The San Bernardino Terrorist Attack Is God’s Fault
BY Herschel Smith9 years, 1 month ago
Kos is blaming republicans, but better still, others are blaming God.
As yet another mass shooting claimed the lives of 14 people Wednesday in San Bernardino, Calif., a familiar refrain echoed from the lips of politicians: Pray.
But for many fed up with the now seemingly routine shootings and the resulting inaction from each over how to stop another tragedy, pleas to God weren’t enough anymore.
That was the sentiment New York’s Daily News proclaimed on its cover Thursday. With the headline blaring, “God Isn’t Fixing This,” the tabloid highlighted the tweets of GOP politicians, each asking for prayer following the shooting at an office party at the Inland Regional Center.
“Prayers aren’t working,” the paper wrote. “White House hopefuls on the Democratic side of the aisle called for stricter gun laws in the wake of the shooting. … But after yet another mass shooting in America, GOP presidential contenders were conspicuously silent on the issue of gun control. Instead, the Republicans were preaching about prayer.”
This is just rich. So it’s God’s fault because prayers aren’t working. The comments at NPR are even better. They range from frustration, to confusion, to atheistic ramblings about prayer to make-believe characters.
Look, having studied apologetics as I have, I would debate anyone on the existence of God, but it would be on my terms and by my rules. Atheists don’t scare me one bit. But trying to persuade someone in unbelief to jettison their lack of belief isn’t the point here.
The notion that we can break God’s holy laws, turn the nation into a melting pot of religious paganism, and turn to the state as the worshipers of Baal did to a statue, and then expect the one true and living God to perform for us like some sort of circus act when the nation utters what it perceives to be an incantation is so ludicrous that it’s amazing anyone believes it.
Bless your heart! So you think God doesn’t hear your prayers? Get used to it. He only knows His sheep, and His sheep know His voice and follow Him.
Put the popcorn in the microwave, take it out and watch the show. The liberals are eating each others’ livers out. This should be fun.
On December 4, 2015 at 10:16 am, Blake said:
If you read the Old Testament the one thing God truly hates above all things is child sacrifice.
The final destruction of America started with Roe v. Wade.
God is patient, but 50 million abortions is likely to wear out His patience.
On December 4, 2015 at 1:16 pm, Fred said:
John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
Why do millions of Americans have this feeling of impending doom? Why are many millions even preparing to the point that it is main stream news and preppers are having conventions to trade ideas and equipment? Why? God is why. Wholly inadequate to the task but by His grace I will non the less attempt to explain so that even the darkness can comprehend.
A partial list – 50 to 55 million dead babies, trade in parts of sacrificed children, Mixing of seed, homosexuality as equal to God given marriage, Idolatry of stuff, idolatry of TV, unjust war, and on and on. But mostly that which is coming for America is due to our unbelief.
You don’t have to be a Christian to know that you can’t kill millions upon millions babies and get away with it. You can’t have “leaders” (both parties) fallen completely into whoring out a nation for personal gain and expect to stay standing. Even as an unbeliever your version of the world has karma or dog eat dog or comes around goes around or survival of the fittest or collective conscience or pattern of life or cause and effect.
Either way it ain’t pretty. The Holy Bible presents a pattern of cause and effect to be learned from whether you believe it’s Holy Word or not. Most of the history of people in the bible is seen as fact and confirmed independently. A partial list of what results from the above behaviors has been – plague, famine, war, pestilence, drought and flood. I have zero doubt these and maybe worse are coming to America if we do not repent. Believe or no, it’s arriving.
You may think you have me fooled but you do not. I know you want this country destroyed. I know what you are and I know that your boss is the author of death and deceit. I know this because I used to be you. Thank you Jesus for your grace.
On December 4, 2015 at 6:52 pm, Fred said:
A securlar translation of John 1:5 for them that still struggle.
“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
On December 4, 2015 at 3:35 pm, Archer said:
In response to tragedy, government actors try to disarm their citizenry, depriving them of their God-given rights.
That’s the Devil’s work, right there.
God is not obligated to assist you in doing the Devil’s work. It’s really that simple.
He might, if He knows that on your current path you will eventually rebuke the Devil and turn back to God, but if you are (literally) Hell-bent on doing harm and won’t be dissuaded, be prepared to have your prayers for help go unanswered.
On December 7, 2015 at 9:59 am, Tom said:
I forget where it is in the Scriptures, but it does say that the prayers of those who refuse to follow his Torah are an abomination. Strong words that I have never forgotten.