Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 5 months ago
Sanders’ idea of the “middle” would also ban semi-automatic, detachable magazine-fed rifles–popularly, if inaccurately, referred to as “assault weapons”–and the “high capacity” (gun ban zealot-speak for “standard capacity”) magazines that feed them. This is the “middle”? Sending people to prison for buying the most popular class of centerfire rifles in America is his idea of respecting the rights of gun owners? Prison time for buying an 11-round magazine is the “compromise” he wants to sell us? Outlawing the most useful arms for defense of one’s home, one’s life, one’s family, and one’s liberty is part of the give-and-take he proposes?
Here’s the key. He is “proposing” it. When hundreds of thousands perished attempting to enforce such a ban, he would have to reverse course. The mistake they make is assuming that we will go quietly into the night and give up our rights. There isn’t the slightest chance of that happening.
It would help if we knew what protections equivalent to those provided in a jury trial that will provide. Specifically, will decisions rely on those who may have biases of their own, as can currently be the case, with ATF’s “clarifying the term ‘adjudicated as a mental defective’ to mean a determination by a court, board, commission or other lawful authority,” and with some states applying even broader “standards”?
Yea, but it would help even more if Cornyn were to fall off the face of the earth.
Mike Vanderbogh on recent events in Ferguson. And he links what might be the greatest extemporaneous speech I’ve ever heard.
The latest on the sex and death cult called Islam. Well, it’ll keep happening until someone puts a .45 230 grain fat boy into their belly and watches them bleed out. And then does it to all his buddies too.
On August 11, 2015 at 11:38 am, Bobbye said:
Men already know not to go to a psychiatrist if they want to own guns. This wisdom will trickle down to teens.
On August 11, 2015 at 12:47 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Headline on link above: “ISIS executes 19 girls for refusing to have sex with fighters as UN envoy reveals how sex slaves are ‘peddled like barrels of petrol'”
What?! Are they out of goats, sheep, camels and little boys?