Kathleen Parker Is An Imbecile
BY Herschel Smith
Last night on CNN, a panel was discussing an upcoming high feast in our nation’s most practiced religion. I speak, of course, of the Iowa Caucuses and partisan politics. Kathleen Parker is a Pulitzer Prize-winning newspaper columnist who appeared on the panel. Her columns are syndicated nationally by The Washington Post and appear in more than 400 media outlets. So I was stunned that she said something so religiously illiterate, on so many different levels. You can watch it here thanks to Ed Stetzer, who posted it, but she says:
One observation. I don’t know… this seems to have slipped through the cracks a little bit but Ted Cruz said something that I found rather astonishing. He said, you know, “It’s time for the body of Christ to rise up and support me.” I don’t know anyone who takes their religion seriously who would think that Jesus should rise from the grave and resurrect himself to serve Ted Cruz. I know so many people who were offended by that comment. And you know if you want to talk about grandiosity and messianic self-imagery I think he makes Ted Cruz makes Donald Trump look rather sort of like a gentle little lamb.
The author, Mollie Hemingway, goes on to explain that this couldn’t possibly mean that Ted Cruz wants Jesus to rise from the grave to endorse him, because Christians believe Jesus is alive. He is the only risen Lord, King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Death couldn’t defeat him. And of course, all of that is true.
But the most ridiculous assertion made by this idiot, Kathleen Parker, is that Ted Cruz wants the body of Christ to endorse him, as in the literal body of Christ! How such a thing could happen, Kathleen doesn’t say.
Seriously. This was said on national TV, apparently. I’m glad that someone watches this shit because I don’t and from time to time we actually need to know how ignorant people are, especially folk inside the beltway. I do not know who Kathleen Parker is and I don’t read The Washington Post, but it’s a shame that she works in a position of influence.
Of course as most school children know, the “body of Christ” refers to the church. And Kathleen needs to attend Sunday School a bit to ameliorate her ignorance.
On January 13, 2016 at 8:23 pm, gyrwan said:
“I don’t know anyone who takes their religion seriously who would think that Jesus should rise from the grave and resurrect himself to serve Ted Cruz.”
Funny, I think she could have summed it up with the first half of that sentence: “I don’t know anyone who takes their religion seriously.”
On January 13, 2016 at 11:12 pm, Fred said:
Mr. Smith, She is ignorant for sure but I don’t think it was ignorance that was speaking. Reading the transcript I recognize the lies within the larger lie. One would have to study, understand, and know the scripture to say what she said in that manner. No way that’s an accident.There is layer upon layer of apostate heresy, and maybe even a flat out taunt at Christ, in the statement. It is my estimation that It could only have come from the author of lies and I doubt that she was a willing participant in the word selection. What I’m saying may seem strange to many Christians. I know we don’t say what I just wrote in the mainline American church but I don’t care. The bible says what it says. Evil spirits are real. She has no idea how or why she is being tortured daily and why
everything is always half wrong and never gets better. That poor, poor
lady may never know His liberty.