School Janitor Thinks Gun Is Fake, Is Shocked When It Fires A Real Bullet
BY Herschel Smith8 years, 11 months ago
HOMOSASSA, Fla. (WFLA) — School officials have identified the owner of a gun that was found at Rock Crusher Elementary school Tuesday morning.
School staff and detectives found out the gun fell out of a man’s pocket while he was dropping his child off. Roy Caffera said it fell through a hole in his cargo shorts.
When parent Monique Guertin heard about the gun at her child’s school, she panicked. “Yeah, it’s very scary,” Guertin said.
Citrus County school authorities said the weapon was discovered sometime after 8 a.m. in the area where parents drop off their children for a pre-care program in the back of the school.
“A parent noticed the weapon, contacted one of the employees. They came out, secured the weapon. They thought the weapon was a pellet,” Asst. Superintendent Mike Mullen said.
A janitor fired the weapon, trying to discharge the pellets. That’s when he learned it was a pistol.
That’s what I do too when I’m not sure. If I’m not sure whether it’s a gun, I just pick it up and pull the trigger to see if I can dislodge anything in it. If it fires, we all laugh, and laugh, and laugh. As long as no kids get hurt.
On February 22, 2016 at 5:50 am, Michael Schlechter said:
Gee, I don’t know. Generally, when I “secure” a weapon, it’s secure. Sounds like Assistant Supt. Mullen needs a dictionary, or at the very least, a vocabulary refresher. I’d love to see their policy for “securing” a weapon; I can’t imagine that the policy includes pulling the trigger without checking the chamber. And why the janitor? Was the janitor qualified as an “only one”? And, who in God’s name puts a pistol in their pocket without a holster, and then doesn’t notice when it falls out? Is there anyone at Rock Crusher (lol) with enough life experience to prevent episodes like this? What should be even scarier to Ms. Guertin is the fact that people with this attitude of inattentiveness are raising the next generation of this country’s adults.
The argument for sex education in elementary or middle school is that some parents won’t discuss it with their children at home, so the school must act as the parent. Given episodes like this, an argument could certainly be made for gun safety education in elementary school; I suspect that more parents speak to their children about sex ed than about gun safety, so maybe the real adults of the country should start demanding that our school boards teach real “life skills” again, like gun safety and how to balance a checkbook. Even more reasons to avoid public schools. Sorry. Rant over.
On February 22, 2016 at 1:26 pm, Archer said:
Cue the Demanding Moms’ loss of their collective s**t over this “School shooting at Rock Crusher Elementary” in 3… 2… 1….
On February 22, 2016 at 3:20 pm, Fred said:
Hopefully he pointed at the sky because ya know, there’s no kids up there.