Onward Christian Soldiers?
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 6 months ago
Baghdad (AFP) – With wooden crosses around their necks and others tattooed on their arms, several dozen Iraqi Christians are training to recapture their homes overrun by the Islamic State jihadist group.
A year ago, IS launched a fierce offensive in northern Iraq, quickly capturing second city Mosul, with its large Christian minority, and Christian-populated areas in the surrounding Nineveh province.
Residents were given the choice of converting to Islam, paying a tax to continue practising their faith, or death.
Thousands fled, but some want to fight back, and are now training at a military base near the Baghdad airport.
They have Shiite Muslim fighters instructing them on how to use their Kalashnikov assault rifles and on the basics of combat manoeuvres, but they are vocal in their Christianity on parade, chanting Ya Mariam (O Mary) in cadence as they march in a salute to the mother of Jesus.
“We heard that the Christians had an opportunity for jihad (holy war), and we all came and volunteered,” said 17-year-old Chaldean Christian Frank Samir.
“Our children are dying; our Christian families were displaced. How do we ourselves accept that people say the Christians are not fighting? On the contrary, we want to fight everywhere,” he said.
I applaud his efforts and spirit, but I say again, “Christians are not fighting.” This is a pitiful contribution to self defense, this “several dozen” fighters. ISIS should have run into a buzz saw, a veritable hail of bullets, when they attempted to drive the Christians from Mesopotamia. The same goes for the Sunni or Shia Islamists.
Hundreds of thousands of Christians is quite enough to lay the smack down on even a large number of jihadists. The several dozen Christians who are willing to go to war doesn’t speak well of the state of Christianity in the Middle East. They won’t win this way. They will only queue up more pain and suffering for their women and children – pain and suffering that didn’t have to be if they would simply fight back for faith and family.
On July 6, 2015 at 5:44 am, DAN III said:
“Christians are not fighting”
Is this any different than the Jews of Hitler’s Third Reich refusing to organize & oppose Adolf Hitler’s attack against them ?
My biggest concern for what has become the former USA, is that American gun owners are not going to oppose a soetoro-obama “order” to “turn ’em all in”. We are not organized and we are not training for what is assuredly coming down the pike. Witness the failure of firearms owners to openly rebel against Cuomo’s NY State S.A.F.E. Act. Yes, the bulk refused to comply but they did so like the Jews of the Third Reich….hiding. Hiding their weapons, magazines and ammo like the common criminals Cuomo has turned law-abiding citizens into.
All the refusals to not comply, all the voting for the lesser of two evils, all the effort by some to abandon their homes, jobs, and families in order to move to an allegedly “free state”, pleading with the “elected elites”, bi-partinsanship, will NOT stop the accelerating attack by government and it’s inherent tyranny, against Freedom-loving citizens. Only pain will stop the attack. Financial pain, physical pain or a combination of the two, are the only things the statists/collectivists/Marxists/ruling elites will understand.
I fear America’s Patriots will just roll over like the Jews of Hitler’s Germany.
I hope I’m wrong.
On July 6, 2015 at 8:15 am, Cal S. said:
Lots of prayers heading their way!
On August 4, 2015 at 9:09 am, hal said:
Obama’s disgraceful and criminal lack of support for Christians caught in the sandbox war zones adds to the long list of evidence that he is a Muslim and a terrorist. Remember that the State Department opens the doors to tens of thousands of Muslims, and at the same time blocks Christians seeking asylum. And these Muslims have never been investigated for being terrorists or terrorist supporters. Sadly, the Pope, the worlds “de-facto” Christian leader has also ignored the plight of Christians, instead making friends with the Palestinian Terror groups, and spreading the Popes version of Communism any where he can. On the home front, America’s military has turned against Christian Chaplains, and any form of open Christianity among the troops. A blind man could see that Obama is setting the pace for Anti-Christian doctrine within the US Government. I see a time very near now, when Obama goes hyper active in his plan to turn the US into his personal Communist kingdom, and if not Obama, it will be another Democrat Traitor president. This is why I believe that the US as a free and democratic republic will end if Democrats have their way. Americans have lost more freedoms and rights to privacy, and bear greater unjust taxation than the Colonists did. And the Colonists went to war against their government over it. The real question is: Will Americans follow in the footsteps of their Colonial Militia brothers and fight to save the Republic, or will the people remain passive sheep and walk to the Communist gas chambers that Obama has constructed for them?