Active Shooter Drills Are Worthless
BY Herschel Smith
At first, Dorothy Vong assumed it was a drill — just like all the others at her work.
At the Inland Regional Center, where she’s a nurse, the staff works with clients and parents of clients who are sometimes angry. They have active-shooter drills every month or so.
“Drill started,” she texted her husband, Mark, around 11 a.m.
She walked to a window nearby and filmed a video as law enforcement sprinted toward the building.
“Oh, that is scary,” a voice says calmly in the background.
“They’re all geared up!” someone else says. “Rifles and everything!”
In the background, someone laughs — they still didn’t know.
Then the reality set in.
She texted her husband again: “Well it’s real.”
And then a few minutes later, another message: “We’re in a locked office.”
Mark Vong said he told his wife to stay calm and not to panic.
“They train for this,” he said, standing outside a police barricade Wednesday afternoon. “They know it’s going to happen.”
Stay calm and trust the police. They will save you. Except we all know now how many people perished in the attack.
I don’t know if I have any liberal readers or if any will stumble upon this post, but let me make an observation you know is true, but simply haven’t faced with all of your gun control.
Active shooter drills are stupid, as is active shooter training in general. Oh, I’ve been through it because my own employer forbids weapons on site. Hide under desks, lock doors, throw potted plants at the shooter (no, I’m not kidding), and all manner of ridiculous, inane, juvenile content and recommendations drowns the participant in this training like so much objectionable vomit.
It’ll never work. None of it ever works. It’s all concocted by the anti-gunners who want people to feel better about coming to work every day, like they can actually do anything about active shooters in the absence of a weapon to stop the shooter.
Your polices and your stupid training are culpable. You hear me? You’re culpable for deaths that have occurred and many more that will occur. Get used to seeing the bloody night time news reports. They’re going to get worse.
On December 3, 2015 at 8:07 am, TexTopCat said:
Good observation by the author. Of course, we all know the quicker the bad guy can be confronted the fewer people will be killed. so when are we going to stop these “No Gun Zones”?
When are we going to stop putting limitations on the good guys so that criminals (and terrorist) have more of an advantage? Just exactly how stupid are we?
On December 3, 2015 at 8:15 am, Michael Schlechter said:
As much as I agree with what you say, Herschel, I still cannot imagine a time when the “leaders” in government acknowledge that it would be better to have an armed populace to address or deter such situations. How do we continue to allow people with so little common sense to ascend to such positions of control?
On December 3, 2015 at 3:40 pm, Archer said:
Pretty simple, really: the people with a modicum of common sense, have the sense to not take on more responsibility than they want or can handle, so they tend to not seek high public office.
It’s been said, and you’ve probably seen/heard it, that anyone desiring political power should automatically be disqualified from getting it. The that fact they want such power over others is a massive red flag indicating they shouldn’t be allowed to have it.
Once upon a time, holding a political office wasn’t fashionable. Elections weren’t pageants, and winning was serious business. It was a calling, a duty — something you did out of a sense of responsibility to yourself and your community. I, for example, don’t want the power associated with public office, but as nobody at any level of government representing my community is reducing our taxes or defending our rights (any of them; not just RKBA), I’m considering running anyway. If the people in office aren’t doing their job (as I see it) and nobody else will step up, then it becomes my responsibility to try to do it myself.
Just my $0.02.
On December 3, 2015 at 4:07 pm, Michael Schlechter said:
Yeah, I guess I already knew all that. I didn’t mean to sound naive. I just still find it hard to believe how inattentive, foolish and uninformed the average “citizen” can be. And, to paraphrase the inimitable George Carlin – that means half the “citizens” are even more inattentive, foolish and uninformed.
On December 3, 2015 at 11:17 am, Fred said:
Sir, Those whom you address are not liberal but of course you know this already.
Those in the 13 states that demanded the Bill or Rights were liberal. Thomas Jefferson was liberal. The Bill of Rights itself is liberal. In summery; pray to God or not any way you want or not, say what you like, defend yourself, .gov get off my back and stay off my back, we the people and the states retain all but the enumerated power granted. Liberal, Liberal, Liberal. The 10 commandments are liberal. In summery; Love God, love your neighbor, honor your family, don’t cheat and steal and lie. Liberal, Liberal, Liberal. Jesus Christ is liberal. In summery; Follow me or enjoy your time in hell, Believe on me or don’t. It’s your choice. Liberal, Liberal, Liberal.
Those addressed above are not liberal. They are top down, centralized, authoritarian command and control freaks that are sending our swarms of little; know it all, bureaucrats to eat out our substance ostensibly for our own good. Not liberal, Not liberal, NOT liberal. (Note to Baby Bush fake conservatives – nationalizing the banking and insurance industries is NOT conservative either. It’s banana republic Marxism.)
Hide under the desk indeed. What kind of man tells another man that he must seek permission to defend himself but since he says no you must hide under your desk. Even worse – what kind of man seeks another man’s permission to defend himself and his family?
I hope that those addressed are reading this post and I hope that they read this comment because I know what you are and I know that your boss is the author of death and deceit. Check this – I am at liberty where with Christ Jesus hath set me free! I will not surrender my weapons. Roger that? I will not get on the cattle car! Your move.