Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 7 months ago
Three important articles, first from Mike Vanderboegh:
So when the reset button gets pushed in the aftermath of the tyrants’ attacks and their defeat, they lose it all. Everything. Every tool of our oppression. This is something they should think about before they rouse their own people to righteous anger. They will lose everything they hold most dear — their power over us, their position, their appetite for our liberty, our property and our lives. That is what “reset” means to them in the context of the civil war they are determined to have. Everything.
Good point. This is related to another article Mike penned concerning legitimacy, which will get some attention from me momentarily.
David Codrea, whos has a new gig with TTAG:
The way things are, there’s not much more hotel management can do besides offer condolences over their dead and wounded guests, stay in touch with authorities and report any findings to the public.
Hey, as long as the government feels safe from accountability from its citizens, everything is cool. After all, that’s the reason for gun control.
His criticism of those who invest in weapons manufacture is especially puzzling. Anyone, after all, who purchases a weapon could fairly be said to have invested in the manufacture of them. And as it turns out, the Pontifical Swiss Guard, who defend the Vatican and its most famous resident, are lavishly equipped with some pretty hefty investments in Sig-Sauer, Heckler & Koch, Steyr Mannlicher, and Glock semi-automatic handguns, personal defense weapons, assault rifles, and submachine guns, not to mention whomever manufactures the swords, halberds, and other more traditional weapons carried by his guards.
So, will the Vatican be melting all those guns and blades down, to be remanufactured into farming implements, or something similarly non-martial? If not, who is the real hypocrite here, Your Holiness?
Kurt turns his usual logical incisiveness towards the Vatican. I saw all of that too, including the Pope’s ridiculous dive into AGW (which is just a massive global wealth redistribution campaign). The pope is a clown. I would care if I was Roman Catholic, but I’m not. Kurt made just one mistake in the article – he called the pope “Your Holiness.” There’s nothing holy about him. Anyone who claims to be the vicar of Christ deserves the same condemnation the reformers gave him. Gun control is just one more thing the pope will be accountable for before God.
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