Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 1 month ago
True to form, and consistent with Rahm Emanuel’s advocacy to never let a serious crisis go to waste, citizen disarmament swindlers and other totalitarian lobby shills have taken to social and “regular” media to lay blame for Friday’s Colorado Planned Parenthood murders on groups that stand in the way of their goals. Those include gun owners, right to life activists, Republicans, Christians, white males, and others “progressives” view as impediments and threats to their objective of total control.
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… he may be a peeping tom/cruel to animals … [and apparently doesn’t understand gender differences].
See also Mike Vanderboegh’s comments. Look folks, this is a broken record. The next criminal who wields a gun is the justification du jure for more control over people who didn’t do the act, wouldn’t do the act, who could be reliably depended upon to stop people who do the act. It matters not to the controllers, and it needs to matter not to us. Molon labe.
I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving. I know I did. I appreciate it as being not just some amorphous holiday to be thankful to who knows what or who knows who for whatever, but to a sovereign God to has favored us with His kind providence.
David Codrea’s thanksgiving essay is here.
Fast-forward to present-day Boston, a place of sacred tradition, the literal forge for our heritage of individual liberty. Except Boston is now a place where traditions have been betrayed. Its current overlords have succeeded in disarming the whole people in a way that General Gage could never have conceived possible.
So successful have these rulers been that the city that gave us Sam Adams and Paul Revere is now a city under siege, and this is fittingly ironic if you think about it, by wild turkeys. So helpless and hapless are Boston’s modern-day patriots, they can do little except retreat from the aggressive gobblers, escape, hole up and plead for rescue from the very authorities that enforce public impotence.
Read it all. Well, my reaction is that I would be surprised if the king’s men don’t hunt them down, since it is, after all, the king’s royal forest and men can only hunt by permission of the king.
Mike Vanderboegh links Strategy Page on the proliferation of personal defense weapons. I haven’t developed a strong opinion on the value of these guns (or for that matter, pistol-caliber carbines). I would be interested in reader reaction and opinion.
Seventeen people, allegedly belonging to specialised committees of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, were arrested Friday on charges of planting two explosive devices and attempting to block rain drainage in Alexandria.
The Interior Ministry said, in an official statement, one bomb exploded near the Al-Atareen police station, but the other one was defused before exploding in the same area.
The statement added that defendants dumped a cement mixture into the drainage canals to block the water and cause floods, consequently causing the repeated flooding in the city. The cabinet allocated EGP 6bn to maintain drainage infrastructure in Alexandria and Beheira in a bid to contain the damages resulting from the floods.
The drying of concrete is an exothermic reaction, one that occurs chemically rather than thermodynamically. In other words, the presence of water doesn’t stop the drying of concrete. This is a clever ploy to cause damage and vandalize infrastructure. See how easy it is to cause terrorism? The existence of a relatively peaceful America is a consequence of it having been primarily a Christian nation, with men who observed Biblical law towards other men.
As John Adams observed, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” I don’t consider Muslims in that category “moral and religious,” since it is a political religion intended for domination over other men, crafted by a pedophile for keeping his band of warlords and fighters together.
On December 1, 2015 at 2:08 pm, Archer said:
I don’t consider Muslims in that category “moral and religious,” since
it is a political religion intended for domination over other men,
crafted by a pedophile for keeping his band of warlords and fighters
Agreed. The absolute best way to keep a rag-tag group of violent misfits who hate each other as much as anyone else working together, is to promise (and deliver) to them the spoils of conquest.
So that’s precisely what Mohammed and the Koran did.