I feel for those who need a gun to feel equal. Like smokers and winos and vaccine resisters, they can’t help needing that feeling they need
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 3 months ago
Yes, the right to carry a gun is a civil liberty, constitutionally protected. But whatever their other uses, firearms also are a lot like liquor and pornography and tobacco.
“Guns,” he said bluntly, “are a vice.”
The majority of guns are being bought by a minority, just as a majority of porn is bought by a minority of users and a majority of cigarettes are bought by a minority of addicts. Only about 6 percent of Americans hunt, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, so these gun fans aren’t arming themselves to shoot groundhogs. Nor are they addressing some practical issue of public safety or government oppression; aside from all these mass shootings, this is one of the safest, most open democracies on the planet. So why are people hoarding assault rifles and military-grade weapons?
Why? What inner imperative is this accumulation of firepower serving? What imagined inequality is being compensated for?
I feel for those who need a gun to feel equal. Like smokers and winos and vaccine resisters, they can’t help needing that feeling they need.
My oldest son Josh sends this concerning the article above.
The juxtaposition presented by the reading of this article back-to-back with the one about the porosity of our southern border highlights the irrational, incoherent, emotionally derived worldview of these people.“Ban guns! Keep the border open!”But I just watched five Mexicans literally swim across the border and toss drugs into the back of an Explorer……Also notice the incessant reflection on how things “feel,” and the continuing push to make all language and ideas equal, abusing and commandeering heavy concepts such as infringement of life and liberty. It’s the same thing these people are doing with the word “racist,” and pushing fat acceptance and gender identification. Now guns are a vice, being categorized as substance abuse. It’s insane.These people are the products of the hippie generation. They are not thinking men and women.That they are afforded the luxury of publishing their half-baked drivel for others to read exactly because many someones have picked up a gun and performed the killing of those needing it escapes them entirely.These are not thinking people.
Concerning this same issue, reader Mack sends these comments by Dennis Prager.
The third reason for the left-right divide on guns is that the two sides ask different questions when formulating social policies. The right tends to ask, “Does it do good?” The left is more likely to ask, “Does it feel good?”
To liberals it feels good to declare a college a “gun-free zone.” Does it do good? Of course not. It does the opposite. It informs would-be murderers that no one will shoot them.
On gun violence, the left doesn’t ask, “What does good?” It asks, “What feels good?” It feels good to call for more gun laws. It enables liberals to feel good about themselves; it makes the right look bad; and it increases government control over the citizenry. A liberal trifecta.
One thing that would make incomparably more difference than more gun laws is more fathers, especially in the great majority of shooting murders …
You fill in with your own observations.
On October 9, 2015 at 5:10 am, Seerightthere! said:
So if I’m reading this far left book burner correctly she wants to ban anything that scares her.
On October 9, 2015 at 2:14 pm, Jack Crabb said:
It has been my contention for quite some time that those on the left truly are not only unwilling, but actually unable to use facts, logic and reason to form a cogent argument. Everything with them is “But I Feeeeeeeeeeeel…”
I am beginning to come to the conclusion that liberalism really is a mental disorder.
On October 9, 2015 at 6:09 pm, Renov8 said:
It is a recognized disorder. The problem is trying to institutionalize all of them is pretty damn expensive…..just saying…….maybe they should all take a long walk on a short pier.
On October 9, 2015 at 3:31 pm, Pat Hines said:
While I’m sure that a large portion of the Marxist/progressives are unthinking twits, I disagree that most of them are like that.
Most that I know about are vicious, controlling, activists that would not hesitate to put gun owners in camps.
Further, take a look at the group that nearly every organization that is part of the Gun Confiscation Lobby is a part of, the Tribe. The Tribe wants to destroy Western, Christian civilization and is well on their way in Europe. The Tribe hates the south and southerners with a white hot passion; we’re both the bastion of Christendom in the US and among the most heavily armed. That’s why many gun owners are painted as toothless, redneck, hillbillies.
We’d all be better off to see individual members of the Gun Confiscation Lobby as the vicious, conniving people that they are.
On October 9, 2015 at 3:39 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I think you make good points Pat.
On October 9, 2015 at 6:13 pm, Renov8 said:
Ever see a Liberal have a complete melt down hissy fit? I have and it is a pure unadulterated pleasure to watch.
On October 9, 2015 at 9:44 pm, dr1776 said:
Please explain to me then how this small minority keeps wiping the anti-2nd amendment candidates out at election time? Every time they show their true colors.
On October 10, 2015 at 9:03 am, Justsomeguy said:
One of the reasons I maintain firearms is that people keep trying to tell me I live in a democracy. Democracies scare the hell out of me and I aim to keep Benjamin Franklins’ Republic.