Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 5 months ago
A legal response filed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives claims a Freedom of Information Act-related complaint improperly targets them. “The ATF is not an ‘agency’ within the meaning of the F.O.I.A., 5 U.S.C. § 552 (f) (1), and is, therefore, not a proper party defendant,” the response claims . . .
The complaint, filed June 23 in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, seeks an order to compel the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to comply with a Freedom of Information Act request filed in March and ignored in violation of federal law. The FOIA sought copies of policies and rulings relied on in enforcement and determination actions.
The complaint was filed by Tucson attorney David T. Hardy. Plaintiffs include this correspondent, firearms designer and president of Historic Arms, LLC, Len Savage, and the FFL Defense Research Center. The information, as noted in the announcement of the lawsuit, is being sought to ensure consistency in rulings, policies and compliance enforcement.
This is what happens when Congress enables unaccountable totalitarians to enforce their laws. Congress turns out to be pathetic little pussies, and the totalitarians shove everyone around, including Congress. Do you need any more to convince you that the ATF needs to go? No, not to give their functions to the FBI. Just go away and never come back in any manifestation or form at all. Pink slips for everyone – or option two – pack you bags for the border boys. You’re going to be walking a beat at the line to see if any of those guns you sold to the cartels gets used against you.
Mike Vanderboegh needs to talk to some good reloaders. That list would not include me, but I have looked for a .45 carbine before. Didn’t find anything that interested me. The advantage, of course, is that I shoot a lot of .45 and it’s nice to minimize calibers in your gun safe.
Bear attack and resultant human fatality. I just can’t say it enough, folks. When you go into the wild, carry guns, big sticks (trekking poles) and knives.
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