Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
And just to prove he’s willing to sell out freedom of expression and online conduct (the same way “Don’t be evil” Google has done), Facebook, in order to please domestic collectivists every bit as anti-gun as their Chinese counterparts, has implemented a ban on private account gun ads …
As if we needed any more reason to hate Mark Zuckerberg. What a horrible, terrible man. I knew this about him when he designed a business deal that ensured his partner would hold worthless shares, giving him sole ownership of the company. If you have a Facebook account, then so be it. I closed mine out. I won’t judge you, but Mark Zuckerberg is a horrible man (did I say already say that?) and I won’t give him any more power.
From Mike Vanderboegh, here are plans and details of work weekend. I am afraid that I won’t be able to make it due to family and other issues. I had hoped to see Mike in person, but that will have to wait. What I can do, and have done, is donate to assist him and Rosie. You can too, Oh, and don’t forget to pray for him.
The F-35 software is overrun with bugs. Well, I’ve given you a solution before, and I’ll do it again. Shit can the whole idea, this pathetic, overblown, one-size-fits-all super jet that can’t really do anything very well, refurbish the existing fleet of fighters, and buy A-10s. Lots and lots of A-10s.
Where are all the German men? They fell victim to The Alienork way.
Can China copy the U.S. Marine Corps? Ha. They won’t try. They wouldn’t have women in their combat ranks.
On February 1, 2016 at 12:28 pm, Archer said:
FYI, Herschel: your “Where are all the German men?” line links back to the ArsTechnica article about the F-35.
(Feel free to delete this comment.)
On February 1, 2016 at 12:38 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed.