Jihadist Shooter Was Going To Target A Church
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 11 months ago
Via Uncle, this from Dearborn:
Khalil Abu-Rayyan, 21, was being watched by the feds since May 2015.
He was even having online conversations with an undercover FBI agent.
“I tried to shoot up a church one day,” Abu-Rayyan posted. “It’s one of the biggest ones in Detroit. I had it planned out. I bought a bunch of bullets. I practiced reloading and unloading.”
[ … ]
The complaint filed in federal court doesn’t specify which Detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack, only that it was close and could seat 6,000 members.
The complaint quotes Abu-Rayyan saying:
“It’s easy, and a lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church. Plus it would make the news. Everybody would’ve heard. Honestly I regret not doing it. If I can’t do jihad in the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.”
I’m not surprised that this almost occurred in Dearborn, but it could have occurred anywhere. Folks, I’ve covered it until I’m exhausted covering it. Search my religion category for the details of pastors who hate their flocks and would rather see them perish than allow they to carry in worship. Forget that the jihadist doesn’t understand what a church is (the church is the people, the building they meet in is just that – a building, not a church).
This jihadist understands this much. When you attend a worship service, in most liturgies, even ones which are atypical, you are a sitting duck, you and your whole family.
You are sitting down, with people in front of you, people behind you, and people to the side of you. Means of egress, evasion and escape are limited to non-existent. The attention of most people is focused on the front, on one man or a choir, or in the singing of Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs, rather than on potential security threats. This isn’t an argument for not going to worship. This is an argument for going armed, with your head on a swivel.
And no, a few security people armed with BaoFeng UV-5R comms gear and acting ever so earnest cannot stop a shooter. You need to carry in worship. Please, please hear me when I say this. You need to carry in worship. If other people don’t, that heightens your responsibility. If other people are preoccupied, you need to be extra diligent. Please carry guns in worship. And if this is disallowed, make your pastor understand, or do it anyway, or change churches. It’s that important.
On February 9, 2016 at 11:37 am, Ned Weatherby said:
Luckily, our pastor is a gun guy, who has used a gun for defensive purposes. I always carry in church, and so does my wife. I also always sit where I can see the entrance, with plenty of manuevering room. If your pastor doesn’t believe that bad things can happen to good people – especially with the current Islamization of America – I suggest visiting different churches until one finds the proper fit.
On February 9, 2016 at 12:53 pm, Fred said:
Yep – Self defense is a natural right of God. If a pastor doesn’t understand
this it would make me wonder what else he doesn’t understand.
On February 9, 2016 at 1:29 pm, Archer said:
Our pastor isn’t a “gun guy” per se, but he has a solid understanding of the issue. Thus, he doesn’t forbid the responsible carrying of defensive arms during church services or events. Not that he has any right or authority to do so under Oregon law; he simply chooses not to publicly address it.
On February 9, 2016 at 1:03 pm, Ricky Davis said:
I carry EVERY time I’m in church. Every time I’m any where actually. But I whole heartedly agree.