears in the ARS ad.
“As a sheriff for 28 years, I fought to keep our communities safe. But right now, some in the legislature want to repeal background checks on handguns. This will make it easier for criminals and the mentally ill to get guns,” says former Sheriff Wayne Gay of Wilson County. “When Missouri repealed their background check system, homicides shot up. I need your help. Tell the folks in Raleigh we need to keep background checks.”
Besides the ad buy from the Giffords group, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety group and Moms Demand Action have done polling and purchased their own set of ad as well as hosted legislative lobby days and reached out through social media to keep North Carolina from repealing the background check requirement.
There is more at Fox8:
Instead buyers would only have to go through a federal background check.
It’s a type of screening local sheriffs say should be left to local government.
“It’s a more efficient and more thorough way to check,” said Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page.
It’s always best when collectivists self-identify. It prevents us from having to do the hard labor of proving the point. Congratulations to the Sheriffs of North Carolina, who have apparently sided with the likes of Michael Bloomberg and Jennifer Mascia (see here and here for Jennifer). How does that make you feel? You and Jennifer, common sympathies, world view and interests.
Good grief. Just good grief.
On June 15, 2015 at 2:11 am, Geoffry K said:
“It’s a more efficient and more thorough way to check,” said Rockingham County Sheriff Sam Page.
Yeah, right. NICS take only a few seconds to a few minutes if there is no adverse information on the buyer to allow a sale. The Sheriff can sit on it or deny the PPP for any reason, just because.
On June 15, 2015 at 10:11 am, Ned Weatherby said:
Local Sheriffs align with Bloomberg to quash voter’s natural rights. In sum, the local sheriffs align themselves with billionaire oligarch Prozis, to the detriment of the hoi-polloi.
But one can bet that most of the citizens of their counties know who won on Dancing with the Stars, but don’t know crap about this “little” matter.
On June 15, 2015 at 11:12 am, Archer said:
“When Missouri repealed their background check system, homicides shot up.”
Citation needed, Sheriff.
When Florida passed its infamous “Stand Your Ground” (a.k.a. no duty to retreat) and self-defense immunity laws, justifiable homicides increased, but criminal homicides decreased by a greater amount. That is, overall homicides went down, even with justifiable homicides rising.
Let’s spell this out in terms even the “good sheriff” can understand:
Criminal homicides down == A Good Thing (TM).
Justifiable homicides up == fewer bad guys doing bad things and fewer good people being unduly punished == A Good Thing (TM).
A Good Thing (TM) + Another Good Thing == Awesomesauce.
On June 15, 2015 at 10:24 pm, dan said:
Recall and fire them all…that do not honor their oath to the Constitution and their office….imho
On June 15, 2015 at 10:47 pm, VonZorch Imperial Researcher said:
Komrad Komissars Gay and Page are doubtless most concerned about the reduction in graft the proposed new law will cause.
On June 17, 2015 at 12:30 pm, Ryan said:
Have you ever heard of a government that banned it’s own ARMED FORCES from “Keeping and Bearing” ARMS?
Find one government in the history of humanity that felt a need to document a “RIGHT” for it’s ARMED FORCES to possess ARMS.
The claim that the Government wrote the 2nd Amendment to give Our ARMED FORCES a “right” to carry ARMS is S-T-U-P-I-D.
The only reason for the Second Amendment is to clearly spell-out the GOD GIVEN RIGHT of INDIVIDUALS to keep & bear ARMS.
The only reason for the BILL(list) of RIGHTS was to codify INDIVIDUALS’ GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.
Has there ever been a government that was not chock full of it’s “rights” up to and including declaring itself to be the Lord God Almighty?!
Does the 1st Amendment mean the GOVERNMENT is allowed to give speeches? Try shutting up any Government.
Anyone who tells you the 2nd Amendment applies to the Army or State Militia, is telling you they think you are STUPID.
There has NEVER been a government that felt it had to codify it’s army’s/soldier’s “RIGHT” to “Keep and BEAR ARMS” because there has NEVER been a government that refused to allow It’s own soldiers to KEEP and BEAR ARMS!
On June 17, 2015 at 12:33 pm, Ryan said:
Kelly was BRIBED with more Space Station time — bastard wants guns for HE but none for THEE.
On June 17, 2015 at 6:51 pm, trigon500 said:
Right, we all know how many of our daily shootings (by Blacks) are the result of “not having good back ground checks at the point of sale”.
Uh huh…
Mass defiance of illegal gun laws will kill any (democrat) control freak’s agenda of rendering us defenseless.
Just look at what happened in the blue states of CT & NY after the gun grab psyop called Sandy Hoax; locals showed up at meeting outraged at the proposed gun bans & essentially told the deputy’s “come & try to take them!”.
Good luck disarming TX, FL (the most concealed carry holders in the US), LA, GA, etc.
On June 18, 2015 at 7:33 am, Darkwing said:
It is all about control, the Gestapo want to control even if it is a backdoor way.