Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
She was one of the celebrity signatories of a Handgun Control, Inc. (that’s what the Brady Campaign called itself before they figured it would be smarter to hide their true intentions) “Open Letter to the NRA.” She’s fine with using the coercive power of the state (meaning they can shoot you if you disobey them) to impose gun and magazine bans, one-gun-a-month limits and waiting periods, just so long as her precious hindquarters are protected.
Case in point: when an “undocumented” intruder attempted to “migrate” to her property some years back, he wasn’t greeted with unconditional love. He wasn’t treated with dignity and respect.
Madonna’s armed security shot him.
As long as the horrible knuckle-dragging, mouth breathing monkeys do the work of stopping the bad people, she can be free to do the moral preening at our expense. LEOs and security guards understand that’s how the elite see you, don’t you? Knuckle-dragging monkeys. They don’t respect you.
Marco Rubio is a globalist. But we knew that already. The reason he had to “change his position” is because it was unpopular with the electoral base. The reason he didn’t think that way to begin with is that he never really believed what the electoral base believes.
Mark Steyn on saddy-saddy-sadcakes.
Mexican cartel gunmen cross the border into Texas and disappear. You didn’t think ISIS was the most immediate threat to the safety of your family, did you?
Twitter wasted no time recirculating Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s infamous post-Charlie Hebdo shooting tweet which said, “Isn’t it interesting that the tragedy in Paris took place in one of the toughest gun control countries in the world?”
While Trump was getting blasted (again) for that tweet, The Daily Beast posited that getting AK-47s into France, a country with hugely restrictive gun laws, most likely came though in the black market in Eastern Europe where “a Kalashnikov or a rocket launcher can be acquired for as little as 300 to 700 Euros.”
But what about here in the U.S.? If terrorists here wanted to buy guns, would they be able to?
The short answer: Probably, yes.
Yea, it’s another one of those articles. Listen, collectivists. A man intent on getting a gun will always be able to get a gun. Or steal one. Or make one. Gun control doesn’t work with terrorists and criminals. But you knew that already, didn’t you? That isn’t why you want gun control, is it?
On November 17, 2015 at 6:34 am, Jeff Fisher said:
I can’t remember the last time we saw RPGs, full-auto weapons and grenades (actual military weapons) being used for mass shootings in the U.S.
You barely see them anywhere, unless it’s in Europe, the Middle East or Mexico. You know, places with “good” gun-control laws.
Seriously. When’s the last time you saw a grenade used to attack someone in the U.S?
What about an RPG?
Any full-auto? (I don’t mean the “scary black guns”, idiot gun-controllers) I mean an actual fully automatic weapon.
It’s almost as though these REAL military weapons are easier to get in Europe and Mexico. Ironic, considering that there haven’t been real gun rights in Europe or Mexico for decades, if not centuries.
Good job you statist fools. I’m sure you’re tripping all over yourselves to import some jihadists so we can join our European brothers in their suffering. I’m afraid that it’ll be fun for the whole family.
On November 19, 2015 at 3:45 pm, Jack Crabb said:
“Good job you statist fools. I’m sure you’re tripping all over yourselves to import some jihadists so we can join our European brothers in their suffering.”
Yup, seems more and more like it from the drivel that continues to spew forth from the HNIC.