Marco Rubio Tells Us He Never Really Wanted To Be President
BY Herschel Smith
Marco Rubio effectively ends his campaign and informs us that he never really wanted to be president.
Sen. Marco Rubio says people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally but haven’t committed any major crimes could be allowed to stay.
In an interview airing Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” the Florida contender for the Republican presidential nomination said felons shouldn’t be allowed to stay, but those who commit lesser crimes could still qualify. In this interview, he didn’t specify whether those allowed to stay would ever be able to become citizens.
“If you’re a criminal alien, no, you can’t stay. If you’re someone that hasn’t been here for a very long time, you can’t stay,” he said. “I don’t think you’re gonna round up and deport 12 million people.”
Ah, there’s that reflexive, well-trusted, tried and true (or false) red herring. No one has ever suggested that we round up 12 million immigrants and ship them home. The only thing you have to do is make it illegal to hire persons who aren’t citizens, put a few CEOs in prison when they try, and presto, you have an immediate exodus of immigrants.
But they won’t do that because the very reason they want illegals here is to perform work for low wages, the difference being made up by the middle class who pays for health care, SNAP and welfare. It helps those high level managers, VPs, and members of boards to dine in style, go on their junkets and buy those homes on the lake. We all know the gouge. We’re very familiar with it – my daughter is an ER nurse who treats immigrants on a daily basis who use the hospital as their routine medical provider, and they can’t legally be turned away.
The average taxpayer would be hunting for hemp rope and lampposts to hang politicians if they knew the thousands of dollars wasted on expensive tests for low paid workers so that big corporations can turn big profits. But Americans know enough, and that’s why there is open rebellion within the ranks, and why the GOP will cease to exist without fundamental reformation.
As for Rubio, he’s telling us that he never really wanted to be president, and I guess he doesn’t want to be a senator either. Very well. Good riddance.
On January 17, 2016 at 7:51 pm, Fred said:
Free stuff at gunpoint with no way out is the lefts dream. They love to abuse and keep down and oppress. They don’t care about America or the immigrants. They need someone to feel superior too. All they see is ugly and their fondest desire is that we all see it with them, while they hold their noses high, in disdain among themselves, but publicly proclaim the plight they create.